Table of Contents


The Center

The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center is licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The Center has a licensed capacity of 96 children. The Center serves children 6 weeks to six years, and is open to WSU students, staff, faculty and alumni.

The Center, located at 3026 E. 21st St. N. is open year-round, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and observes all WSU holidays except fall and spring break. Enrollment is offered full day. The phone number for the center is 316-978-3109.

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Mission Statement

The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center is dedicated to serving the needs of young children by providing a high-quality, culturally diverse early childhood program within a safe, nurturing environment. The Child Development Center encourages, physical, social, emotional, creative and cognitive development of each child through the use of developmentally appropriate practice. The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center is also dedicated to serving the needs of 成人直播 State University students. We provide employment opportunities as well as hands on learning, life skills and educational trainings for students. We offer these to students as a way to introduce them to early childhood education and related degrees.

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It is the philosophy of the 成人直播 State University Child Development Center and its staff that children, their families and society benefit from high-quality early childhood programs. We believe that there is a critical link between a child 's early experiences and later success in life. We believe that you cannot separate child care and education; children learn best through their play, interactions and experiences.

The learning environment at the CDC is structured in such a way as to give the child an opportunity to independently explore, select, create and problem solve. Classrooms are organized around interest centers and play areas that include art, math, science, language arts, blocks, dramatic play and cooking and nutrition. CDC staff plan and facilitate these experiences for the total development of your child. We celebrate cultural diversity and incorporate multicultural perspectives throughout our curriculum.

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Absentee Policy

Staff members are responsible for maintaining regular attendance according to his/her schedule. Whenever a staff member must be absent for illness, family illness, appointments, etc. the following apply:

Obtaining a Substitute

It is the employee 's responsibility to cover his/her entire schedule and responsibilities with an approved sub. It is the Assistant Director 's (Michelle Jarboe) responsibility to keep current and make available to all employees a substitute list. This list can be found in a folder under the TA mailboxes along with the absence request forms and is also sent via email anytime there are corrections or changes. It is also posted on Sling.

Unexcused Absences

An unexcused absence would occur when a Teacher Assistant is not present at the Center during scheduled work hours and has not made arrangements for a substitute or notified the Director, Jillian Hoefer, the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe or the Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe. Three unexcused absences may result in termination. A no call, no show is grounds for immediate termination.

Notifying the Office

It is the employee 's responsibility to notify the office (978-3109) during office hours of your absence and who is covering for you. If the office is closed, you may call/text the Director, Jillian Hoefer, the Administrative Specialist, and Amy Mease the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe. Please notify them of your absence at least one hour prior to your scheduled shift or as soon as you are aware that you will be absent.


Post on sling with the hours and rooms that you need covered. Please tag people who are able to cover in the post. It is then your responsibility to follow up. You may also call/text people. If you are tagged in a post on Sling, you must be responding to that post. Please put this next to an app on your phone that you check daily. Be sure notifications are set to on.

Absence Request Form

It is the employee 's responsibility to submit an absence request form for planned or unplanned absences and to have it approved by the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe (prior to the absence if it is planned). The request form must be placed in Amy 's mailbox for approval. Once she has approved it she will then give it to Michelle for final approval. An absence request form must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance for planned absences. If you have an unexpected absence you must notify Jill, Michelle or Amy, upon returning to the center you must fill out an absent request form.

Red Days

These are in place so that no more than three TA 's are absent on the same day. Red Days mean that you will not be able to be gone that day, so plan accordingly. Please see Michelle on any requested days you want to take off.

Emergency / Serious Illness

If an employee is very ill and feels he/she cannot make the phone calls specified in this policy, he/she should notify the Director, Jillian Hoefer or the Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe and they will assist the employee in finding a substitute. It is unacceptable to have parents, spouses or friends call you in sick or if you are unable to come into work, this will result in an automatic write up.

Nowhere, in any employment, would employers look favorably upon excessive absences or tardiness. In child care and education, an absent teacher or teaching assistant means an interruption in the program and an adjustment for the children. The number of days / hours missed each semester will be included on your evaluation.

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Accident Reports

If a child is injured at the Center, the teacher in charge shall administer first aid and then complete an Accident Report Form describing the injury. An Accident Report Form shall be filled out if: the injury leaves a mark, bump, or cut on the skin; if it involves a burn; any injury involving the head, even if there are no visible signs of the injury; if a child is bitten. The purpose of the form is to notify parents of the injury, how it happened, and what steps we took to administer first aid and to correct (if possible) the circumstances that caused the injury.

A parent must sign the form to acknowledge that he / she is aware of the child 's injury. The original goes to the parent the day of the injury and one copy shall be kept by the Center. The parent shall be notified by phone of the injury if it is a head injury, a bite that breaks the skin, an allergic reaction, and any injury that might need medical attention. If a student assistant is required to complete an Accident Report Form, a lead teacher or administrative staff member must provide an authorizing signature. A parent signature is also required.

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At-Will Employment

Employment in the state of Kansas is considered to be "at-will." The "At-will" relationship
affords the employee the right to resign for any reason. We do, however, hope to provide a work environment which will encourage you to remain with our program.

Likewise, the employer may terminate the relationship at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice. It is further understood that the "At-will" employment relationship may not be altered by any written document or by verbal agreement, unless such alteration is specifically acknowledged in writing and signed by the Director.

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Authorized Adults / Signing In and Out

The arrival and departure of children are extremely important events. Parents develop opinions about the Center, teachers and the program from these interactions. Please greet visitors, parents and children by introducing yourself as they enter your assigned room and acknowledge them when they leave.

Parents must be clocking their child in and out everyday at the front desk. It is also the Teachers/Assistants responsibility to be signing them in and out on the classrooms paper copy.

A parent(s) must designate, in writing, all other adults who may pick up their child from the Center. If an unfamiliar adult comes to pick up a child, check the listing of authorized adults for the child and if their name is listed, check their identification. If you recognize the person listed, you do not need to check I.D. The authorized adult must sign the child out on the daily attendance record with their signature.

IMPORTANT: No matter how insistent a person may be, if he / she is not on the list, you CANNOT let the child leave. If you need assistance please call the front desk immediately.

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Babysitting Policy

We take great pride in the high quality child care services we provide at the 成人直播 State University Child Development Center (CDC). While at the CDC, staff and volunteers are under the supervision of the director and teachers professionally trained in early childhood education. However, because we have no supervisory authority or control over staff and volunteers who provide babysitting services away from or outside of the CDC 's premises, we cannot be responsible for their acts while engaged in such activity. The CDC does not recommend or become involved in the recommendation of any of our staff or volunteers for outside babysitting away from the CDC 's premises. Any arrangement for such services is strictly between you and the parent. Please be advised that should you engage in babysitting away from outside of the CDC 's premises, the Child Development Center will not be responsible or liable for any acts or omissions in connection with such services, or for any WSU staff member while providing such services. If a staff member transports a child from the CDC premises as part of any babysitting services away from the CDC premises, the CDC is not responsible for any injuries that may be incurred during that transportation. Please be aware that you, as a staff member of the CDC may not agree to babysit for a child of the CDC during your scheduled working hours. You have a responsibility as a CDC employee to work your scheduled shift before you agree to babysit for a child at the CDC.

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Biting Policy

Biting is a natural developmental stage that many children go through. It is usually a temporary condition that is most common between thirteen and twenty-four months of age; but can be seen after in some cases. The safety of the children at the center is our primary concern. The center's biting policy addresses the actions the staff will take if a biting incident occurs.
Toddlers bite other toddlers for many different reasons. A child might be teething or overly tired and frustrated. He or she might be experimenting or trying to get the attention of the teacher or his peers. Toddlers have poor verbal skills and are impulsive without a lot of self-control. Sometimes biting occurs for no apparent reason. The center will encourage the children to "use their words" if they become angry or frustrated. The staff members will maintain a close and constant supervision of the children at all times.

The following steps will be taken if a biting incident occurs at our center:

  • The biting will be interrupted with a firm "Ouch, biting hurts".
  • Staff will stay calm and will not overreact.
  • The bitten child will be comforted.
  • Staff will remove the biter from the situation. The biter will be given something to do that is satisfying.
  • The wound of the bitten child shall be assessed and cleansed with soap and water. If it is determined that there was a blood exposure further steps need to be taken.
  • The parents of both children will be notified of the biting incident. Appropriate forms will be filled out.
  • Confidentiality of all children involved will be maintained.

If we see that there is a consistent biter these steps will be taken.

  • The biter will be shadowed by an adult at all times. They will be given the tools to help when a situation arises so that the child does not bite. If the teacher sees that the biting is subsiding and the biter is using words than the shadowing technique will subside so that the child will have the opportunity to use the tools that were given to them on their own.
  • If we see that the shadowing technique is not working. A touch rule will be implemented. This is where the child has to be physical touched by an adult at all times, i.e. holding their hand, touching their back, having them sit in their lap. This will ensure that the child has no opportunity to be close enough to a child to bite. This will be in place until the teacher decides to go back to a shadowing technique.
  • If after both of the techniques are in place and there is still no improvement or the child continually goes back to biting, other interventions may be implemented. These will include but are not limited to a behavior specialist brought in, suspension of the biter, parental observations, behavior charts implemented and in a last resort termination of the child 's contact.

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Cell Phone Policy

I am an employee on the payroll of the 成人直播 State University Child Development Center. I understand that I am paid to supervise, love, and care for the children. I also understand that this is my number one priority. I also understand that I cannot adequately supervise children while on my cell phone. I have been informed that there is no cell phone use while I am at work. This includes even having a cell phone on my person while on the job. I understand that there is a business phone which may be used for emergencies, but that any other phone calls, texts, and facebooking need to be done off-site and on my own time. I may have my cell phone only while in the employee lounge on my break. As of today I understand that my cell phone must not be on my person while working. I may leave it in my car, at home or in a designated place in the classroom closet. I have been given the center 's number for emergencies, which is 316-978-3109. I understand that if I am caught using a cell phone while on the clock I will be terminated. Even having my phone on my person during work hours counts as usage. I understand if I am caught chatting on the classroom phone for personal reasons while not on break it is also grounds for termination. I certify that I understand these conditions of employment and that I will abide by them beginning immediately. Any exceptions to this rule may be made only by the Director / Administration of the WSUCDC.

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Children's Illness

Children with signs of a communicable disease cannot be admitted into the Center. Lead Teachers and parents are to look over the child briefly upon arrival at the center for any signs of illness such as:

  • A temperature over 100 degrees taken in the armpit. Temperatures should be taken by Director, Jillian Hoefer or the Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease. When a child is found to have a temperature over 100 degrees, the Lead Teacher in the classroom will call the parent of the child. Children sent home with a fever, for whatever reason, are not to return to the CDC until 48 hours after they are fever free (without the aid of fever reducing medication) from the time you send them home.
  • Diarrhea -- more than one abnormally loose stool per day. Must be diarrhea free for 24 hours.
  • Vomiting -- Free of upset stomach & vomiting for 24 hours.
  • Inflammation of the eyes.
  • Skin lesions, i.e., impetigo, ringworm, and scabies.
  • Any undiagnosed rash.

Children at the center showing any or a combination of any of the following symptoms are to be taken to the office and a parent called to take the child home. Only lead teachers or administrative staff may call parents. The call to parents can be made after clearing the illness with the Director and an Illness Documentation form has been completed.

For illnesses other than fever, diarrhea and vomiting, children must be kept home the recommended number of days. According to the Public Health Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases

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Classroom Ratios

Child Ages of Children Served Capacity Ratio
Infant 6 weeks-12 months 9 1:3
Toddler I 12-24 months 10 1:5
Toddler II 12-36 months 8 1:4
Toddler III 24-36 months 14 1:7
Preschool (2 rooms) 3-4 years 18 1:9
Pre-K 4-5 years 20 1:10

Staff members are expected to arrive on time and to leave as soon as the adult to child ratio is correct and you have checked with the Director, Jillian Hoefer or the Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe. Do not leave a classroom until the next Teacher Assistant has arrived. Depending on ratios you may be moved to another room or be asked to leave a shift early if a classroom is down to ratio. The Director, Jillian Hoefer or Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe must approve additional hours/overtime.

Please keep in mind that TAs cannot work more than 30 hours per week while classes are in session and international students cannot work more than 20 hours per week. If your scheduled hours are close to 30 you will need to keep in mind how many hours you agree to work for other staff members so you do not go over 30 hours.

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Classroom Safety

The staff is responsible for the safety and well-being of each child. In doing so, the staff shall be responsible for the following safety precautions:

  • The classroom shall be arranged to allow for freedom of movement with no sharp corners, unanchored bookshelves or other safety hazards
  • All furniture and equipment shall be in good repair
  • Carpeting shall be kept clean
  • Walls shall be kept clean and free of dirt, paint, or cracks
  • Classrooms shall be kept clean and free from accumulated trash and dirt
  • All medications and cleaning substances or any toxic substances shall be kept under lock and key with the key out of children's reach
  • Any items in need of repair or cleaning shall be reported to the administration

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Cleaning / Disinfecting

  • Teacher Assistants shall implement proper and frequent cleaning and disinfecting practices and routines to provide a clean environment for children and to help prevent the spread of disease. Disinfecting with chemical agents (bleach, disinfectant) destroys specific, harmful germs. Teachers shall use the following guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting:
  • Surfaces and objects contaminated with blood, urine, vomit or stool: clean and disinfect immediately, staff members must wear gloves.
  • Objects handled by young children (ex. toys, mouthed objects, table tops, door handles): clean and disinfect at least daily and when soiled
  • Diapering area: clean and disinfect after each diaper change
  • Water tables: clean and disinfect at least daily and more often if soiled
  • Uncarpeted areas: clean and disinfect daily and when soiled
  • Carpeted areas: spot clean and disinfect when there is body fluid soiling

Please leave a note with the cleaning crew about any rugs or carpet areas that need to be cleaned and disinfected.

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Conduct and Ethics

The reputation of The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center is built upon the ethical conduct of our employees, and the overall success of the business is tied to this as well. Our reputation for integrity and excellence requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the highest professional standards of conduct and personal integrity.

The Child Development Center is dependent upon our families ' trust and we are dedicated to preserving that trust. Employees have a duty to the CDC and its families to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and confidence of the public.

The CDC will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its
Teachers and Assistants to conduct business in accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct. In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will guide employees with respect to acceptable conduct. When a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the employee should discuss the matter with the Director, Jillian Hoefer. Compliance with these principles of conduct and ethics is the responsibility of every CDC employee. Disregarding or failing to meet any of the following standards may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Families (the children whom we serve, and their parents, guardians, and other family
members) are our Center 's most valuable asset. Every employee represents The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center to our families and to the public. The manner in which we do our jobs presents an image of our entire organization. Families judge all of us by how they are treated by each and every employee. Nothing is more important than being, respectful, courteous, friendly, helpful, and prompt in the attention given to families. Our personal contact with the public, our manners on the telephone, and the communications we send to families are a reflection not only of ourselves, but also of the professionalism of The CDC. Positive interactions with our families not only enhance the public 's perception or image of the CDC, but also help us to obtain grants and other monies. It is expected that all employees of The CDC will interact respectfully, courteously, and promptly with our families. All of the families have the right to their privacy. Do not discuss the children and families publicly or with family members, either by name or physical description. Some of the families have also restricted photography permission for their children; please refer to the Social Media policy for more information. Employees who fail to have appropriate interactions with our families will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

In general, employees need to maintain a sense of decorum when interacting with others at the Center and observe general rules of proper conduct. Staff are expected to act in a caring, honest, respectful, and responsible manner consistent with CDC 's mission statement. Staff should always portray a positive role model by maintaining an attitude of loyalty, patience, courtesy, tact, and maturity. This includes things like, refraining from intimate displays of affection towards others in the presence of children, parents, and other staff. Prohibiting profanity, inappropriate jokes, sharing intimate personal details, or any kind of harassment in the presence of children, parents, or other staff.
Staff are required to report any violations by other staff members of these or other policies listed in the handbook to the Director for possible action. Such reporting is confidential.

While our employees are encouraged to develop professional and personal connections with one another, gossiping, spreading rumors, and other similar types of negative behavior are discouraged. Gossip which could affect the ability of the Center or staff to conduct business, maintain good community or employee relations, or otherwise impact The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center in a negative way may result in disciplinary action for the employee who has engaged in the conduct.

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It is contrary to the interest of the Center and those we serve, to give out information regarding children and their parents. Such information should be held in strict confidence and should not be discussed with anyone outside of the Center. We trust all staff members will appreciate the value of respect for one 's privacy. Inside the Center such information shall be discussed only when it will benefit the care we offer the children and the parents. Personal pictures of the children are not to be taken. Information, pictures, and talking about the children will not be allowed on blogs, personal webpages, Facebook or Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat.

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Days Closed

WSU and the CDC will be closed for the following state holidays:

  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving and the Friday after
  • Christmas Day
  • New Year 's Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Independence day

Other days the CDC will be closed:

  • The Holiday staff shut down at Christmas time
  • Three days in August and two days in January for teacher in-services
  • Half day the Wednesday before Thanksgiving
  • One day in the fall for parent teacher conferences
  • One week for Spring Break

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Discipline Policy

Teacher Assistants use many techniques to assist children in resolving conflicts. Although methods vary depending on children's ages and the severity of the situation, all teach problem-solving skills and instill an intrinsically motivated sense of right and wrong. Teachers use the following techniques when dealing with conflict situations:

Conscious Discipline

  • Limit setting: Children are given basic, clear, and concise rules to guide their behavior. Boundaries and expectations expand as children develop.
  • Consistency: So children know what to expect, limits and expectations are consistent throughout the classes, and all adults respond in a similar way to conflict situations.
  • Tone: A kind yet serious tone delivered by intervening adults reinforces children's sense of security and lets them know the situation is under control.
  • Modeling: Adults clearly demonstrate compassionate, caring behaviors that set examples for children to follow.
  • Passive intervention: Teachers give children time to work through their own problems, but are there to help if things escalate to destructive or aggressive behavior.
  • Physical intervention: Children are physically separated if they begin to hurt each other.
  • Identifying/ interpreting: Teachers clarify problems, diffuse tension, and facilitate problem solving.
  • Validating feelings: Acknowledging one's own emotions and those of other children facilitates learning.
  • Generating options/solutions: Children are given tools to settle conflicts (negotiate, make retribution, collaborate, etc.).
  • Redirection: A request to stop a negative behavior is accompanied by a suggestion for an appropriate behavior to replace it.
  • Natural consequences: Teachers point out and reinforce natural consequences as they occur. Children see the results of their own behavior and begin to modify it accordingly. "You threw sand after we asked you not to. Now you need to leave the sandbox and find a different area to play in."

Teachers shall plan their programs as to minimize behavior problems by:

  • Planning a program that is appropriate for the age and individual levels of the children.
  • Providing a balance between active/quiet and self-directed/teacher-directed activities.
  • Carefully planning transitions between activities.
  • Focusing 100% attention on the children, guiding their behavior, facilitating their learning, interacting (including listening, listening, listening) and encouraging them as they meet and strive to overcome new challenges.

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Dispensing Medication

Prescription and non-prescription medication shall be given only if the Authorization for Dispensing Medication form is filled out completely and signed by a parent or guardian. Prescription medication should have a pharmacy label with the child 's name, the name of the medication, dosage, dosage intervals, the name of the physician and the date the prescription was filled. Non-prescription medications should not be administered to any child unless the CDC has a written order from the parent or guardian.

Medication is to be administered by the classroom Lead Teacher or Director, Jillian Hoefer/Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe in the teachers ' absence. The staff member dispensing medication must sign the Authorization, and record the date and time it was given. When the Lead Teacher is not in the room, the TA is responsible for having the parent complete an authorization form when a new medication is brought to the center.
Store all medication in a locked box in the refrigerator or other locked storage located in the classroom.

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Do's and Don'ts
Do say Don't say
Sit down when you slide. Don't stand up when you slide.
Dig in the sand. Don't throw the sand.
Keep the puzzle on the table. Don't dump the puzzle on the floor.
Turn the pages carefully. Don't tear the book.
Talking a quiet voice. Shut up! Don't shout.
Time to go inside. Should we go inside?
Wash your hands. Do you want to wash your hands?


  1. Speak in a calm, kind voice.
  2. Speak directly to the child; do not call across a room.
  3. Speak in short, meaningful sentences appropriate to the child 's level of understanding. Begin the sentence with the child 's name.
  4. Get down on the child 's level if possible so that the child can see your face.
  5. Keep your emotions under control.
  6. Praise the child for appropriate actions.


  1. Make fun (harass, humiliate, name call, embarrass) the child.
  2. Give the child a choice if he cannot, in reality, have a choice
  3. Compare the child with another child. "See how clean Johnny 's table is."
  4. Be dishonest with the child. "Johnny didn't mean to hit you."
  5. Make a child feel guilty by saying "I 'm ashamed of you." Instead express your feelings "That makes me angry when you do that."
  6. Make a child feel inferior by saying, "You 're big now. Only babies cry.
  7. Make a child say they are sorry.

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Dress Code

All employees are expected to present a neat and clean appearance and to dress appropriately for their position and duties. An employee 's appearance and dress should reflect the professional nature of the position as well as be functional within the expectations and responsibilities of the job. Please note that the CDC is not responsible for damage to or loss of an employee 's articles of clothing, jewelry and/or accessories.

Unacceptable dress includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Shorts. The only acceptable shorts are Bermuda shorts or basketball shorts that hit the knees.
  2. Short dresses or short skirts. Dresses and skirts must be knee length or longer and easy to move in.
  3. Tank tops or spaghetti straps
  4. Low scoop neck shirts or blouses (at no time should undergarments be visible). V-neck shirts must have a shirt underneath.
  5. Clothes that expose the stomach/backside. Staff should wear tops long enough to cover the bottom when bending or squatting. Undergarments should never be visible.
  6. Clothing with logos and pictures that are inappropriate for children (profanity, sexual innuendoes, violence, drugs, and similar content)
  7. Jewelry which may present a safety hazard (long necklaces / earrings, etc.)
  8. No high heels or high top boots with heels. Shoes must be worn through the center.
  9. Yoga pants, leggings, jogging pants or stretch pants (anything tight)

During swimming activities, staff should wear one piece swimsuits. Appropriate clothing should be worn over the swimsuit when transporting children to and from the Center and the pool. Employees who are found to be in violation of the dress code may be asked to go home to change.

The following describes dress that is appropriate for staff while working at the CDC: Clothing that is modest and provides coverage, clothing that allows the staff member to move freely, sit on the floor and be with the children, shoes that allow that staff member to comfortably play outside with the children and play games with them, clothing that allows the staff member to be comfortable with the messy activities of the program. Staff should be dressed neat, clean, comfortable, approachable and properly covered. No stains, holes or rips in clothing.

Staff wearing 成人直播 State University tops and / or bottoms; there may not be any other college name on them.

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Email is to be checked every day. This is how a majority of our correspondence, schedule changes, upcoming events, in-services and reminders will be relayed. It is the responsibility of the Teacher Assistant to be aware of the activities, deadlines and happenings of the Center. Responses to questions or inquiries need to be answered within 24 hours.

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Emergency Procedures

Fire drills will be conducted monthly. Teachers must shut windows and close doors behind them. One teacher will lead children out the nearest, designated exit, and the second teacher will follow the children out. Children and teachers will stay together based on class. They will move to the far back of the small parking lot and gather on the sidewalk. Teachers must take the emergency bag, children's files and sign-in sheets. Teachers are to take roll and a head count when safely outside the building. Teachers will lead children inside the building after the designated person in charge has given the all-clear.

Tornado drills will be conducted monthly, April through September. The Director will announce the drill. Teachers will lead children to the safe room which is the tornado drill location. Children will sit on the floor against the wall. Teachers must take the emergency bag, children's files and sign-in sheets. Teachers are to take roll and a head count when safely at the designated location. Teachers will lead children back to the classrooms after the designated person in charge has given the all clear.

We have a crisis plan put in to place in case we would need to evacuate or shelter in place. The crisis plan is reviewed with the staff twice every year. The Active Shooter plan is reviewed once a year.

Earthquake procedures: Stop, drop and cover. Stay calm. Grab the emergency bag to have with you. Stop what you are doing, drop to the floor, crawl to a table and cover your head. Have the children and yourself get under a table away from windows, pulling the chairs up to the table to help protect from anything that might fall. Stay under the table for several minutes after the shaking has stopped because of aftershocks. If there are no tables available to get under position yourself and the child against an interior wall with your head covered. If you are outside when an earthquake acquires, immediately drop to the ground and seek shelter under something sturdy. Once the shaking has stopped and you have waited several minutes slowly come out from under the tables. Make sure that you are aware of any broken glass or other things that could hurt you or the children. Stay away from places where tall building and power lines could fall on you. If you happen to be in the car transporting children slow down and pull over to the side of the road. Stay in the car.

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Employee's Child

The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center allows employees to enroll their minor children in the program. Employees seeking to enroll their child(ren) or other relations in the program must discuss placement with the Director. Under most circumstances, an employee who has a child or relative enrolled in the Center will be prohibited from providing direct care to her or his child or relative. This means that an employee 's child or relation will never be allowed to be in the same room with that employee under their care. Discipline will be handled by the child 's teacher not the employee during working hours and while the child is in the classroom. The CDC further reserves the right to dis-enroll an employee 's child if the employee 's performance is affected by having his or her child at the Center. Employees must remember they are employed to perform a specific job and not allow themselves to be distracted by having their child or other relations enrolled in the program. Employees are prohibited from interfering with the supervision or authority of their child(ren) 's classroom teacher. Visiting an employee 's child or relative may only happen during scheduled events (as long as the employee is not working) or on a break time. "Relative" is defined as a member of an individual's family, including wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in- law, father-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, stepparent, and stepchild.

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General Health and Safety

Teacher Assistants will insure that the children:

  • Brush their teeth after breakfast and lunch.
  • Wash their hands before and after meals, and after toileting and after coming in from outside .
  • Wash their faces after meals.
  • Children remaining at the Center for more than four hours shall be encouraged to nap according to their individual needs. Children who do not sleep shall have a quiet time.
  • Each crib shall be equipped with an individual bottom sheet. Sheets will be laundered nightly. Each child shall have a sleep sack, provided by the parent. Children shall not share bedding.
  • Each child has a mat and blanket combo. These are taken home by the parents every Friday to be laundered. In the event that a child has an accident or the combo is soiled for any reason, we have cot sheets and extra blankets in the resource room for them to use.
  • Cots shall be separated from each other by at least two feet in all directions except when boarding on the wall. Cots may also be arranged so that children are head to feet. When not in use, cots shall be stored in a clean, sanitary manner.
  • Teachers will monitor the bathroom if more than one child is using it.

Teachers must report any suspected child abuse immediately to the Director, Jillian Hoefer or Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe.

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Hand washing

Hands should be washed upon arrival at the Center, before handling food, after every diaper change, use of the bathroom, before using the water table, after touching pets, after being outside and after blowing/wiping noses. In order to teach good HAND WASHING skills to children, please help them wash their hands as noted above. Research has shown that proper HAND WASHING is effective in reducing the spread of communicable illness/disease.

How: Wet hands with warm, running water, apply liquid soap, wash hands vigorously for 20 seconds. Rinse well with fingertips pointed down, dry hands with a paper towel and turn off faucet with a paper towel. Children are to follow these exact steps.

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成人直播 State University Child Development Center employees, volunteers, families, and applicants have a right to work in a discrimination-free environment, including freedom from sexual harassment. Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual's sex, race, age, ethnicity, religion, or any legally protected characteristic are not tolerated. Both overt and subtle harassment create an offensive, hostile, and uncomfortable work environment and are strictly prohibited. This section concerns any and all types of harassment, with particular attention to the definition of sexual harassment. Harassment of or by an employee requires investigation.

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Hiring Practice

The WSU CDC promotes the hiring of qualified individuals without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, status as a Vietnam Era Veteran or disability, provided they meet the requirements established by the Center for the position.
Prospective teacher assistants will be required to submit an application with appropriate identification, followed by an interview with the Director, Jillian Hoefer.

Hiring Requirements

Hours a student can work:

International Student Academic year Summer
Undergraduate enrolled in 12 hour 20 hours 30 hours
Undergraduate enrolled 9 hours 15 hours 20 hours
Regular Students Academic Year Summer
Undergraduate enrolled in 3 hours 15 hours 40 hours
Undergraduate enrolled in 6 hours 30 hours 40 hours
Graduate Student Academic Year Summer
Enrolled 9 hours 20 hours 40 hours
  • Must hold at least a high school diploma
  • Enrolled as a student of 成人直播 State University
  • Ability to relate joyfully and sensitively to children
  • Evidence of emotional maturity
  • Physical stamina

Training in:

  • First Aid
  • CPR
  • Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Illness
  • Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting / Head Trauma
  • Child Development Class
  • Breast Feeding
  • Conscious Discipline
  • SIDS
  • Negative TB test
  • Completed KBI form
  • Kansas Department of Health and Environment Health Assessment form signed by a doctor or a nurse clinician stating that the teacher is in good health.
  • Fingerprints

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It is impossible to totally ignore the Christmas / Holiday season in view of the flurry of activities generated by its arrival. The Christmas / Holiday season has a major impact upon the lives of young children, but we must avoid activities which impose beliefs or practices.

We need to be aware of, and sensitive to, the diversity of customs and beliefs represented by the children in our Center. It goes without saying that no child should be embarrassed or made to feel alienated because of his or her parents ' specific faith or beliefs.

The spirit of the season provides an opportunity to emphasize mutual understanding, acceptance and brotherhood among all racial, ethnic and religious elements of the human family. Activities should not involve children in worship activities and should be structured to present the culture rather than the religious emphasis of the season. Therefore the CDC will participate in a wide variety of holiday related activities year around.

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Important Phone Numbers

Room Contact Phone Number
CDC Front Desk Administrative Specialist Amy Mease 316-978-3109
Director Jillian Hoefer 316-978-5244
Assistant Director Michelle Jarboe 316-978-5251
Infant Tiffany Littlejohn 316-978-5245
Room 10 Angie Lancaster 316-978-5249
Room 12 Ana Hernandez 316-978-5250
Room 3 Autumn Bergkamp 316-978-5252
Room 5 Jessica Martin 316-978-5246
Room 6 Brandy Harris 316-978-5247
Room 8 Tiffany Littlejohn 316-978-5248

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Job Requirements

  • I must ensure that children of any age are always supervised and cared for by an adult, and never left alone or unattended. Your eyes have to physically see all children in your care.
  • I understand that using physical punishment or use of verbal threats or harsh, loud or abusive language in the presence of or directed toward a child can lead to immediate termination.
  • I whole-heartedly accept my responsibility to interact actively and in a positive manner with the children individually and in groups, and will give them my full attention at all times. I will play with the children and guide them in scheduled activities. We are not an observation center. If ever you find yourself sitting and observing what they are doing, you are not fulfilling your role. You need to be interacting with them, talking to them and playing with them at all times.
  • I understand that feeding time for infants and toddlers, as well as older children, is a time to be nurturing and loving. In accepting this responsibility, I understand that bottles are never to be propped and children will be held during bottle feeding. A teacher must always be sitting down with children while they are eating. When children are finished eating, adults must finish as well. You may not eat anything in front of the children in the classrooms when they are not eating.
  • I understand that I must follow the instructions of the all Lead Teachers, the Director, Jillian Hoefer and Administrative Specialist, Amy Mease or the Assistant Director, Michelle Jarboe and will treat them in a respectful manner.
  • I understand that I must be polite and responsive to parents.
  • I must see that children are kept clean during the day (hands, faces, noses, diapers, hair and clothes) and that I must return a clean and tidy child with all of his / her belongings to the parent at the end of the day. Soiled diapers must always be changed before a parent leaves with their child.
  • I understand that other assignments will be made in accordance with my job description including, but not limited to, cleaning the room furniture, equipment, toilets and assisting in serving / preparing meals.
  • I understand that I may be moved from one classroom to another, as staffing needs require, or even sent home, when the adult-to-child ratio has been met for the classroom.
  • I understand that I must not attend to personal business during scheduled work time. This includes answering cell phones and / or sending text messages, etc. Teachers and Teacher Assistants are not to be on their cell phones in the multipurpose rooms, hallways or outside-even when they are not clocked in. Homework may only be attended to during naptime, and only if the Lead Teacher does not require your assistance in other work-related tasks. No computers, ipads, ipods, or any other electrical devices allowed in the classrooms.
  • I understand that sleeping during naptime is unacceptable may result in a written reprimand and / or termination.
  • I understand that information about parents, children or fellow employees is confidential and should never be shared with anyone else.

Failure to comply with these requirements or any job expectation could result in action leading up to and including termination of the position in accordance with university policies and procedures.

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Each staff member has a mailbox located in the hall to the resource room, which should be checked at least once every day the staff member is at work. Emails need to be read and responded to 24 hours after the email was sent.

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Room / building organization and cleanliness

It is the responsibility of each staff member to keep rooms and the building neat, safe, clean, organized, attractive and appropriate for children. The Lead Teacher is required to have the classroom ready each day before the children arrive, and Lead Teacher Assistants are responsible for putting the room back in a clean and orderly way at the end of the day. Teachers will encourage children to clean up after themselves in the restrooms, making sure that the water is off, sinks and counters are wiped off, toilets are flushed, and there is no paper on the floor.

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Meal and Snack Routines

Children should wash their hands before being seated for breakfast/lunch/snacks. All children are encouraged to serve at least a portion of the meal themselves. Preschoolers are encouraged to serve themselves family style and in an orderly manner. Children are encouraged to try all foods, however, if a child is not interested in a particular food, do not force him/her to try it. Food is not to be used as a reward or punishment.

All children need to be encouraged to sit at the tables during meal/snack time. Encourage the children to show courtesy by not eating until everyone is served. After finishing the meal, children should be instructed how to scrape leftover food from their plate into the dish bins and dumping fluids into the designated area. Children should be encouraged to help as much as possible. Teacher assistants are to encourage and demonstrate pleasant conversation at the tables.

Teacher assistants may also eat what the children are eating while the children are eating. Once the children begin to finish, all staff members must finish as well in order to assist children with their clean-up. Do not rush the children through a meal, however, do not allow children to play in their food. You may not bring food into the classroom to eat. You are welcome to bring food, but eat it in the resource room on your break or before or after your shift.

After lunch, have the children use the bathroom, wash their hands/face, and brush their teeth.
Staff should wear plastic kitchen gloves when handling food. Teachers shall wash and sanitize table surfaces before meals and snacks. After meals, the table shall be washed with a bleach water solution and the floor swept. No outside food can be brought inside and eaten in front of the children. Teacher Assistants are to only eat when the children are eating and eat what they have. You may not bring food into the classroom to eat. You are welcome to bring food, but eat it in the resource room on your break or before or after your shift.

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Medical Emergency Policy

DO NOT leave an injured child unattended or leave the other children. Have another teacher assume responsibility for the other children if you have to leave the area to care for an injured child. Provide basic first aid. A first-aid kit is located in each room.

If an injury is serious enough to be considered an emergency, the Lead Teacher or Director should call 911 for ambulance assistance. One staff member will accompany the child to the hospital. Staff members are not allowed to transport children in their cars! The Lead Teacher or Director will contact the parent(s) who should meet their child at the designated hospital emergency room (the child must be taken to the hospital stated as the preference on the Emergency Medical Form) or to the nearest hospital (HCA Wesley Medical Center). The emergency release form and current physical for the child must be sent with the child and staff member to the emergency room.

After the child has received emergency medical care, WSU CDC personnel must complete an Accident Report Form. A copy of the Accident Report Form shall be given to the Director and the original will go to the parent(s).

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At The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center, we strive to build relationships with the children in our care and their families, as well as with others we interact with at the Center. While friendships can result from this, it is imperative that employees treat families, vendors, co-workers, and the public with courtesy, appropriate distance, and respect. Employees should abstain from any intimate physical contact with families. Employees should also avoid any unwelcome advances and intimate acts made by families. Employees are required to report any unwelcome advances or attempts at intimate acts made by families or co-workers to the Director. Employees should immediately report any action by a family or employee that would be considered a violation of this policy to the Director.

Notice of Non-Discrimination Statement

成人直播 State University does not discriminate in its employment practices, educational programs or activities on the basis of age (40 years or older), ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual filing or cooperating in a complaint process is also prohibited. Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking are forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to alleged discrimination may be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, 成人直播 State University, 1845 Fairmount, 成人直播, KS 67260, telephone 316-978-3187.

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA鈥檚 TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: , from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant鈥檚 name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
  2. fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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Parent Communication

Parent Communication is very important! Make an effort to let each parent know something about what his or her child did during the day. Teacher Assistant communication with parents is to remain positive and helpful. Parents need to know they are valued and welcome in our program. If you run into conflicts or are in doubt when working with a parent, please immediately refer them to the Lead Teacher or Director, Jillian Hoefer (in the Lead Teacher 's absence).

Follow specific parent instructions or requests that are determined to be within the scope of our program. Pay special attention to getting parent requests communicated to the Lead Teacher and coworkers (when appropriate) working with the child. For staff working in infant and toddler classrooms, you will be required to complete a daily report sheet for parents. Staff working in preschool classrooms must complete daily report sheets for parents requesting this form. Communication Logs must also be read and signed daily, and Lead Teacher Assistants are required to write in the Communication Log every night.

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We have a very small parking lot. The CDC parking lot is for parents and lead teachers. Teacher Assistants can park in the parking lot to the north of the CDC.

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Photo Copier

The copier is not available to Teacher Assistants unless approved by Lead teacher, Director, or Administrative Specialist or Assistant Director. You must have prior permission to us the copier. You may not print off personal copies here at the CDC.

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Playground / Outdoor Play

Teacher Assistants must help enforce the following playground rules:

  1. Children may not throw sand or tire chips.
  2. Children may not climb up the slide.
  3. Children must slide feet first down the slide and must be on their bottoms.
  4. No toys from the classroom or toys from home are allowed outside on the playground. Balls, shovels, or other outdoor materials are not allowed on climbing structures.
  5. Tricycles stay on the sidewalk. Children must be seated to ride tricycles. If a child runs into the wall or another child while riding the tricycle they will lose their turn.
  6. Children must sit down to swing. Only one child will be allowed on the swing at a time. Children may not stand on the swing.
  7. Pushing, shoving and wrestling are not allowed.
  8. Staff are to be actively involved with the children on the playground. Staff must be positioned to view all parts of the playground. Staff must be spread out throughout the playground so that they are on opposite ends of the playground from each other.
  9. No climbing on the fence.
  10. No climbing on top of the monkey bars.
  11. Sidewalks and bike path need to be kept free of tire chips, dirt, sand, leaves, etc.

While you are outside with the children, it is your responsibility to be actively engaged with the children. Adults should be spread out over the playground, able to see all areas. No sitting on the benches, rocks or any chairs. You are to be actively engaged with the children outside.

Teacher Assistants will also be assigned opening and closing duties for the playgrounds. These duties are assigned by the Lead Teacher and you will be notified if these duties are assigned to you.
The children are taken outside daily (except in cases of inclement weather) for fresh air and exercise.
Infants and Toddlers will not go outside if there is precipitation or if the temperature is 35 degrees or below with the wind chill factored in. Preschoolers will not go outsides if there is precipitation but may go outside for limited amounts of time when the temperature is 30 or above with the wind chill factored in. When going outside on cold days, teachers need to assure that coats are zipped and caps (or hoods) and mittens are on. The gates leading onto the playgrounds need to be locked every night and unlocked every morning.

Infants and Toddlers may go outside if the temperature is 90 degrees or below with the heat index factored in. They may also go outside if the temperature is 90-95 if they are in complete water play, again with the heat index factored in. Preschoolers may go outside if the temperature is 95 degrees or below with the heat index factored in. They may also go outside if the temperature is 95-100 if they are in complete water play, again with the heat index factored in. When going out on hot days, be mindful of the effect the heat has on the children. Teachers will provide opportunities for shade, plenty of water, and limit the amount of time the children are outdoors. Infants and some toddlers need to be taught how to play on the playground equipment.

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All children, parents, visitors, and other staff should be treated with kindness, friendliness, patience and respect. Staff should refrain from gossip, loud talking, and other unnecessary noise and forms of conduct, which could disturb the program and distract from the professionalism of the Center.
The care and education of all young children is taken very seriously at the Center. Each individual staff member is part of a team whose main goal is the well-being of the children. All staff members are expected to present themselves in a professional and caring manner, which includes due respect for each other 鈥 staff members, parents, children, and other WSU students.

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Resignations and Dismissals

Disciplinary Process for Employees

An employee may be terminated by the Director for gross negligence and in the event that an employee is found to be in violation of one or more policies outlined in this handbook, the disciplinary process may be initiated. While this is generally a process of escalating actions, certain violations may be more egregious in their severity, frequency of occurrence, and/or scope, and thus could warrant a disciplinary action higher on the list, up to and including termination of duties. The determination of the specific disciplinary action to be undertaken is at the discretion of the Director, and will be appropriate to the nature of the offense.

1. Reprimand
A reprimand may be given to any employee when a minor violation of Center policies or
procedures has occurred. A reprimand may be either verbal or written. Verbal reprimands will be documented by the Director, Jillian Hoefer, and the documentation will be placed in the employee 's personnel file. Written reprimands will include brief documentation of the incident and the date on which it occurred. Written reprimands require that a copy of the written reprimand be given to the employee, and a copy of the reprimand signed by the employee to acknowledge receipt of the document must be placed in the employee 's file.

2. Written Warning
For more serious violations of policies and procedures, or repeated minor violations, an
employee may be given a written warning. The written warning will clearly describe the
deficiency in the performance or conduct, and will cite the policy, licensing regulation, or
procedure violated. The written warning will contain a corrective action plan, outlining the necessary action(s) to correct the deficiency and a timetable in which the corrective action must occur. A copy of the written warning and the corrective action plan will be given to the employee. Employees are required to sign a copy of the written warning, acknowledging its receipt, which will then be placed in the employee 's personnel file. Signing the written warning does not indicate that the employee agrees with the contents; it simply indicates receipt of a copy of the written warning. Failure or refusal to sign the written warning will be considered insubordination and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Copies of all documentation regarding corrective action plans will be retained by the Director.

3. Investigatory Suspension
For suspected severe, but unconfirmed allegations of policy and procedure violations, the Director may initiate an Investigatory Suspension of the employee. During this time, the employee is suspended without pay. The outcome of an investigatory suspension is generally either full reinstatement (if the employee is found not to be in violation of the policies) or further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Examples of situations which would warrant use of Investigatory suspension include, but are not limited to:

  • Charges of driving while intoxicated
  • Leaving a shift without prior approval
  • Report of child abuse or neglect
  • Accusations of theft
  • Leaving children unattended or unsupervised
  • Violation of the Substance Abuse Policy
  • Other similar situations

Investigatory suspension may not exceed 10 working days without the approval of the

4. Suspension
Suspension of an employee may occur at the discretion of the Director for specific, major infractions of the Personnel Policies. Suspension of an employee will not require prior verbal or written disciplinary action. Suspension may be used in circumstances where a confirmed violation of policies is not considered severe enough to warrant termination of employment, and where the employee can be successfully rehabilitated to effectively discharge the duties of the position. Possible violations are similar to those on both the list for Investigatory Suspension and Termination, though certain violations are still subject to immediate termination of employment, without recourse to an initial suspension. Each situation is different, and will be treated as such. Suspension will be without pay. The employee will be notified in writing of the specific charges and the length of the suspension, and will be provided with a copy of this notice. The employee is required to sign a copy of the suspension notification to acknowledge receipt of same. Failure to sign the suspension notification will be considered insubordination and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. When circumstances permit, an employee will be suspended upon receipt of the suspension notification. However, an employee may be suspended verbally if immediate suspension is in the best interest of The 成人直播 State University Child Development Center, its employees, or the children under the Center 's care. Written notification in these circumstances will promptly follow via certified mail. Suspension by verbal notice may be given by the Director/Assistant Director, followed immediately by written approval of the Director.

5. Termination
Involuntary termination does not necessarily require prior verbal or written disciplinary
action. The CDC, in accordance with Kansas law, is an "at-will" employer and may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause and without notice. This policy is to be used as a guide for employees, but is not inclusive of all possible reasons or causes for termination from employment. Termination is an action which must be approved by the Director. Notification of Termination may be written or verbal. Causes for involuntary termination include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Unsatisfactory provisional period
  • Falsifying or misusing records, including application
  • Violation of confidentiality rules
  • Theft or misuse of WSU CDC 's funds, equipment, or property
  • Absence from work without notification and/or approval as per related policies
  • Discourteous treatment of the public, families, or co-workers
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Non-performance of duties resulting in injury to the Center, its children, families, or employees.
  • Continuous personal conflicts with other staff, co-workers, parents or visitors
  • Being abusive or neglectful to children, parents, or employees
  • Violation of the Substance Abuse Policy
  • Failure to submit required documentation within mandated time frame
  • Neglect of duty or refusal to comply with directives of Director
  • Misuse of leave policies
  • Insubordination
  • Receipt of 2 suspensions for the same infraction during any 12 month period.
  • Failure to implement job specifics
  • Receipt of 3 written warnings for any violations during any 12 month period; the date of the third warning will be the employee's last day of employment
  • Failure to return to work following a leave of absence
  • Failure to meet deadlines as presented by Director

Once employment has been terminated under this action, the employee is expected to return any keys and other property of the Center to the Director, and leave the Center at that time. The former employee will be escorted out of the building, and is no longer permitted on CDC property without the written approval of the Director.
Any of the former employee 's personal property or effects which remain at Center will be packed and shipped to the former employee 's home address.

Although we want every employee to stay with us for as long as possible, sometimes new opportunities arise that an employee may wish to explore. While we do not wish to hinder our employees from pursuing these endeavors, we also ask that our employees provide ample opportunity for us to seek suitable replacements for the departing employee. As such, employees are required to give two (2) weeks ' notice of the intention to terminate employment. Notice must be given in writing to the Director. If submitted by any other method other than directly to the Director, the two week period begins upon receipt of the notice by the Director, not when the notice was mailed or otherwise sent.

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Resource Room Storage

Generally, classroom materials and supplies are stored in the classrooms. Teacher resource room storage is for supplies ordered by the Center and made available to the staff. Staff may use the items from the shelves, for any Center related projects.

The refrigerator in the teacher resource room may be used to keep staff lunches and drinks, please label them. Staff members are responsible for removing those items each day. Keeping the resource room clean and organized is a group project and it is important that each staff member clean up after him/herself. Please clean up any messes, wipe the table, fold laundry, and put away any items when appropriate.

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The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco products is not permitted in the Center, on the playground, or on the grounds. Staff who smoke must wash their hands before entering the classroom and must change into a fresh shirt.

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Social Media

The posting of confidential and identifying information about the children, parents, or
staff at the Center on social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.) is strictly
prohibited. In no way does The CDC wish to abridge the rights of its employees to engage in critical commentary and observations that may relate to the Center and its operations; however, when such commentary and observations occur within a public forum and contain confidential information, it may result in disciplinary action for the employee. As with the use of social media, the publication of photos from the Center, whether online or otherwise, is generally prohibited without prior approval from the Director. Staff may take pictures of the activities in their classrooms to share with the families of the children in our care (Shutterfly) or as appropriate (to document a child 's progress, etc. in portfolios). As mentioned previously, some families have chosen to restrict photograph permissions, and it is expected that all employees will abide by those wishes. These restrictions will be noted in each child 's folder. Professional appearance on social media is also critical to how the CDC is perceived. If an employee chooses to have interactions with other staff members, or families via social media it is understood that that employee is representing the Child Development Center. All pictures, updates and postings have to be representative of a model employee and adhere to all regulations and policies of the Child Development Center.

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Staff Bulletin / Weekly Update

A weekly memo is sent out to all employees of the CDC. It is your responsibility to read this every week to know what s happening in the center. There are also several bulletin boards in the center that have different information on them. It's also your responsibility to read and be familiar with what is on those boards.

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Staff Evaluations

Teacher Assistants are observed and informally evaluated on an on-going basis. Evaluations will be conducted by the Lead Teacher and Director, Jillian Hoefer. Informal evaluations will be given in the fall and formal in the spring.

In order for our Center to run smoothly, staff members must be willing to work together. When a concern arises with a teacher assistant, the Lead teacher in the classroom will discuss the concern. If the concern is not resolved then the Director, Jillian, Hoefer, the Lead Teacher, and the Teacher Assistant will discuss the concern. The concern will be discussed and improvement goals will be determined along with an appropriate time-line. The conference will be documented in writing, signed by the individuals present during the conference, and placed in the individual 's personnel file.

If the individual is showing an effort at meeting the goals but has not yet met all designated goals within the stated time period, the Director, Jillian Hoefer reserves the right to determine if a second conference is necessary to continue working towards improvement or if the individual 's employment should be terminated. If the individual has not made an effort toward improvement during the stated time period, the individual 's employment will be terminated.

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Staff Illness

It is extremely important that you keep yourself in good physical and mental health. The care and education of young children while very rewarding can also be very draining. In order to provide quality care and education to our children, you will need to have a lot of energy and an alert mind. Employees who become ill at the Center must make sure that their shift is covered prior to leaving (remember the adult to child ratios).

COVID Policy

As COVID is relatively new in our world and ever-changing, the Child Development Center does follow all the KDHE guidelines associated with COVID protocols. The Child Development Center does have a separate, more detailed that all staff are required to sign upon being hired.


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Sun Safety

Sun Safety / Skin Cancer Awareness Policy

The WSU Child Development Center has established a set of policies that reduce exposure to UV radiation. This policy demonstrates our institutional commitment to sun safety and Skin cancer awareness. We encourage outdoor play every day when weather and air quality conditions permit. When outdoor temperatures seem uncomfortable, are above 90潞F or lower than 30潞F, including wind chill, scheduled outdoor play activities and times may be altered. Children should be dressed in clothing appropriate for weather conditions. We are concerned about sun safety all year around, but particularly late spring through the early fall season, when the sun's rays are the strongest. Sunburn, skin cancers, and cataracts later in life can be the result of childhood sun exposure. Even on days when the temperature seems only pleasantly warm, cloudy days or hazy days, skin and eyes should be protected from the sun. Each spring we include information about sun protection in parent pages. Each year we provide staff training about sun safety, including how to recognize the signs of heat stress and how to give first aid for heat-related illness.

Here are ways that we implement:

  • The CDC is continually trying to find grants and other resources to help reduce UV exposure to the children who attend the CDC.
  • Efforts that have been made are to ensure that there is a covered area on the playgrounds for the children.  For the Toddler playground we have a shade tree and a covered carport area. For the Preschool playground there is a partially covered gazebo, shade trees and a covered carport area.
  • There is at least once a year where sunscreen is offered free of charge to parents. Sunscreen is applied every time a child is going outside-even on cloudy days. We ask parents to provide a bottle of SPF 15 (or higher numbered) sunscreen lotion or cream and SPF 15 (or higher numbered) lip balm, labeled with their child 's name. Parents must first determine their child is not allergic to the sun protection products provided for the child 's caregiving day. Our program 's medication permission form must be completed for the sunscreen/sunblock products. We apply sunscreen and lip balm 20 minutes before children are to go outdoors for periods 10 minutes or longer. We reapply sunscreens after water play. For swimming activities, we recommend waterproof sunscreen, we store sunscreen out of reach of children.
  • On field trips or walks sunscreen is applied.
  • Parents are encouraged to bring in long sleeves, longer swim pants and water shoes for outdoor water play in which more skin is exposed. We suggest this sun protective clothing for children and adults. Light-colored, loose-fitting, lightweight, cotton clothing, which covers arms and legs, best protects delicate skin from the sun 's burning rays. Wide-brimmed hats will help protect faces, necks, and ears. Closed shoes, worn with socks, will protect the ankles and tops of feet.
  • Sunglasses are also encouraged. Children and adults with light-colored eyes are vulnerable to damage from the sun 's rays, including the development of cataracts over time. Sun glasses can protect both children's and adult 's eyes. Toy sun glasses, however, can be harmful to children's eyes. children's glasses should be shatterproof. All sun glasses must block UV-A and UV-B rays. Sun glasses labeled, "Meets ANSI Z80.3 General Purpose UV requirements," or "Meets ANSI Z80.3 Special Purpose requirements" are best. Sunglasses are labeled with the owner 's name.
  • Sun safety fact sheets are given to parents at least twice a year.
  • We are aware that water, snow, sand and cement reflect the sun 's rays and can cause sunburns.

Upon request a parent can ask for more information on sun safety and skin care awareness.

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Children will be supervised at all times and will never be left anywhere unattended.
At times when it is necessary for teachers to separate, (for example, one teacher on the playground, one teacher cleaning / preparing classroom), each teacher shall be responsible for a number of children so that no one teacher is left over-ratio. It is your responsibility to stay in ratio. Termination or write ups may occur when there has been a failure to supervise. Examples of this may include being on a cell phone, turning your back to the children while on a computer, talking to other teachers about non work related items. Teachers always need to know how many kids they have and WHO they are at any given time. Anytime a class leaves the room, or is coming back to the room they need to do a name to face check. Have your classroom check in sheet with you whenever leaving the room.

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Telephone Policy

The Center telephones are for business purposes. Staff may not receive telephone calls while they are in the classroom except in an emergency. Staff members are responsible for checking their mailboxes for all messages. Cell phones are not to be in the "on" position in the classrooms and are not to be on a person when clocked in for a shift. Staff members must use their break time or wait until their scheduled shift is over to return/make calls, send text messages or IMs. Cell phones are also not to be used during naptimes. Cell phones are also not to be used while in the multipurpose rooms (safe room or big room)or walking down the hallways.

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Children wearing diapers will be changed on a regular schedule and as needed. Changing tables shall be disinfected after each use. Staff will wash their hands before and after diapering, and wash the child 's hands after diapering. Staff will also use plastic gloves when changing a child. Children are not to be left unattended on the changing table. Diapering procedures are posted in classrooms with children under 3 years of age. Teacher assistants of preschool classrooms are required to remind children to go to the restroom, assist them, and help clean up/change a child in the event of an accident.

Toilet accidents should be treated as that: accidents! The child should not be shamed or made to feel bad. Simply require the child to change his/her own clothes, bag any soiled clothes/belongings, and remind them that if they need to go potty to tell someone or ask for help if they need it. The attitude should be: I know you 'll remember next time. Staff must wear gloves at all times while helping a child who has had an accident, changing a child 's diaper, or helping them wipe.

Teachers shall change children's clothes if they become wet or dirty. Soiled clothes shall be removed in a sanitary manner, placed in a plastic bag, closed securely and placed in the child 's cubby to be sent home. CHILDREN'S PERSONAL ITEMS MAY NOT BE LAUNDERED AT THE CENTER. Soiled underpants or training pants MAY NOT be rinsed out before placing in a plastic bag. Teacher assistants shall wash hands immediately after changing soiled clothing.

Staff who have soiled clothing shall change clothes immediately. Extra shirts are located in the resource room; however it is the responsibility of the staff to have an extra set of clothes on hand.
Bathrooms need to be checked and cleaned frequently throughout the day. Use paper towels only to clean toilets, etc. Make sure children are flushing toilets and paper towels are disposed of in waste baskets. Check with each classroom teacher for cleaning duties to be carried out during naptime.

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Training / In-service

All teaching staff must obtain 16 clock-hours of training pertaining to the care and education of young children per KDHE calendar year. Upon hire each employee is required to take two online classes through KCCTO and CPR/First within the first 30 days. The center will host in-person monthly in-services at the center as well as options for online KCCTO classes. Each employee is required to attend an in-service or take a class each month, if this does not happen then a verbal warning will be issued. The next month then the employee will be required to attend an in-service and take an online class or take two online classes, if this does not happen then the employee will be written up. The next month if the employee does not take the required in-services they will be terminated. Once the 16 in-service hours are completed for the KDHE calendar year the employee does not have to attend anymore in-services, but it is highly recommended that the employee still attend as they have helpful information. It is a teacher assistants responsibility to maintain all their hours. The Center will pay for all trainings and for your time at these trainings.

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We have an "OPEN DOOR" policy and we welcome parents and others to visit our center. We will notify teachers in advance of scheduled visitors. Besides prospective parents, we also have student teachers, teacher observers, administrators and an occasional "drop in" visitor. Staff are expected to be courteous at all times to these visitors and welcome them to our center.

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We love to have people volunteer here at the WSU Child Development Center. An employee cannot volunteer while they are scheduled to work, they must be off the clock. All volunteers must check in at the front desk and sign in and out. Since we are a not for profit center all volunteer hours can be used for philanthropy hours for sororities, fraternities, classes or any other means. Volunteers all have a KBI background check and must complete a health assessment and a TB test. Opportunities to volunteer are offered monthly with Kid 's Night Out events and daily with classroom activities and projects.

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Weapons Policy

A. Beginning July 1, 2017, any individual who is 21 years of age or older and who is lawfully eligible to carry a concealed handgun in Kansas shall not be precluded from doing so on the 成人直播 State University campus except in buildings and public areas of buildings for which adequate security measures are provided, as restricted in this policy or Kansas Board of Regent 's policy, and except as otherwise prohibited by law.

B. There are no University buildings that have been designated as gun-free with permanent
adequate security measures. The University may designate a specific location as temporarily gun-free, with appropriate signage, and use temporary adequate security measures after submission and approval by the Governance Committee of the Board. Appropriate notice will be given whenever this temporary designation is made.

C. Each individual who lawfully possesses a handgun on campus shall be wholly and solely responsible for carrying, storing and using that handgun in a safe manner and in accordance with the law, Board policy and University policy. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to require individuals who lawfully possess a handgun to use it in defense of others.

D. Possession of weapons, other than concealed handguns, anywhere on any campus location shall be prohibited. This includes the open carry of any weapon, including a handgun or handguns. Every entrance to each building and facility at any campus location shall be conspicuously posted with appropriate signs indicating that openly carrying a weapon into that building or facility is prohibited. Additional signs may be posted as appropriate.

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