
The Subterranean World (1664)

by Athanasius Kircher, S.J. (1601/2?-1680)

translation by Wm. Parcell


Table of Contents

Volume 1

Volume 1: Dedication, Preface and Index

Book 1: Elementary Geometry and Physico-mathematics (Centrographicus)

Book 2: On the creation of the terrestrial globe.

Book 3: Hydrography

Book 4: Pyrologus- about fire

Book 5: Origin of lakes, fountains and rivers

Book 6: The fourth element we call Earth, its products and first fruits of the Subterranean world

Book 7: Nature, properties and uses of minerals or fosils, which properly look like terrestrial elements and the rotations and the periciclosis which are produced by their motion

Volume 2

Volume 2: Dedication and Index

Book 8: Of Stones in general

Book 9: On the Poisonous and Lethiferous Fruits of the Underground World

Book 10: Metallurgy and Metallic Arts

Book 11: Chemical Apparatus of the Earth

Book 12: Panspermia

It will be apparent to this visitor that this is a work in progress. New and updated translations are made to this site periodically with the initial goal of producing a detailed translation of the book design and organization of its contents.