A-Z Guide for Current Business Students

We value our business students and we want to provide resources and information to help ensure your success, so we have gathered the links and compiled the most-used information into one convenient  place. If you do not find what you are looking for here, you can contact the Business Advising Center directly at 316-978-3203.


Academic Calendar

Academic Honesty - The faculty of the Barton School of Business strongly endorse the statement on academic honesty appearing in the Student Code of Conduct. Students accused of academic misconduct may appeal through the W. Frank Barton School of Business Dean's Office. The detailed appeals process may be found on the Barton School of Business website

Accelerated/Dual Programs

Accounting Success Academy


BADM 162 - Business Software: Excel Credit by Exam

Basic Information for Business Students

Basic Skills 48-Hour Completion Policy - Degree-bound students who select a business major are admitted to the Barton School of Business in program status. All students in the Barton School of Business must maintain a 2.250 grade point average. Students must complete 6 credit hours of English composition, 3 credit hours of communication, and 3 credit hours of college algebra with a grade of C- or better in each within their first 48 college hours. Failure to complete this requirement will bar a student from enrolling in upper-division business courses.

Business Basics


Change Major or Minor - You can change your major or add a minor through your myWSU portal (Home tab> Student Tools > Change My Major/Minor). If you are on academic probation you will need to contact your advisor.

Concurrent enrollment - Frequently Asked Questions

Co-Op & Internships - see Career Development for more information

Counseling & Testing

Course Catalog

Credit for Prior Learning 


Double Major, Inter-College - An inter-college double major allows a student to complete an academic degree and major in one of the professional colleges (Barton School of Business, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, College of Health Professions) along with a major in Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (see for additional information)


English Placement - tests are scheduled a few weeks before the start of each semester


Financial Aid - to find effective solutions to fund your education

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form 


- designed to calculate the credits to improve your GPA

Graduate questions - the Business Advising Center works with undergraduates only. Questions relating to graduate courses or degrees will need to be addressed by the Business Graduate Office


Help Desk - for technical questions about the use of WSU services, assistance with passwords, wireless access, and other needs.

Holds - A university hold is used when students fail to comply with the directions from SCCS. Usually this is failing to complete the sanctions as assigned. Unless there are unusual circumstances, holds will not be released until all sanctions are satisfactorily complete.  


International Students - see the Office of International Education

Internships - see the Career Development Center






Major or Minor change - You can change your major or add a minor through your myWSU portal (Home tab> Student Tools > Change My Major/Minor). You must have completed one full semester at WSU in order to change your major online. If you are on academic probation you will need to contact your advisor.

Math Lab - free tutoring service for WSU students. The Lab is staffed by graduate students and exceptional undergraduate students studying mathematics and/or mathematics related disciplines. In addition, numerous mathematics faculty members volunteer time in the Lab (from the Math Lab's website).

Math Placement - tests are scheduled a few weeks before the start of each semester

- Capstone Course for Business majors - you must receive permission from the Business Advising Center to enroll in the course. Follow the link to complete the request.

- to login, view classes, financial aid, grades, change your major/minor, access your Degree Works


No Credit/Credit Courses - Courses numbered below 100 do not carry credit toward a 成人直播 State degree and are graded Credit/No Credit (Cr/NCr). All credit hours in such courses are excluded from credit toward graduation. Such courses are also excluded from the calculation of the grade point average. In addition, certain credit courses are graded only Cr/NCr. Any department in the university may offer courses on a Cr/NCr basis. This designation is included in the course description of such courses in the 成人直播 State University Catalogs. If students withdraw from a Cr/NCr course before the end of the 10th week of the semester (or the fifth week of the eight-week summer session), a grade of W is recorded. If they withdraw from such a course after the 10th week of a semester (fifth week of the eight-week summer session), they receive a grade of NCr, subject to the right of petition to the university's exceptions committee.



Petition Guidelines - includes guidelines, deadlines, instructions, and forms.

Pre-Advising Worksheet

Probation and Dismissal

Professional Edge - a co-curriculum program designed to provide personal growth and development skills as an enhancement to the student's formal education in the W. Frank Barton School of Business. These skills and competencies are designed to position the business graduate for enhanced placement opportunities and a successful career, with progressively greater responsibilities. The program is designed to provide Barton School graduates with a competitive edge as they seek to begin their professional careers (from the Professional Edge website).



Refund Details


Satisfactory Academic Policy -

Federal regulations require the Office of Financial Aid (OFA) to monitor the academic progress of all students applying for federal financial aid. All financial aid recipients are reviewed for Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of each term (fall, spring, summer). Financial aid applicants who have not been reviewed in the last term are reviewed when their FAFSA is received by 成人直播 State.

To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, you must:

  • Successfully complete at least 67% of all attempted credit hours
  • Maintain at least the minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA)
  • Complete your degree program within the maximum time frame of no more than 150% of your program's length

Failure to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress standards may result in the suspension of your financial aid and the loss of your financial aid eligibility.

This policy applies to all semesters of enrollment, not just those in which you received financial aid. All WSU credit hours and all transfer credit hours recorded by the WSU Registrar's Office will be evaluated. The OFA reserves the right to re-evaluate your Satisfactory Academic Progress if additional coursework is received (from the Financial Aid office). See more information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Second Business Degree - Graduation requirements are determined by the catalog degree requirements in place at the time of the student's first enrollment term for the second degree. This ensures that the knowledge and skills acquired by students will be current with the state of knowledge in the field of business.

Senior Rule Program

Seniors - Graduation

Spanish Placement - If you are going to start taking Spanish at WSU and you don't have transfer credit in Spanish from another institution, you need to take the WebCAPE placement exam in order to qualify to register.

Student Success, Office of

Student Support Services - provides academic support services that help first generation, limited income students, and students with disabilities to persist and graduate from college (from Student Support Services website).

Study Abroad - Step ONE: Attend a Study Abroad Information Session, then schedule an appointment with a Business Advisor.

Supplemental Instruction - SI is a proven program that helps students better understand course content and therefore improve their grades. Selected traditionally difficult courses are assigned a peer leader who leads weekly, free, drop-in study sessions. SI works. Students who attend SI typically earn higher grades than those who do not. The online schedule of courses identifies which sections have SI attached to them.


Transcript - ordering a WSU transcript

Transferring credits from another university to WSU - check the site for specific courses you want to transfer. If your course is not listed, or you need additional information, schedule an appointment with a Business advisor by calling 316-978-3203.

- To accommodate students in their adjustment to college standards, they may be eligible for a special transition semester. The transition semester is a student's first regular semester at 成人直播 State regardless of the number of hours attempted (summer session excluded). Students who have enrolled at another institution of higher learning in a regular term (summer session excluded) before enrolling at 成人直播 State are not entitled to a transition semester at WSU (see for additional information).

Tutoring - 成人直播 State University is committed to the success of all students and we are ready to help you succeed in your educational journey. We seek positive outcomes for students by empowering them to take charge of their academic goals and become independent learners. WSU assists students by providing a comprehensive array of programs, resources, and services to meet your academic needs (from Student Success).



VA Certification form


Walk-In Advising - January & February and August & September (start days may vary based on the release of the course catalog)

Writing Center - free writing resource available to all WSU students. Trained undergraduate tutors from a variety of majors will help you at any stage of your writing--from brainstorming to later stage work and revisions. Also available are graduates of our BA program and graduate-level tutors, many of whom are working toward their MA in English or MFA in Creative Writing (from the Writing Center's website).




Z credit or Zero Credit - Any hours where the grade is preceded by a Z are excluded from GPA calculations, from attempted hours and from earned hours. Z hours denote remedial courses, transfer courses that WSU does not accept, or are the result of WSU's academic forgiveness or repeat policy.