Academic Honesty

University policy establishes that students who compromise classroom academic integrity/honesty are subject to disciplinary action on the part of the University. Violations of classroom standards include:

  • Cheating in any form, whether in formal examinations or elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism, using the work of others as one's own without assigning proper credit to the source.
  • Misrepresentation of any work done in the classroom or in preparation for class.
  • Falsification, forgery, or alteration of any documents pertaining to academic records.
  • Disruptive behavior in a course of study or abusiveness toward faculty or fellow students.Button Collection

The Policy on Student Academic Integrity is overseen by Student Conduct and Community Standards.


Academic Appeals

Exception to Honors curriculum requirements and catalog regulations

Any student has the right to petition for an exception to Honors curriculum requirements and catalog regulations. The student must submit the petition in writing using the petition for exception form available on the forms page, and attach any necessary documentation. Students can also visit the Honors College Office, Shocker Hall A1180, or schedule an appointment to speak with the Honors Academic Advisor.

Results of a petition for exception to curriculum requirements and catalog regulations are returned to the student by email the afternoon of the first business day following the review and decision.

Appeal a grade assigned in an HNRS seminar

Any student has the right to appeal a grade assigned in an HNRS seminar. The faculty at 成人直播 State has established a procedure to resolve disputes arising out of the classroom through the Court of Student Academic Appeals. The court hears appeals for students who feel they have been treated unfairly in grading. The court is designed to help resolve differences that cannot be settled within the framework of the student-faculty relationship and offers an important safeguard for students. Any student may use the appeal procedure. (WSU Policy and Procedure Manual, Section 2.03 / Court of Student Academic Appeals.)

The Student Advocate is available to assist students who feel they have been graded unfairly or have been unfairly accused of cheating, plagiarism or other academic misconduct.

Appeal a financial aid suspension

Any student has the right to appeal a financial aid suspension. Email Honors or call the Honors Dean's Office 316-978-3375 for information.

 Appeal a decision made by the Honors Dean

Any student has the right to appeal a decision made by the Honors Dean, such as probation or dismissal from the college. In the event of a student appeal of the Dean鈥檚 decision, the Dean shall call on the members of the Honors Councils to form an ad-hoc Appeal Committee no later than one month after receiving the student appeal.

  1. The student must submit the appeal in writing to the Assistant to the Dean with supporting documents for review by the Appeal Committee.
  2. The Appeal Committee shall convene for the purpose of hearing a single appeal or multiple appeals.
  3. The Dean should not be present during the hearing of a student appeal.
  4. Student appeals and supporting documents are confidential and shall not be discussed by the committee outside of committee deliberation except when reported to the Dean or subsequent appeals committees.
  5. The Appeal Committee shall consist of the following:
    1. 2 student members elected by the University Honors College Council;
    2. 3 faculty members elected by the University Honors College Council;
    3. A faculty chair, who remains a voting member, shall be selected by the committee by email vote initiated and counted by the Dean or his or her designee.
  6. Responsibility of the faculty chair include:
    1. Scheduling a meeting date in consultation with the committee members;
    2. nforming the student of the meeting date, and invite the student to present the case;
    3. Requesting the Dean鈥檚 written decision statement submitted to the chair at least one day prior to the meeting date;
    4. Reviewing all submitted materials for completeness and request additional materials as necessary at least one day prior to the meeting date.
  7. After committee review, the faculty chair will prepare a decision letter to be emailed or mailed to the student by the afternoon of the first business day after the committee decision. The Appeal Committee chair will submit a copy of the decision letter to the Dean. In the case of a decision to uphold the dismissal of an Honors Baccalaureate student, the faculty chair will submit the decision letter, copies of the student appeal and any additional documentation considered by the committee to the University Exceptions Committee.