School of Music Logo

Student Hand Book

WSU School of Music Mission Statement

The 成人直播 State University School of Music is an applied learning community for the aspiring musician to fulfill their professional goals and become a lifelong advocate for the arts.

Music Degrees and Check Sheets

The School of Music degrees may be found in the online course catalog. 

Music Check Sheets:  The check sheets for each degree can be found here.

WSU Academic Calendar

The current academic calendar is available from the Office of the Registrar website.  It includes important deadlines for registration, enrollment, dropping classes, exams, and financial aid.


The First Year Advisor (OneStop) is the first contact for incoming first year students.  The Fine Arts Academic Advisor is the fist contact for all incoming transfer and current students.  Students meet with the Fine Arts Academic Advisor to learn about required courses, graduation requirements, WSU resources and WSU policies and procedures.

During the first semester of enrollment, students will be assigned a faculty advisor.  The applied professor is the primary advisor for all Bachelor of Music majors.  All Bachelor of Music Education majors are assigned to a music education faculty members for their primary advisor, as determined by their area of study.  At any time, the Fine Arts Academic Advisor may assist the student with any questions they may have.

Helpful Contacts

Fine Arts Academic Advising Center
McKnight Art Center, Room 319
316-978-6634 or

Director of Academic Advising, College of Fine Arts
Kristen Bosch
316-978-6634 or

Academic Advisor for Music
Alysa Janner
316-978-6634 or

First Year Advisor for Music
Brittany Ulmer
Jardine Hall, Room 112
316-978-7399 or

Fine Arts Academic Success Coach
Larry Compton
McKnight Art Center, Room 317
316-978-7714 or

Juries and Degree Recitals

Juries and Degree Recitals Standards are subject to adjustment by agreement among the faculty of a given program area.  Equal attention is given to both technical performances and literature requirements of the proficiency level at which the student is classified.  Students must perform with a pianist if called for by the score (for example concertos, sonatas, etc.).

For the complete technical and logistical details of scheduling degree recitals, related stage management costs, and the scheduling form, refer to the following document:  Student Degree Recital Information

When the student has been approved for giving a degree recital, they will schedule their recital time with Performance Facilities, Duerksen Room C131.  Print and complete this form for your appointment.  Recitals will not be scheduled during finals week.

Degree recital requirements:

Undergraduate degree recitals are scheduled during the T/TH 2:30 pm recital times and will not incur staging costs; these costs will be absorbed by the instructional program.  Any undergraduate degree recital scheduled outside the designated recital time (T/TH 2:30 pm) will incur "exceptions fee" payable by the student to Performance Facilities.  Such performances will not fulfill degree requirements and therefore will not require faculty adjudication unless the recital committee grants permission ahead of time.

Recital programs are the students responsibility for creating and printing.  All programs must use the official templates.  The printed programs are due to the Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

Junior recital program template
Senior recital program template

Concerto-Aria Competition
  • The annual Concerto-Aria Auditions and Concert features student performances with the WSU Symphony Orchestra.  Graduate students, as well as undergraduates with at least sixty (60) undergraduate credit hours at the start of the academic year (juniors and seniors) are eligible to participate in the auditions.  During both semesters of the academic year, undergraduate student must carry an academic class load of at least eight (8) credit hours while graduate students must carry an academic class load of at least five (5) credit hours.  Additionally, all participants must be music majors seeking music degrees during both semesters of the academic year.
  • No student may perform as soloist with the orchestra in two consecutive years.
  • Students will perform from memory in the preliminary and final auditions, as well as at the concert.  Performances in the preliminary and final rounds must be accompanied.
  • Students and faculty are encouraged to select a work or movement from a larger work that ranges between four (4) and eighteen (18) minutes in length.  Additionally, the entire work or movement must be performed, with no abridging of solo or accompanying material.  Vocalists may compete with either a single composition or with multiple selections, typically of contrasting styles, whose combined length conforms to these guidelines.
  • All students participating in the Concerto-Aria Auditions are required to submit an information form to the Director of Orchestras.
  • Each performance area may send up to three qualified candidates to the final round.  If necessary, preliminary auditions should be scheduled and conducted no later than the second week of November.
  • The final round of the Concerto-Aria Auditions will be held the week before Thanksgiving.  Student must bring three copies of their solo part for the judging panel; photocopies are acceptable.
  • Student should reach out to their applied professor of the Director of Orchestras with questions.
  • The jury will consist of three judges, two of whom shall be from outside of the WSU School of Music.  Every effort will be made to include on the panel musicians representing both instrumental and vocal performance areas.  A faculty member whose applied student is competing will not be allowed to judge.
  • Judges will be encouraged to create a balanced program that represents all performance areas of the School of Music.  However, since the level of performance must be the primary consideration, the judges are under no obligation to select a particular number of students or a student from each performance area.  The Director of Orchestras, acting in an advisory capacity, will exercise care in determining the number of soloists that are selected while also considering the difficulty of the orchestral accompaniments given the amount of rehearsal time available to the orchestra.  Prior to selecting repertoire for their students, applied professors are encouraged to consult with the Director of Orchestras regarding the availability and difficulty level of orchestral accompaniments.
  • The roster of selected soloists will be posted outside the office of the Director of Orchestras no later than two hours after the completion of the auditions.  Judges' comment sheets will be distributed to all participants following the auditions.
Requirement for Student Attendance at Recitals and Performances
  • Four semesters in Recital (MUSP 105) are required as indicated in degree check sheets for majors other than BA.
  • Attendance at the weekly School of Music Convocations will satisfy some of this requirement.
  • Incompletes must be made up during the first eight (8) weeks of the next semester or enrollment.  To do so, a student must fulfill any remaining attendance requirements that were not met during the incomplete semester.
Scholarship and Financial Assistance
  • Supplemental scholarships are available for current students after the fourth week of classes each semester.  The Scholarships page on the School of Music website provides information and application materials for awards that are specific to the school, including application forms for the School of Music Supplemental Scholarship and the Buck Charitable Trust Scholarship.
  • For more information regarding all other forms of financial aid assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid or visit their website.  Jardine Hall, Rom 203, 316-978-3430.
Copier and Policies

The School of Music does not have a copier available for student use.  The is a copier in the Thurlow Lieurance Music Library, Jardine Hall, Room 313.

Copyright Responsibility
The School of Music will not accept responsibility for any copyright violations by faculty or students on copies within the School of Music office.

WSU Polices and Procedures for Copyright Guidelines:  Copyright Guidelines

Practice Rooms

The practice rooms in Duerksen Fine Arts Center are available to any WSU student.  The practice rooms are open during building hours and are available on a first come, first served basis.  Those wishing to check out a key will complete the Practice Room Key Agreement.

  • No smoking, eating, or drinking in the practice rooms; smoking is not allowed on the WSU campus.  Report any problems with rooms to the Music office, Duerksen Fine Arts Center Room C127.
  • Each student will be assessed $50.00, to the student account, for the academic year.
  • Lost keys:  to receive a replacement key, the student will be charged an additional key deposit.  If keys are lost twice, the student will no longer be authorized to have any keys.
  • The Key Rental form will list the date keys are due back to the Music office.  If a practice room key is not returned by the due date an additional fee of $250.00 will be assessed to the student account each semester until the key is returned.
  • Students wishing to use a practice room during the summer will inform the Administrative Specialist of this and will be assessed a fee of $25.00 fee.  Student need to return the key by the August deadline to avoid a $250.00 charge.  If the student will use the key for that academic year, they must inform the Administrative Specialist and a $50.00 fee will be assessed to the student account.
Music Lockers

The School of Music will rent a music locker, in Duerksen Fine Arts Center, to WSU students involved in a music course.  The rental lockers and locks are owned by WSU and students are expected to follow the locker rules as listed on the Locker Rental Agreement, or their locker privileges will be revoked, without a refund.  The use of any locker that is not approved by WSU staff is in violation of this agreement and will be subject to removal of personal items and the loss of the locker.

  • The lockers will issued on a first come, first served basis for enrolled WSU students.
  • The renal cost of a locker, for an academic year, will be $15.00 and will be charged to the student account.  And additional $15.00 will be charged if a lock is lost.  An administrative fee of $50.00 will be assessed for any damage to the locker.
  • The School of Music is not responsible for damage of loss of items stored in lockers.
  • Lockers will need to be cleared out by the date listed on the agreement, any items left will be discarded.
Instrument Rental Policy

Rental instruments are available to music students enrolled in methods courses, ensembles, applied lessons, or Athletic Bands. With instructor approval, these instruments may be checked out through the Director of Athletic Bands.

  • Students will be required to present a WSU ID, a Driver鈥檚 License, and to complete an Instrument Check-Out Form. 
  • Students agree to the following:
  • The instrument is to be used for Methods courses, Ensembles, Applied Lessons, or Athletic Bands. (Consent of School of Music Faculty member is required before instrument is checked out).
  • If repair is needed, the Student must notify the Director of Athletic Bands immediately.  The student shall replace or repair the instrument if lost or damaged.
  • The Student will be held financially responsible for the cost of the instrument if the instrument is not returned or is returned in a damaged and irreparable condition.
  • The Student shall not take the instrument from the 成人直播 area without the express consent of the Director of the School of Music.
  • The instrument shall be returned to the School of Music before the Study Day of the semester for which it is checked out.
  • Failure to return an instrument by the deadline will result in the student being placed on Academic Hold with the University, a report will be made to the University Police Department, and appropriate legal action will be taken as necessary.
Laptop Policy

All College of Fine Arts majors are required to have a personal Mac or Windows laptop computer.  Chromebooks, iPads, and desktop computers do not fulfill this requirement.

  • Rationale:  This requirement reflects the digital and technical nature of 21st Century work in the arts.  Students should plan to bring their laptops to all Fine Arts classes, unless exempted by a specific instructor.  Whatever the major, having a laptop will make them a more productive student, anywhere can become a creative space, allowing for collaboration an creativity at a moment's notice.
  • Note to the Student:  Both Mac and Windows hardware is sufficient for the programs you will need to operate.  However, there are industry standards that should be considered.  You should choose whichever platform you are most comfortable with, but we encourage you to make an informed selection based on your ultimate career goals.  We recommend a minimum of 8GB RAM and 256GB of storage.  Adequate internal hard drive space is important to running software, but small, inexpensive external hard drives provide extra storage and backup protection if your laptop becomes damaged.
  • Some of the software you will need is provided from or at a discount to WSU students.  Visit the Resources page of the Technology Help Desk website to purchase and download this software with your myWSU ID.
  • Questions regarding the capabilities of specific laptops are worth careful Internet research.  Look into the professional requirements and preferences of your field as well t make an informed decision.  You are encouraged to contact the faculty in your specific major if you have questions.

Other recommended technology

  • These are not required, but you may find them to be useful and practical in your coursework as a music major.
  • USB MIDI keyboard (eg. M-Audio Keystation 61)
  • Portable recorder / USB microphone (eg. Zoom H1n essential portable recorder)
Ensemble Designation

Large Ensembles                                                   Chamber Ensembles

Athletic Bands
(Shocker Sound & Shocker Sound Machine)      Brass Ensemble

Concert Chorale                                                      Jazz Combo

Guitar Ensemble                                                      Percussion Ensemble

Jazz Arts I                                                                String Ensemble

Jazz Arts II                                                               Woodwind Ensemble

Madrigal Singers

Opera Theater

Shocker Choir

Symphonic Band

Symphony Orchestra

Wind Ensemble

Wu Choir

Zero-Credit Large Ensemble Enrollment

Music Majors
Students who are enrolled full-time as a music major (BM, BME, BA) may enroll in additional large ensembles outside of their degree requirements for zero credit. Each student enrolled in a zero-credit course will be assessed a $39 fee per semester of enrollment. The fee will be assessed after 20th day.

Non-music Majors
Students who are enrolled full-time at WSU in any degree path outside of the School of Music may enroll in large ensembles for zero-credit. Each student enrolled in a zero-credit course will be assessed a $39 fee per semester of enrollment. The fee will be assessed after 20th day.

School of Music Assessed Student Fees

Sheet Music Fee
All students enrolled in large ensembles may be assessed a $20 fee for sheet music purchase at the discretion of the Director of the School of Music per semester. The sheet music fee should be indicated in course syllabi for students鈥 knowledge. The fee will be assessed after 20th day.

Athletic Band Fee
All students enrolled in Athletic Bands (for credit or zero-credit) will be assessed a $200 fee for instrument and uniform usage per year. The fee should be indicated in the course syllabus for students鈥 knowledge. The fee will be assessed after 20th day.

Costume Fee
Students enrolled in Opera and/or Madrigal Singers may be assessed a $40 dollar costume fee depending on the necessities of the program each semester. The fee should be indicated in the course syllabi for students鈥 knowledge. The fee will be assessed after 20th day.

Voice Accompanist Fee
Voice students in MUSA 231Y and above will be assessed a $550 fee for accompanist fees.  These fees cover one 30-minute rehearsal with the accompanist per week, accompanist at one 30-minute lesson per week, and the semester jury, each semester.  Students will pay the accompanist directly for any other services.

Student Music Organizations

The WSU School of Music has collegiate chapters for:

American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) The WSU student chapter is open to any university student who anticipates making choral music a profession. Its purpose is to encourage and promote the development of choral music.  Dr. Ryan Beeken is the faculty sponsor.

American String Teachers Association (ASTA) The WSU chapter has been established for students interested in careers in string and orchestral music.  Dr. Tim Jones is the faculty sponsor.

Mu Phil Epsilon The Phi Pi Chapter is a member of the co-educational International Professional Music Fraternity.  The purpose is for the recognition of scholarship and musicianship, and the development of a bond of friendship among its members.  Dr. Julie Bees is the faculty sponsor.

National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Student membership is available to all music majors and is recommended for its many professional advantages.  Dr. Tom Wine is the faculty sponsor.

Bulletin Boards
Student organizations including NAfME, MU PHI, ACDA, and ASTA have bulletin boards in DFAC.   Department and faculty boards are not for student postings. 

Musician Health and Safety

An Overview of Health Issues for Performing and Visual Arts Students: 

NASM-PAMA Advisories on Hearing Health: 

NASM-PAMA Advisories on Neuromusculoskeletal and Vocal Heath: 

Student Awards

The following awards are presented to students at a spring concert.  Area Coordinators will consult with faculty in their areas for recommendations for the awards.

Presser Undergraduate Scholar Award, awarded to a current junior

Lieurance Outstanding Graduating Senior Award

Lieurance Senior Scholarship Award, awarded to two current juniors

Glenn & Joanne Goodman Endowed Scholarship Award, generally presented to an office worker


Duerksen Fine Arts Center

Building Security
School of Music buildings are among the most vulnerable on campus. Theft, vandalism, loss or destruction of instruments, or misuse of facilities must be reported immediately to the Police Department and to the Director鈥檚 office.

  • Keep classrooms locked.
  • Don't leave materials in practice rooms unattended.
  • If you see something, say something!

Observed Holidays

The 成人直播 State University campus and buildings will be closed in observance of the following:

New Year鈥檚 Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day and Friday after
Winter Closedown (exact dates vary, see posted/announced hours)
Announced weather related campus closings.

Building Hours

Duerksen Fine Arts Building
Monday-Friday 7:00 am-10:00 pm
Saturday 7:00 am-8:00 pm
Sunday 12:00 pm-8:00 pm

School of Music Office
DFAC, Room C127
Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm (unless otherwise posted)

Wiedemann Hall
Monday-Friday 7:00 am-6:30 pm
Saturday-Sunday Closed

Thurlow Lieurance Memorial Music Library
Jardine Hall, Room 313
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am -1:00 pm
Closed Weekends

WSU School of Music
1845 Fairmount, Box 53
成人直播, KS 67260-0053

PHONE    316.978.3103

Jury Schedule

Students will sign up for a jury time and list repertoire at The Jury-System. Juries will take place during the week of finals.

Fall/Spring Jury Schedule

Woodwind Juries:  9:00 am-6:00 pm, Wiedemann Hall

Brass Juries:  9:00 am-6:00 pm, C104

Voice Juries:  9:00 am-6:00 pm, Miller Concert Hall

Percussion Juries:  8:00 am-12:00 pm, C007

String Juries:  9:00 am-6:00 pm, Wiedemann Hall

Brass Juries:  9:00 am-12:00 pm, C104

Woodwind Juries:  1:00-6:00 pm, C104

Voice Juries:  9:00 am-6:00 pm, Miller Concert Hall

Piano Juries:  9:00 am-6:00 pm, Wiedemann Hall

String Juries:  9:00 am-1:00 pm, C104

Jazz Juries:  1:00 -6:00 pm, C104

Piano Juries:  9:00-11:00 am, Wiedemann Hall

Organ Rehearsal:  11:00 am-3:00 pm, Wiedemann Hall

Organ Recital:  5:00-6:00 pm, Wiedemann Hall

Degree Recital Requirements BRASS


BM Performance Majors

  • Sophomore Proficiency (also called the Upper-Level Division or Junior Level) at the end of sophomore year to qualify for enrollment in 400 level lessons.
  • A junior recital is required and must be at least 30 minutes in length.
  • A senior recital is required and must be at least 45 minutes in length.  Students must be enrolled in 400 level lessons.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • The recital committee will consist of three music faculty members, the applied professor, another professor in the brass area and a professor from another area.  If for some reason, someone is not in attendance at the recital, they must be provided with a recording of the recital for adjudication.
  • The student will schedule and perform a recital hearing with the committee members approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

BME Majors

  • Sophomore Proficiency (also called the Upper-Level Division or Junior Level) at the end of sophomore year to qualify for enrollment in 400 level lessons.
  • A junior recital is optional.
  • A senior recital is required and must be at least 30 minutes in length.  Students must be enrolled in 400 level lessons.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • The recital committee will consist of three music faculty members, the applied professor, another professor in the brass area and a professor from another area.  If for some reason, someone is not in attendance at the recital, they must be provided with a recording of the recital for adjudication.
  • The student will schedule and perform a recital hearing with the committee members approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least three days before the dress rehearsal.

MM Students

  • Qualifying Jury:  The student will schedule and perform a recital hearing with the committee members approximately two weeks prior to the recital. 
  • The recital length will be at least 45 minutes.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • The recital committee will consist of three music faculty members, the applied professor, another profesor in the brass area and a professor from another area.  If for some reason, someone is not in attendance at the recital, they must be provided with a recording of the recital for adjudication.
  • The student will schedule and perform a recital hearing with the committee members approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MME Students

  • Qualifying Jury:  The student will schedule and perform a recital hearing with the committee members approximately two weeks prior to the recital. 
  • The recital length will be at least 45 minutes.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • The recital committee will consist of three music faculty members, the applied professor, another professor in the brass area and a professor from another area.  If for some reason, someone is not in attendance at the recital, they must be provided with a recording of the recital for adjudication.
  • The student will schedule and perform a recital hearing with the committee members approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.
Degree Recital Requirements KEYBOARD


BM Performance Majors

Upper Division Placement

  • The student must pass the piano proficiency exam by the fourth semester to be considered for Junior status.
  • Perform a regular length jury.
  • Pass/Retain based on faculty evaluation of jury reports.
  • Repertoire-Program approval by vote of keyboard faculty required of all degree recitals.

Junior Recital

  • The student will schedule and perform a juried "hearing", with the committee members, approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The junior recital committee will consist of three music faculty members.
  • The minimum performing time for the recital is 25-minutes of varied repertoire.
  • Program approval by vote of the keyboard faculty required of all degree recitals.
  • Style periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary. Normally at least four styles are represented in a recital.
  • Works correlate with syllabus standards for Junior level proficiency.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

Senior Recital

  • The student will schedule and perform a juried "hearing", with the committee members, approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The senior recital committee will consist of three music faculty members.
  • The minimum performing time for the recital is 50-minutes of varied repertoire.
  • Program approval by vote of keyboard faculty required of all degree recitals.
  • Style periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary. Normally at least four styles are represented in a recital.
  • Works correlate with syllabus standards for Senior level proficiency.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at one week before the dress rehearsal.

BME Major

Senior Recital

  • The student will schedule and perform a juried "hearing", with the committee members, approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The recital committee will consist of three music faculty members, one of whom should be a faculty member from the Music Education area.
  • The minimum performing time for the recital is 25-minutes of varied repertoire.
  • Program approval by vote of the keyboard faculty required of all degree recitals.
  • Style periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary. Normally at least four styles are represented in a recital.
  • Works correlate with syllabus standards for Senior level proficiency.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MM Students

Graduate Recital

  • The student will schedule and perform a juried "hearing", with the committee members, approximately two weeks prior to the recital date.
  • The recital committee will consist of three music faculty members, one of whom should be a faculty member outside the area of concentration.
  • The minimum performing time for the recital is 60-minutes, not including intermission, of varied repertoire.
  • Style periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, Modern, Contemporary. Normally at least four styles are represented in a recital.
  • Works correlate with syllabus standards for Graduate level proficiency.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MM Accompanying Students

  • Follow similar guidelines to MM Performance Majors except for recital requirements.
  • Two recitals: accompanying both an instrumental and vocal recital during the second year of study.
Degree Recital Requirements PERCUSSION

BM Performance Majors

  • Sophomore Proficiency (also called the Upper-Level Division or Junior Level).  Jury at the end of sophomore year to qualify for enrollment in 400 level lessons.
  • End of sophomore year jury to include:  Advanced level snare drum or intermediate level multi-percussion solo.
  • End of sophomore year jury to include:  Two mallet major and minor scales, intermediate level 4 marimba, or vibraphone solo.
  • End of sophomore year jury to include:  Intermediate level timpani solo with tuning changes.
  • Junior Recital, at least 30 minutes of music.
  • Senior Recital, must be enrolled in 400 level lessons.  Length should be 45-60 minutes of music.
  • Qualifying jury:  Jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  The jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • The recital committee will consist of the applied professor, and two professors from another area.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

BME Majors

  • Sophomore Proficiency (also called the Upper-Level Division or Junior Level).  Jury at the end of sophomore year to qualify for enrollment in 400 level lessons.
  • End of sophomore year jury to include:  Advanced level snare drum or intermediate level multi-percussion solo.
  • End of sophomore year jury to include:  Two mallet major and minor scales, intermediate level 4 marimba, or vibraphone solo.
  • End of sophomore year jury to include:  Intermediate level timpani solo with tuning changes.
  • Junior Recital, optional but encouraged.
  • Senior Recital, must be enrolled in 400 level lessons.  Length must be at least 30 minutes of music.
  • Qualifying jury:  Jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  The jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • The recital committee will consist of the applied professor, a professor in music education and a third professor of your choice.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MM Students

  • Qualifying Jury: Students will sign up for a double jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  Jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital length: at least 60 minutes, not including an intermission.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • Recital committee will consist of the applied professor, and two additional music professors from another area.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MME Students

  • Qualifying Jury: Students will sign up for a double jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  Jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital length: at least 45 minutes.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • Recital committee will consist of the applied professor, a professor in music education, and a third professor from another area.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.
Degree Recital Requirements STRINGS


For all majors

  • Qualifying Jury Recital
  • At the discretion of the primary applied professor a student may be asked to play a Qualifying Jury Recital (QJR) six weeks before a degree recital.
  • The QJR committee will have a minimum of three sting faculty members and will be held at the 2:30 pm Tuesday/Thursday recital time.
  • All repertoire with piano accompaniment must be played with piano.
  • At the conclusion of the QJR the student will be given permission to play the scheduled recital or denied permission to play the scheduled recital.
  • Selections performed on the QJR will be decided by the primary applied professor. Should the student not pass the QJR an incomplete may be given as the recital grade.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

BM Performance Majors

Sophomore Proficiency

  • Student will sign up for a double Jury
  • String students wishing to seek an undergraduate degree in performance from WSU must complete a sophomore proficiency jury, preferably at the end of their fourth semester of lessons with their major professor.
  • For this jury the student will sign up for a double time slot, 24 minutes.
  • Repertoire Requirements:
  • A minimum of 30-minutes of music from three contrasting historical time periods.
  • At least one selection must be performed from memory, preferably a concerto movement or an unaccompanied Bach .
  • Any work requiring a piano or other type of accompaniment must be performed with the appropriate accompaniment.
  • Students do not need to perform complete works. Selected movements are fine.


  • Upon completion of the double jury the string faculty will determine if the applicant is at an acceptable level to continue as a String Performance Major.
  • The student鈥檚 primary applied professor will notify the Undergraduate Advisor the date and approval of the committee that the student has passed the sophomore proficiency.
  • A student may apply  for a performance degree more than once by playing a double jury, but must ultimately perform at a level deemed acceptable artistically and technically to continue pursuit of a performance degree.
  • Until passing the double jury, performance majors are not authorized to enroll in 400-level applied lessons or to perform a junior recital.

Junior Recital

  • Memorization for some selections is encouraged but the decision to memorize is made by the primary applied professor.
  • The music faculty committee  of two will include your major applied professor and one additional string faculty member.
  • Recital must include a minimum of 25-minutes of solo repertoire from contrasting historical periods.
  • The juried recital must be at 2:30 pm on a Tuesday or Thursday.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

Senior Recital

  • Memorization for some selections is encouraged but the decision to memorize is made by the primary applied professor.
  • The music faculty committee of three will include your major applied professor, another string faculty, and one music faculty not in strings.
  • Recital must include a minimum of 45-minutes of solo repertoire from three contrasting historical periods.
  • The juried recital must be at 2:30 pm on a Tuesday or Thursday.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

BME Majors

Senior Recital

  • Memorization for some selections is encouraged but the decision to memorize is made by the primary applied professor.
  • The music faculty committee of three will include your major applied professor, another string faculty, and one music faculty not in stings.
  • Recital must include a minimum of 25-minutes of solo repertoire from contrasting historical periods.
  • The juried recital must be at 2:30 pm on a Tuesday or Thursday.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least three days before the dress rehearsal.
Degree Recital Requirements VOICE


Junior Standing (Junior Proficiency)

  • Junior standing is a prerequisite for enrolling in the 433Y and 434Y Applied Voice for the BM major and prior to the scheduling of the Junior Recital.
  • BME students must gain Junior Standing prior to scheduling a senior recital.
  • Continuing students and Transfer Students who have achieved performance skills appropriate for the Junior-level study will be designated with Junior Standing. For continuing students, the decision will take place at the completion of the fourth semester jury. For transfer students, this decision will take place at the student鈥檚 audition.
  • If Junior Standing is delayed because of inadequate proficiency, the student will continue to enroll at the 233Y level until the Junior Standing status has been approved.  Postponement of the Junior Standing longer than two semesters will result in a special hearing/jury to consider dismissal from the BM/BME major.

The Undergraduate Advisor will track each student鈥檚 Junior Standing.


  • BM majors are required to perform both a Junior and a Senior Recital.
  • BME majors need only present a Senior Recital.
  • Graduate MM Voice Performance and Opera Performance majors are required to present a Graduate Recital.
  • MME options are listed below.
  • Normally, two semesters before the recital date, students must request Recital Permission at that semester鈥檚 Jury. Successfully completing a Recital Permission will allow the student to schedule and proceed toward their recital.
  • Six weeks prior to the recital date Recital Committee members should be invited to participate on the committee.
  • The student is responsible, in consultation with their voice teacher, for selecting a Recital Committee.
  • Three weeks or more prior to the scheduled recital date, the student must pass a Recital Hearing.
  • Ideally, the chosen Committee will hear both the Recital Hearing and the recital. Grades must be submitted for MM and MME Recitals.

NOTE: BM students must successfully complete a Junior Recital before seeking permission for a Senior Recital

Recital Committees shall consist of:

  • BM Junior and Senior Recitals: The student鈥檚 voice teacher, another voice department faculty member, and a SOM Faculty member from any discipline.
  • BME Senior Recital: The student鈥檚 voice teacher, another voice department faculty member, and a Music Education faculty member.
  • MM Graduate Recital: The student鈥檚 voice teacher and two other voice department faculty members.
  • MME (Voice emphasis) Graduate Recital: The student鈥檚 voice teacher, another voice department faculty member and a member of the Music Theory, Musicology or Music Education faculty.
  • All recital material should be memorized and presented at the Recital Hearing (except ensembles). The Recital Hearing Committee may choose to hear all or part of the recital repertoire.
  • After passing the Recital Hearing the student can submit their program, translations, etc. for printing. 

Recital times are intended to be minimum to maximum times. Recital requirements are:

  • BM Junior Recitals: 25 minutes of music (no intermission) from three major musical time periods and styles. English, Italian, German, and French are required. Other languages are optional.
  • BM Senior Recitals: 45 minutes of music (optional 10 minute intermission) representing the main musical style periods must be presented. English, Italian, German, and French are required. Other languages are optional. Opera/Oratorio must be included.
  • BME Senior Recitals: 25 minutes of music (no intermission). Several musical style periods and languages should be included, at the discretion of the student鈥檚 voice teacher. If recommended by the student鈥檚 voice teacher and approved by the Recital Hearing Committee, the BME student may present a longer recital (no longer than 50 minutes). The Committee may also recommend that the performance be in a non-public, faculty-only setting. 
  • MM Graduate Recitals: 50-60 minutes of music (optional 10 minute intermission not included in this time) representing the main musical style periods. English, Italian, German, and French are required. Other languages are optional. Opera/Oratorio and Recitative should be included.
  • MME (Voice emphasis) Graduate Students: A Capstone Project is required, and may consist of:
  • Presenting a recital of 35-45 minutes of music covering the same material and languages as the MM Recital. French, however, is optional.
  • Writing a Thesis on an approved topic.
  • Giving a lecture recital of 35-45 minutes on an approved topic.

The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee.  In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

Degree Recital Requirements WOODWINDS


BM Performance Majors

  • Sophomore Proficiency (also called the Upper-Level Division or Junior Level).
  • Double jury at the end of sophomore year to qualify for enrollment in 400 level lessons.
  • Junior Recital, is required.
  • Senior Recital, required.  Students must be enrolled in 400 level lessons.
  • Recital length: at least 45 minutes in length.
  • Qualifying Jury: Students will sign up for a double jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital date.  Jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • Recital committee will consist of the applied professor, another professor in the woodwind area and a professor from another area.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

BME Majors

  • Sophomore Proficiency (also called the Upper-Level Division or Junior Level).
  • Double jury at the end of sophomore year to qualify for enrollment in 400 level lessons.
  • End of sophomore year for approval for senior recital.
  • Junior Recital, optional.
  • Senior Recital:  at least 30 minutes in length.
  • Qualifying Jury: Students will sign up for a double jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  Jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • Recital committee will consist of the applied professor, another professor in the woodwind area and a professor in music education.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MM Students

  • Qualifying Jury: Students will sign up for a double jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  Jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital length: at least 60 minutes, not including an intermission.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • Recital committee will consist of the applied professor, another professor in the woodwind area and a professor from another area.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.

MME Students

  • Qualifying Jury: Students will sign up for a double jury in the semester preceding the recital semester or at least two weeks prior to the recital.  Jury will consist of a performance of a selection of the proposed recital repertoire.
  • Recital length: at least 45 minutes.
  • Recital repertoire to be determined in consultation with applied professor.
  • Recital committee will consist of the applied professor, another professor in the woodwind area and a professor from another area.
  • The student is responsible for reserving a recital date, dress rehearsal time, and securing a recital committee. In addition, the student must prepare and print the recital program and turn them into the WSU School of Music office at least one week before the dress rehearsal.