Frequently Asked Questions


Location Information

Where is Field Camp located?
  • Field camp is located in the Bighorn Basin of northern Wyoming and southern Montana. We are based out of Northwest College in Powell, WY and Mickelson Field Station. The trip will also include travel through Yellowstone and Teton National Parks.
What is the Camp Address?
  • 231 West 6th Street, Powell, Wyoming, 82435
What kind of weather can I expect?
  • The weather in Wyoming is quite variable. The weather may be very hot and dry or cool and rainy. It is not uncommon for it to even snow in June. Therefore, you will pack for many weather possibilities.

Academic Information

How will I be graded?
  • Your grades will be based on both work completed during camp and after your return from the field.
What textbook is required?
  • Compton, Robert, R., 2016, Geology in the Field, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 412 p.

What is the schedule of a typical day?
  • 6:30 - 7:30 am: Breakfast at Northwest College or field station
  • 8:00 am: Leave for field work. Drive to field sites vary between 20 minutes and 1 hour.
  • ~9:00am - 4:00pm: Field work with sack lunch in the field
  • 5:00 - 6:00pm: Dinner at Northwest College or field station
  • 7:00 - 8:00pm: evening class. Review days work, continue projects, introduce next days field exercise
  • 8:00pm - onwards: time off

Travel Concerns

What are transportation options to/from and during camp?
  • Transportation is provided to/from 成人直播, KS and for all exercises in the Bighorn Basin, as well as camping trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
  • During camp, students must use university-sponsored transportation for travel (24-7).
  • Unless directed, there is no personal vehicle use during camp.
  • Students may arrange other means of transportation to/from camp (airline, personal car, bus, etc). Please coordinate your travels with Dr. Parcell.
    • Students not using department transportation to/from camp are responsible for all travel-related costs. The field course officially begins at the Northwest College in Powell, WY.
  • Coordinate air travel to/from the camp with Dr. Parcell.
    • All arrivals at camp should be into Yellowstone Regional Airport (COD) in Cody, WY. We will pick up students from airport.
    • Departure from camp depends on choice of participation in final four-day camping trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
      • If participating in final four-day camping trip, you must fly out of: Jackson Hole, WY airport (JAC). Check with Dr. Parcell on date and time.
      • If not participating in final four-day camping trip, you must fly out of Yellowstone Regional Airport (COD) in Cody, WY on the evening of the last day at Mickelson Field Station. Check with Dr. Parcell on date and time.
Who can drive university vehicles?
  • Only course instructors and GTAs are allowed to drive university-sponsored vehicles.
How much luggage can I bring?
  • Students should bring 1 backpack, 1 duffel bag, 1 sleeping bag and mat. No external frame rigid packs. A complete list of required and recommended gear can be found HERE.

Preparing for Camp

What type of gear should I bring?
  • A complete list of required and recommended gear can be found HERE.
Do cell phones work at camp?
  • Cell phones have decent reception in Powell. Remote field sites do not have reliable cell reception.
How much spending money should I bring?
  • The amount of money you bring depends on your spending habits. Generally students can get by with about $300.
Should I be concerned about being "in shape" for field camp?
  • Yes! Camp is both physically and emotionally demanding. You will be required to submit a doctors note indicating cardiovascular health. If you have any concerns about your physical abilities and health issues, please address with Dr. Parcell before and during camp.

Camp Life

What are the accommodations?
  • Rooms at Northwest College and Field Station are multiple occupancy single-sex rooms.
  • Rooms at Mickelson Field Station are 6-person single-sex occupancy
  • You are required to use the lodging facilities that are arranged for field camp.
  • Two-person tents are provided during camping.
Can I request a cabin mate?
  • You may request a room-mate for the dorms, although no guarantees can be made. Only single-sex dorm rooms.
What types of food are offered each day?
  • Northwest College and the field station will provide a variety of meals types for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you have special dietary needs, you must the field camp instructor know before camp so campus dining facilities can try to accommodate.
  • Food preparation during camping is a group activity. Individuals with special dietary requirements or preferences should individually obtain necessary food during trips to grocery stores during camping days. However, because food preparation is a group activity, it is expected that all students will participate in meal preparation and cleanup.
How do I do my laundry?
  • Coin laundry facilities are available at Northwest College
  • Laundry facilities are free to use at Mickelson Field Station
Will I have access to computers and email?
  • There is computer and internet (WiFi) access at Northwest College and Mickelson Field Station.


Enrollment and Financial Information

What is the field camp fee?
  • Camp fee is underwritten in part by the Woolsey Family Fund for Geology Field Camp, translating into a ~$2000 scholarship for each participating student.
  • This fee covers transportation, staffing, lodging, supplies, meals, and equipment.
  • The fee will be adjusted depending on enrollment, transportation and housing fees. I will let you know as soon as I can calculate final costs.
How do I pay fees?
  • Field Camp Fees are made through your WSU student account. This can be accessed and paid online.
How do I register for the class?
  • After confirming with Dr. Parcell that you are allowed to enroll in the class, registration and payment of tuition for summer courses is usually available starting in early April
    • see the university website for summer registration instructions.
  • Non-WSU students will need to first apply to WSU as a non-degree undergraduate 鈥淐ollege Guest.鈥 Once admitted to the university, you will be assigned a student ID and you will be able to enroll in the class and pay tuition.
What is tuition and how do I pay?
  • Tuition rates depend on student resident status. See university website for more information
    • /services/tuitionfees/2017/tuitionfees2.php
  • You must be registered as a student (resident, nonresident, guest, etc) before you can enroll in class (GEOL 640) and pay tuition.
When are payments due?

Health Information

What health concerns should I know about?
  • Field camp involves strenuous hiking and physical activity at high elevations and low humidity. You will feel the effects of higher altitudes (>6000 ft) during your first days at field camp.
  • Limited access to specific medical and dietary needs. Be sure to bring and pack daily needed food and medicine.
  • There are time in the field that we may be far from a hospital. Over an hour away is not uncommon for certain field sites.
What are the fitness and health requirements?
  • You must be in good cardiovascular condition !!
  • A physicians note indicating cardiovascular health is required for camp.
  • Health insurance is required.
  • If you have a history of cardiac or pulmonary problems, physical, emotional, or mental disabilities you must inform the field camp director. Field camp is physically and emotionally demanding.
  • We will be conducting field exercises, including hiking, off trail and at high elevations (>6000ft). Field days are long and your performance will be effected if you cannot cover the field project areas.
  • Students in good physical condition are able to complete the course without difficulty. Students in poor physical health or condition will have a difficult time completing the field exercises.
  • Smoking during field work is strongly discouraged. It will diminish your ability to hike, climb, and perform field activities that demand an increased level of oxygen processing. All the more difficult at higher elevations!