ࡱ> SUR $bjbj VDaaaa$a1)))))   $ b     ))ppp  ))p ppp)vYa*Fp01pppp,  p     p   1              :  DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY ASSESSMENT PLAN Department Mission Statement The purpose of the Department of History at ֱ State University is to illuminate the forces that have shaped our world and to provide a historical perspective for the future. To accomplish those goals, the department offers a flexible program of study. While students may focus on a specific area of concentration, the program introduces them to a variety of classes that assures them a foundation for an integrated liberal education. Combined with courses in other disciplines, the study of history prepares students for entrance into a wide variety of career opportunities, including business, government, law, journalism, teaching, communications, public service, and the military. Program Goals Goal #1: Students will possess a knowledge of American, European, and World history and geography. Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of American, European, and World history and geography Learner outcome: Each student will achieve a passing score of a (C( or better in all survey and upper division courses, based on the individual faculty(s grading system, but within the broad definitions of the department(s grading rubric. Goal #2: Students will possess a knowledge of historical thinking, interpretations, and processes, and an ability to think critically and creatively with historical perspective and insight. Objective: Students will demonstrate their general knowledge of history, the processes of historical inquiry, and their ability to relate information and concepts. Learner outcome: Students will research, write, and submit for their file a research paper that addresses the particular topic within the context of comparative analysis and change over time. Students will also prepare and submit a book review. Goal #3: Students will possess an awareness of human values and ability to articulate human cultural heritage. Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of history, historical processes, and the nature of change in societies and cultures. Learner outcome: All history majors are required to take History 698. In that class, students will engage in a systematic analysis of schools of historical thought, will explore change over time in class discussions, and will prepare narrative papers that examine their own ideas about history as an academic discipline. The paper will identify political, social (cultural), and economic forces that influence societies. Goal #4: Students will possess an ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Objective: Students will be able to speak and write in a n effective, professional, and scholarly manner. Learner outcome: All history majors are required to take History 300. In that class, the student is introduced to skills necessary to research a topic, and then is required to submit a twenty-page research paper. Discussion is a major component of this class as well as in History 698. Assessment At present, history majors are required to take 33 hours of history. Included in these hours are two methods classes( History 300 and History 698. The description for History 698 reads This capstone course engages students in a systematic analysis of major historians and schools of historical thought. Class assignments and discussions encourage students to examine their own ideas about history as an academic discipline. One should note that history majors are required to write formally in all classes. While essays are generally a part of every exam in every history course, upper division courses require at least a book review and research paper. Consequently, the student will have ample opportunity to fulfill this evaluative component of the major. In order to evaluate history majors, the following plan offers goal-orientated and outcomes-measurement tools. The department has a policy committee in place composed of four tenured faculty who advise the chair. This committee will serve as an assessment committee as well. The department will create and maintain a folder on each student who majors in history. Each history major will be required to write and submit for placement in a folder: 1. A book review assigned in any history class 2. Research paper from History 300 3. Systematic analysis of major historians and schools of historical thought from History 698. Undergraduate History Program Assessment Plan Undergraduate Mission Program Mission Goal Objectives Learner Outcomes Assessment of Program Goals Assessment of Learner Outcome Results Feedback Loop Equipping students with educational and cultural tools to use in a complex world Illuminate forces that have shaped our world #1 Student will earn a grade of (C( or better in history courses Student papers and exams Rubric for grading Folders reviewed twice a year; progress evaluated by Policy committee Department will review at department meetings and on a biannual basis the student folders and the courses taught. Acting on the results of the that review, the department will consider curriculum changes and engage in long-range planning for new hires. Same as Above Provides a historical perspective #2 Student will earn a grade of (C( or better in research paper and book review Student book review and research paper Rubric for grading Same as above  Same as above Effective citizenship in local, national, global community Provides foundation for an integrated liberal education #3 Student will earn a grade of (C( or better in research paper and philosophy of history paper Student research and philosophy of history papers Rubric for grading Same as above Same as above Equip with educational and cultural tools to use in a complex world Provides foundation for an integrated liberal arts education #4 Student will earn a (C( or better in history courses Student will participate in discussions and write required papers Rubric for grading Same as above Same as above Grading Rubric Grade Book Review Research Paper A Thesis of book well-defined Review focuses on analysis rather than summary Review is well-organized Argument clearly stated and supported Grammar, sentence structure, and syntax correct Review includes vivid and effective examples Uses balance of primary and secondary sources appropriate to topic Annotates and cites accurately each source Creates introduction that informs reader of scope of paper and includes some historiography Concludes with an evaluation of the impact of this topic and places topic within the appropriate historical context Theme is well-defined, paper is clearly written, and there are no errors in syntax B Review lacks one of the A components Number of sources is inadequate or balance inappropriate Limited annotation of sources Introduction lacks focus Some errors in grammar and/or syntax C Review lacks two of the A components Number of sources and balance is inadequate Incomplete annotated bibliography Weak introduction Paper lacks organization D Review lacks three of the A components No identified theme No annotated bibliography Major errors in grammar and syntax Lacks conclusion  !.?A]  " * @ A y z - . / 0 BR9A9IDNOP\ҹҲҫҫҤҖҏ hFb^hMh{CphM5CJ\aJ jBhM j=hM j@hM jAhMhM5CJ\aJ hM5\hMhM5CJ \aJ h{Cph{Cph{CpCJ$OJQJaJ$h{CpCJ$OJQJaJ$7!?@A_`  ! 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