ࡱ> ! ubjbj >hhYm2tt8DGC(+++   BBBBBBBD[GB$ $$B++B|'|'|'$v++B|'$B|'|'>6@+[/N%X2?BB0CH?H%H,6@6@HJ@T DN|'L8   BBr'   C$$$$H         t }: Department: School of Social Work AY 2007/2008 Program-initiated Goal or Objective Where, When, and How MonitoredExpectation for Satisfactory PerformanceDecision Point Observations of Student PerformanceWhen and By Whom Were Results Analyzed?Outcome of AnalysisDept. or Program Follow-upA. To prepare students for entry-level generalist social work practice with diverse client systems of various sizes and types.Aggregate data based on Program Objectives 2, 7, 8 & 9 on Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 Student-led and recorded focus groups / yearly / in SCWK 351 Program Goal A will achieve a minimum mean score of 3.0. Student comments will reflect a general sense of preparation for generalist practice.Mean score below 4.0 triggers Curriculum Committee review Any comments indicating overall dissatisfaction with preparation for entry-level generalist social work practice.Mean score = 3.85 (scaled mean score based on Program Objectives 2, 7, 8 , 9) Based on responses regarding curriculum and preparation, student comments reflect overall satisfaction, but with concerns in two: (1) wanting more skill-based course content less videos and stories of practice (2) more diversity content and child welfare content , (3) more content on professional writing.September 15, 2008 / Evaluation Committee September 15, 2008 / Evaluation Committee ChairQuantitative scores of student performance in Practicum indicate Program Goal A is not satisfied. This score shows decrease from the previous years mean is likely the result of changing of expectations of field practicum. Qualitative data indicate that Program Goal A is not wholly satisfied. Curriculum Committee report suggests practice courses include more skills based exercises and writing assignments focused on those skills. Follow-up strategy: Discussion at Faculty Retreat September 1st to add additional Generalist Practice content and Diversity credits in the BSW Proposed course on generalist practice discusses at retreat September 1st 2008. will be considered by the SSCC.  Follow-up completion Fall 2008: Will make recommendations based on SSW CC review of courses. not yet completed -- Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009.A.1. Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for diversity and to implement generalist practice interventions appropriate for diverse and at-risk populations. Aggregate score based on 4 skill areas of Objective 8 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 8.1 Treats diverse clients with dignity and respect 8.2 Uses pertinent information to assess diverse clients 8.3 Applies pertinent information to intervention with diverse clients 8.4 Evaluates practice to make sure it is not discriminatory Less than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed in each scale item.8.1 87% exceeded 9% met 2% not met 4% not observed 8.2 85% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 4% not observed 8.3 83% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 6% not observed 8.4 89% exceeded 9% met 0% not met 2% not observedSeptember 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met not met met Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: The addition of diversity elective within the SSW and focus additional class content and activities which address skills based on interventions with diverse clients. Review by the SSWCC. Spring 2008 Field Instructor Training addressed diversity. Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. A.2. Understand and apply the knowledge and skills of generalist social work practice with social systems of all types and sizes. Aggregate score based on 5 skill areas of Objective 7 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 7.1 Is effective in providing services to individuals 7.2 Is effective in providing services to families 7.3 Is effective in providing services to groups 7.4 Is effective in macro change efforts in the community (macro change efforts include efforts to develop new services and to improve existing services) 7.5 Has the skills and tact to effectively work toward organizational changes in agencies Less than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.7.1 78% exceeded 9% met 0% not met 4% not observed 7.2 83% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 6% not observed 7.3 51% exceeded 15% met 0% not met 34% not observed 7.4 49% exceeded 19% met 0% not met 30% not observed 7.5 55% exceeded 23% met 0% not met 23% not observed September 15, 2008 Evaluation Committeemet not met (but improved from 10%) least year not met (decreased from last year. May be a result of restructuring of the expectation or wording of expectation.* not met * not met * Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: Clarification on these items 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 will discussed as part field instructors training and focus on curriculum in these areas. . Proposed course on generalist practice discusses at retreat September 1st 2008..* Follow-up completion: Will re-examine by September 1st 2009. Spring 2009 Field Instructor training and Fall of 2009 curriculum A.3. Critically analyze and apply theoretical knowledge of bio-psycho-social-spiritual factors influencing human behavior and interactions in assessment and intervention with individuals, groups, organizations, and communitiesAggregate score based on 8 skill areas of Objective 9 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 9.1 Effectively uses knowledge of biological variables in assessing clients 9.2 Effectively uses knowledge of psychological variables in assessing clients 9.3 Effectively uses knowledge of sociological variables in assessing clients 9.4 Effectively uses knowledge of spiritual variables in assessing clients. 9.5 Is knowledgeable about social system theory 9.6 Is effective in using the agencys assessment system 9.7 Uses and integrates information from appropriate assessment tools 9.8 Has a good knowledge of intervention theories and techniques 9.9 Demonstrates ability to establish intervention plans, and then follows through in implementing the plans.Less than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.9.1 63% exceeded 35% met 0% not met 2% not observed 9.2 69% exceeded 28% met 0% not met 2% not observed 9.3 71% exceeded 27% met 0% not met 2% not observed 9.4 53% exceeded 40% met 0% not met 7.5% not observed 9.5 50% exceeded 39% met 0% not met 2% not observed 9.6 75% exceeded 25% met 0% not met 2% not observed 9.7 73% exceeded 25% met 0% not met 2% not observed 9.8 63% exceeded 33% met 2% not met 2% not observed 9.9 67% exceeded 23% met 0% not met 10% not observed September 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met met not met decreased from last year of 10. May be a result of practicum trainings met met improvement from last year met met improvement from last year not met Objective partially met. Follow-up strategy: Proposed course on generalist practice discusses at retreat September 1st 2008. Follow-up completion: December 2008 Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. A.4. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills that facilitate effective practice and professional relationships. Aggregate score based on 8 skill areas of Objective 2 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 2.1 Demonstrates assertiveness when appropriate 2.2 Written work communicates ideas clearly 2.3 Written work completed on time 2.4 Is able to pull out the most important material/ information to incorporate in their written work. 2.5 Is familiar with and clearly understands the styles of writing used within the agency, i.e., knows the language, acronyms, and abbreviations, etc., and makes appropriate use of these in assessments and other written work 2.6 Written work reflects a clear understanding of the social workers role within the agency and service delivery system 2.7 Willingly contributes their thoughts and opinions in group meetings 2.8 Appropriately adjusts their choice of words in communicating with different populations (for example, communicates well with children, elderly and other professionals)Less than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.2.1 77% exceeded 21% met 0% not met 2% not observed 2.2 81% exceeded 13% met 0% not met 2% not observed 2.3 83% exceeded 15% met 0% not met 2% not observed 2.4 81% exceeded 11% met 2% not met 6% not observed 2.5 83% exceeded 13% met 2% not met 2% not observed 2.6 81% exceeded 15% met 4% not met 0% not observed 2.7 66% exceeded 30% met 0% not met 4 % not observed 2.8 81% exceeded 13% met 2% not met 4% not observed September 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met met not met decreased from last year. May be a result of restructuring of the expectation or wording of expectation. * met met met met Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: Proposed course on generalist practice discusses at retreat September 1st 2008. Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. B. To prepare students for continuing professional development that may include graduate social work education.Aggregate data based on Program Objectives 1, 3, 5, &12 on Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 Student-led and recorded focus groups / yearly / in SCWK 351 Program Goal B will achieve a minimum mean score of 3.0. Student comments will reflect a general sense of preparation for continuing professional development.Mean score below 4.0 triggers Curriculum Committee review Any comments indicating overall dissatisfaction with preparation for continuing professional development.Mean score = 4.18 (scaled mean score based on Program Objectives 1, 3, 5, 12) Students reflect a general satisfaction with professional advising, but have concerns about: (1) interface and consistency of LAS advising, (2) Availability and perceived helpfulness of SSW advisors.September 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committee Aug 31, 2007 by Evaluation Committee ChairQuantitative scores of student performance in Practicum indicate Program Goal B is satisfied. This improved from the previous AY. Qualitative data indicate that Program Goal B is partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: New BSW Director will develop closer communications with LAS Advising (continuing) Personnel Committee will review policy on faculty office hours and availability as well as advising protocols. Explore centrally scheduled faculty advising for both the MSW and BSW programs (continuing) Information on graduate studies will be provided through the MSW coordinator, student organizations, and informational presentations at WSU and other locations as necessary. (continuing)  Follow-up completion: Spring 2008. Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009.  B.5. Develop a professional identity as social worker consistent with the values and ethics of social work.Aggregate score based on 5 skill areas of Objective 1 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 1.1 Has a commitment to promoting of well-being of clients 1.2 Respects the rights of clients to self-determination 1.3 Is perceptive and attentive to cultural diversity 1.4 Follows agencys guidelines on confidentiality 1.5 Treats all clients and colleagues with dignity, courtesy and fairnessLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.1.1 89% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 0% not observed 1.2 89% exceeded 10% met 0% not met 2% not observed 1.3 83% exceeded 15% met 0% not met 2% not observed 1.4 85% exceeded 13% met 0% not met 2% not observed 1.5 86% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 2% not observed September 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met met met met Objective satisfied.  No follow up required.  B.6. Apply critical thinking skills in the context of generalist social work practice. Aggregate score based on 5 skill areas of Objective 3 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 3.1 Develops assessment skills 3.2 Develops problem solving skills 3.3 Has good data gathering skills 3.4 Analyzes complex material well 3.5 Able to think criticallyLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.3.1 72% exceeded 28% met 0% not met 0% not observed 3.2 74% exceeded 25% met 0% not met 2% not observed 3.3 79% exceeded 19% met 0% not met 2% not observed 74 74% exceeded 23% met 0% not met 4% not observed 3.5 87% exceeded 23% met 0% not met 0% not observedSeptember 15, 2008by Evaluation Committeemet met met met improvement from last year rewording and practicum training on what we were looking for. met Objective satisfied. Will continue to focus field instructor training on the wording of skill area 33 3.5 as this is an improvement over previous years and field instructor trainings appear to have improved these areas.  No follow up required. Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. B.7. Understand the role of the social work profession in current service delivery systems in the context of past and current social policy and professional history and mission. Aggregate score based on 5 skill areas of Objective 5 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 5.1 Is knowledgeable about the agencys mission its history, goals and functions in the community and social service delivery system 5.2 Is knowledgeable about current social problems 5.3 Is knowledgeable about community resources 5.4 Demonstrates resourcefulness in identifying and using resources not commonly known 5.5 Has a good understanding of existing social welfare programsLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.5.1 85% exceeded 13% met 0% not met 2% not observed 5.2 81% exceeded 17% met 0% not met 2% not observed 5.3 77% exceeded 19% met 0% not met 4% not observed 5.4 66% exceeded 30% met 0% not met 4% not observed 5.5 81% exceeded 25% met 0% not met 2% not observedSeptember 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met met met met Objective satisfied.  No follow up required B.8. Function effectively, use supervision appropriately, and seek necessary change within agency and organizational settings. Aggregate score based on 8 skill areas of Objective 12 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 12.1 Is prepared for supervisory conferences 12.2 Has a positive attitude toward supervision 12.3 Is receptive to suggestions 12.4 Is open to new ideas and differing points of view 12.5 Seeks supervision when needed and asks appropriate questions 12.6 Appropriately informs supervisor(s) of problematic situations 12.7 Follows through effectively on work responsibilities assigned by supervisor(s) 12.8 Handles differences of opinion with supervisor(s) with tact and diplomacyLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.12.1 85% exceeded 15% met 0% not met 2% not observed 12.2 89% exceeded 9% met 0% not met 2% not observed 12.3 92.5% exceeded 7.5% met 0% not met 0% not observed 12.4 92.5% exceeded 7.5% met 0% not met 0% not observed 12.5 92% exceeded 6% met 0% not met 2% not observed 12.6 87% exceeded 9% met 2% not met 2% not observed 12.7 87% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 2% not observed 12.8 73% exceeded 17% met 0% not met 9% not observedSeptember 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met met met met met met not met Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: Field Administrators reviewed wording and made the core competencies reflect the wording g of the New CSWE EPAS 2008. Meet with curriculum to review supervision content in courses.  Follow-up completion: Summer 2008 Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. . C. To prepare students for responsible community participation, with particular attention to the needs of the social work community in Kansas, ֱ and surrounding areas.Aggregate data based on Program Objectives 4, 6 10, & 11 on Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 Student-led and recorded focus groups / yearly / in SCWK 351 Program Goal C will achieve a minimum mean score of 3.0. Student comments will reflect a general sense of preparation for responsible community participation.Mean score below 4.0 triggers Curriculum Committee review Any comments indicating overall dissatisfaction with preparation for responsible community participation.Mean score = 3.99 (scaled mean score based on Program Objectives 4, 6, 10 , & 11)) Students reflect a general satisfaction with preparation, but have a primary concerns about course content and demands. September 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committee September 2008 / Evaluation Committee ChairQuantitative scores of student performance in Practicum indicate Program Goal A nearly satisfied. May be due to different expectations transmitted to field instructors at training in spring of 2008. Qualitative data indicate that Program Goal C is not wholly satisfied. Follow-up strategy: Put wichita.edu email policy in all syllabi SSW newsletter to students 6 times a year SOSW Blackboard group Practicum Liaisons and Field instructors on Black board informed. Regular posting of announcements on website, in student lounge, and around SSW offices Include SSW administrative staff in all Blackboard course sections for centralizing communication. Follow up completion: SCWK 351 focus group, Fall 2008, to compare and monitor progress. Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. C.9. Demonstrate the professional use of self and responsibility for continued professional growth and development Aggregate score based on 12 skill areas of Objective 10 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 10.1 Good attendance and punctuality 10.2 Promptness in completing work assignments 10.3 Good in prioritizing the work that needs to be done 10.4 Dependable 10.5 Is a team player 10.6 Is a self starter 10.7 Has a good professional relationship with clients 10.8 Has a commitment to continue to seek out opportunities for professional growth 10.9 Is aware of personal limitations 10.10 Has good time-management skills 10.11 Abides by agencys policies and standards 10.12 Is professional in making suggestions for changesLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.10.1 77% exceeded 17% met 6% not met 0% not observed 10.2 85% exceeded 15% met 0% not met 0% not observed 10.3 79% exceeded 17% met 2% not met 2% not observed 10.4 79% exceeded 13% met 7.5% not met 0% not observed 10.5 89% exceeded 9% met 0% not met 2% not observed 10.6 79% exceeded 21% met 0% not met 0% not observed 10.7 85% exceeded 11% met 2% not met 2% not observed 10.8 77% exceeded 21% met 0% not met 2% not observed 10.9 77% exceeded 19% met 2% not met 2% not observed 10.10 85% exceeded 11% met 0% not met 4% not observed 10.11 81% exceeded 19% met 0% not met 0% not observed 10.12 76% exceeded 19% met 2% not met 4% not observedSeptember 15, 2008by Evaluation Committeenot met met met not met met met met met met met met met Objective Partially Satisfied. Follow-up strategy: Need to address the importance of professionalism in Practicum Seminars.  Follow up required. Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. C.10. Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination and to engage in empowering practice that fosters social and economic justice with individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. Aggregate score based on 3 skill areas of Objective 4 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 4.1 Demonstrates awareness of the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination 4.2 Is committed to advancing social and economic justice for discriminated-against individuals and groups 4.3 Demonstrates an understanding of the impacts of various environmental conditions (such as poverty and discrimination) on individuals, families, groups and communitiesLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.4.1 76% exceeded 21% met 0% not met 4% not observed 4.2 76% exceeded 15% met 0% not met 9% not observed 4.3 76% exceeded 23% met 0% not met 2% not observedSeptember 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet not met met Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: SSW Curriculum Committee will review the need for an generalist practice courses and additional courses on diversity and justice as discussed in the faculty retreat September 1st 2008. practice courses and human behavior courses for activities that promote skill development in the areas of social and economic justice  Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. C.11. Critically understand the impact of social policies on individuals, groups, organizations, and communities and to seek change in ways that promote social and economic justice.Aggregate score based on 6 skill areas of Objective 6 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 6.1 Is knowledgeable of the field placement agency and its organizational structure 6.2 Is knowledgeable of the relationship between the field placement agency and the larger human service delivery system in the community 6.3 Has the ability to see gaps in the service delivery system and has the ability to suggest appropriate plans for change 6.4 Understands the community and makes use of that understanding in working with clients 6.5 Has an understanding of how social policy issues impact clients and the field placement agency 6.6 Understands the limitations of the field placement agency in regard to financial and material resources and in regard to agency policy and is able to work effectively within these constraintsLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.6.1 72% exceeded 28% met 0% not met 0% not observed 6.2 81% exceeded 19% met 0% not met 0% not observed 6.3 62% exceeded 36% met 0% not met 2% not observed 6.4 76% exceeded 19% met 0% not met 6% not observed 6.5 68% exceeded 28% met 0% not met 4% not observed 6.6 76% exceeded 21% met 0% not met 4% not observed September 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeemet met met not met met met Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: SSW Curriculum Committee will review the need for an generalist practice courses and additional courses on diversity and justice as discussed in the faculty retreat September 1st 2008. practice courses and human behavior courses for activities that promote skill development in the areas of social and economic justice Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. 12. Understand and apply beginning level research knowledge and skills to evaluate practice. Aggregate score based on 6 skill areas of Objective 11 of Field Instructor Evaluation of Student Field Practicum Performance / May 2008 11.1 Demonstrates an appreciation of the importance of research 11.2 Is interested in reading the results of research studies that are relevant to improving services at this field placement agency 11.3 Has the capacity to evaluate their own practice interventions 11.4 Has the capacity to evaluate the services provided by this field placement agency 11.5 Has demonstrated competence in research at this field placement 11.6 Has demonstrated competence in adhering to the documentation and records requirements of the agencyLess than 5% not met, and less than 5% not observed.11.1 62% exceeded 30% met 0% not met 7.5% not observed 11.2 56% exceeded 38% met 0% not met 6% not observed 11.3 55% exceeded 34% met 2% not met 6% not observed 11.4 67% exceeded 31% met 0% not met 2% not observed 11.5 45% exceeded 32% met 0% not met 23% not observed 11.6 74% exceeded 23% met 0% not met 4% not observedSeptember 15, 2008 by Evaluation Committeenot met not met not met met not met met Objective partially satisfied. Follow-up strategy: Curriculum will continue to identify ways to strengthen research components in practice in the core research sequence.  Follow-up completion: Will re-examine by Sep 1, 2009. Other Observations? Unexpected findings?Note: The department reports only on the assessment tool being implemented during the academic year. For example, a department wishes to assess students each year with a portfolio, conduct senior exit surveys on a two year rotation, and use an external reviewer at five year intervals. That department will report only on the assessment tool(s) implemented during the past academic year. Summary data are gathered each five years in program review.      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