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The following is a list of the courses and their respective schedules: MATH 011 11:30 12:20 Daily MATH 123 11:00 12:15 TR MATH 012 10:30 11:20 Daily MATH131 5:35 6:50 MW MATH 012 7:05 8:25 pm MTR MATH 144 11:00 12:15 TR MATH 111 9:30 10:20 MWF MATH 242 8:30 9:20 Daily MATH 111 12:30 1:45 TR MATH 242 5:30 6:50 MTR MATH 112 5:30 6:50 MTR STAT 370 11:30 12:20 MWF The survey consisted of the following questions (see attached survey for more details): Approximately how often do you make use of the Math Lab? On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent, how would you rate the assistance you have received in the Math Lab? Do you have any suggestions for how the Math Lab could be improved? If you do not use the Math Lab, why not? Are there changes that could be made that would make you more inclined to use the Lab? There were a total of 247 surveys collected. Thirteen of those surveys were removed because of obvious references to MyMathLab or WebAssign instead of the departments Math Lab. This report will examine the surveys by categorizing each group of students according to how often they use the Lab. The breakdowns of usage and overall quality of assistance are represented in the following charts:  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s   EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  Students Perceptions of Quality of Help Received The 56 students who stated that they rarely attended asked for more tutors in general, for tutors to greet students or identify themselves, excel on lab computers. They wished for tutors with more patience and stated they often couldnt understand the tutor or the method presented by the tutor. They rated the help they received as follows: Poor14.3%Fair12.5%Average23.2%Good32.1%Excellent16.1% Twenty students who claimed to use the Math Lab about 1 or 2 times per week stated they would like to see more tutors in general, more tutors skilled in statistics, and one said AH-MAZE-ZING!. This category of students rated the help they received as follows: Fair15%Average35%Good35%Excellent15% No students who used the Math Lab 3 or 4 times a week had any suggestions. The ratings from this group were very favorable: Good75%Excellent25% Only 1 student of the 234 students surveyed said they used the Lab on a daily basis. The student rated the quality of assistance as Excellent, but stated that more tutors are needed. Of the 234 students surveyed, 11 students used the Lab primarily for test-taking. They stated that they didnt know tutors were available, they wished tutors would explain the process not just the answer, requested more tutors and extended hours. Their ratings: Fair18%Average18%Good45%Excellent18% Suggestions for Improvement In this survey there were many students (63%) who claimed that they had never used the Math Lab. Below are the common reasons for not using the lab: Lab not needed (work with others, use online support, etc.)38.6%Did not know about Math Lab17.1%No time15%Meet with professor/instructor instead4.3% Overall, the students who use the Math Lab gave favorable responses about the help they received. Their most common suggestions for improvement to the Math Lab have been compiled into the following list: Advertise the Math Lab more. Make sure that tutors/instructors who are proficient in statistics are available. Hire more tutors and/or enlist the volunteer help of more GTAs and instructors. Consider having later hours a few nights a week. Be cautious during peak test times that the Math Lab doesnt get overcrowded. Keep a positive learning environment in the Lab. Offer scheduled tutoring appointments or online chat room type of help. In order to draw in more of this group of students, the following steps could be taken: Encourage faculty to promote the Math Lab more to their classes. Make sure that tutors/instructors who are proficient in statistics are available. Be aware of hiring tutors not only with strong math backgrounds, but also those that are patient, personable, and able instructors.     "#`b  # 9 A B X Y     1 2 3 M N   . 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