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In 2007, the accomplishments of the faculty were recognized when the Master of Public Administration degree program was ranked 17th in public finance by U. S. News and World Report. We were one of only three programs to achieve this level of recognition that lacked a doctoral program, and the only such program that did not offer multiple types of masters degrees. Issues: At the end of the 2006-2007 academic year, Professor H. Edward Flentje announced his intention to step down as the Director of the Hugo Wall School at the end of upcoming academic year. A national search for a new director was approved and conducted, and although two candidates were interviewed, neither proved acceptable. The School received permission to extend the search into the 2008-09 academic year and hope this effort will result in the hiring of a new director. In January 2008, through an agreement between WSU and the City of ֱ, Ed Flentje was appointed to serve as the Interim City Manager until July 2008. Professor John Wong was named interim director and continues to serve in this capacity. Mission Statement of the Master of Public Administration: The Master of Public Administration (MPA) program is an integrated part of the Hugo Wall School at ֱ State University. The School consists of the Master of Public Administration program, the Center for Urban Studies and the Kansas Public Finance Center. In 2001 the MPA program performed a yearlong self-study as part of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) accreditation process that led to accreditation of the degree in 2002. This process involved weekly meetings of the entire faculty. In 2007-2008, the faculty undertook a self-study for re-accreditation. This is the initial step for the re-accreditation process that will occur in 2008-2009. Products from the self-study included a detailed mission statement that includes goals, objectives, action plans, and assessment mechanisms (See Appendix A, Master of Public Administration Mission Statement 2006). During the Fall 2006 the faculty met weekly in order to determine how a specialization in nonprofit management would be integrated into the Master of Public Administration degree. After careful consideration the mission statement and curriculum were revised. The proposed revisions to the curriculum were approved by the university in the fall of 2007. The Master of Public Administration program is housed in the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs. Our mission is as follows: The Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs enhances the quality of public affairs and administration through: (1) excellence in instruction that prepares individuals for positions of leadership in management, finance, and policy for public and nonprofit organizations; (2) excellence in scholarship that expands and disseminates knowledge to audiences of academics, professionals and practitioners in government and nonprofit organizations; and, (3) excellence in service to ֱ State University and the profession of public administration. This report addresses only the traditional educational mission of the Master of Public Administration degree. The instructional objective of the Master of Public Administration degree is intimately intertwined with its research and public service activities and may not be fully appreciated independently of those research and public service missions and their evolution at ֱ State University. The underlying theme of the Master of Public Administration programs mission is commitment to public service. We educate students for the public service. Our research is focused on improving public policy, public management, and public finance. Our service activities focus on training local government practitioners to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organizations and on providing technical assistance to solve problems in their communities. In sum, the interaction of teaching, research, and service synergize the Master of Public Administration degree program, creating a more productive and cost effective unit than would be possible if functions were segregated. The educational goal of the Master of Public Administration program is to provide Excellence in instruction that prepares individuals for positions of leadership and responsibility in public service. The objective is to Provide high quality graduate instruction in contemporary theories and practices of public administration. The action plan involves Having graduate students knowledgeable of relevant theory and its application. Assessment requires that Students will demonstrate an acceptable level of knowledge and its application. The following specific program objectives and assessment methods focus primarily on the teaching component of the Master of Public Administration program, which is the first item in the mission listed above. They describe subordinate goals and identify specific assessment methods. Educational Program Objectives: To provide students with a high level of understanding of core concepts in the field of public aadministration. To give students who wish to specialize or obtain a high level of expertise within specialties designated by a Graduate Certificate that opportunity. To prepare students for employment with prospective employers by providing resume preparation tutorials, conducting mock interviews, and providing networking opportunities. TTo place students in appropriate internships within local, state, federal governments, and nonprofit organizations. To assist students in finding professional positions in state and local government, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations. Program Assessment Methods: Assessment of the quality of students understanding of key concepts in public administration is based on students performance in the eight core courses that all students must take. A specific objective and measure is provided for each course in the next section entitled course-based assessment of student learning. Data will be collected at the end of each semester and reported when required by the Graduate School. Monitor the number of students attaining each of the Graduate Certificates and provide a list of those individuals. Monitor the number of students participating in mock interviews. Monitor the number of students placed in internships. MMonitor the number of graduates finding jobs within 12 months of graduation, and provide specific examples of student accomplishments in this respect. Details of Course Based Assessment of Student Learning: PADM 702, Research Methods in Public Administration Objective: Understanding of positivist research methods used to answer research questions in public administration. Measure: Percentage of students achieving a grade of 80 percent or better in the course. PADM 710, Public Sector Organization Theory & Behavior Objective: Understanding of the major ideas in the classical, neoclassical, humanist and systems theories and ability to apply these ideas of organizational theory and behavior. Measure: Percentage of students attaining a grade of 80 percent or better on the case analyses included in the mid-term and final examinations. PADM 725, Public Management of Human Resources Objective: Understanding of the major issues impacting human resources in the public sector. Measure: Percentage of students attaining a grade of 80 percent or better in the course examination. PADM 745, The Environment of Public Administration Objective: Understanding of the political environment of public administration. Measure: Percentage of students attaining a grade of 80 percent or better in the course. PADM 765, Public Sector Economics Objective: Understanding the economics of taxation and other governmental revenue sources. Measure: Percentage of students receiving a grade of 80 percent or better on the final examination. PADM 802, Quantitative Methods for Public Sector Professionals Objective: Students are expected to be able to formulate statistically testable propositions, perform appropriate analyses on an existing data set, and interpret those results. Measure: Percentage of students achieving a grade of 80 percent or better on their main project. PADM 865, State and Local Government Finance Objective: Understand and apply concepts of public finance and resource allocation in a federal form of government. Measure: Percentage of students attaining a grade of 80 percent or better in the course. PADM 895, Public Decision Making Objective: Students are expected to learn classical approaches to decision-making and how to apply those approaches. Measure: Percentage of students receiving a grade of 80 percent or better on the final case analysis paper in the course. Assessment Results for 2007-2008 by Objective: Objective 1: To provide students with a high level of understanding of core concepts in the field of public administration. Assessment of this objective focuses on student performance in the eight core courses that all students must take. The measure or desired student outcome for each core course is that 80 percent of students completing the course achieve a grade of either A or B. To do this they must demonstrate mastery of basic concepts in that course. The data in Table 1 show us that most students are successfully learning basic concepts in each of the core courses in the MPA program. TableABLE 1: MPA Percentage of Students Receiving A or B Grades 2007-2008Core CourseEnrolledDrop or WithdrawA or BC or LessIncomplete% Passing with A or B*% Overall+702272223188%-710201181195%-7252722500100%-7452532200100%-765181161094%-80211280189%-802140110379%83%865173131093%-8952712600100%-* Percentage of those enrolled at the end of the semester.+ Percentage based on combined data for multiple sections. Table 2 tells us that many students are mastering the subject matter well enough to achieve a grade of A. The range is from 31 to 86 percent. When more than one section of a course is offered the combined result is used in this analysis. TableABLE 2: MPA Percentage of Students Receiving an A Grade 2007-2008Core CourseEnrolledDrop or WithdrawAIncomplete% Passing with A*Overall % A+70225213152%-71020111158%-72527216064%-7452539041%-76518110059%-8021124144%-8021408357%52%86517312086%-8952718031%-* Percentage of those enrolled at the end of the semester.+ Percentage based on combined data for multiple sections. In 2007-2008 very few students dropped or withdrew from any of the core classes. This means that these students are serious about getting the MPA degree. This is what we expect of students admitted to the MPA program. It continues the return to normalcy that began in 2006-2007 when admission requirements were revised. TableABLE 3: 2007-2008MPA Course Screening Effect PercentageCore CourseEnrolledDrop or Withdraw%Overall % Drop or W+7022528%-7102015%-7252727%-74525312%-7651816%-80211218%-8021400%8%86517318%-8952714%-+ Percentage based on combined data for multiple sections. Objective 2: To give students who wish to specialize or obtain a high level of expertise within specialties designated by a Graduate Certificate that opportunity. Assessment involves monitoring the number of students attaining each of the Graduate Certificates and providing a list of those individuals each year. The Hugo Wall School also offers four graduate certificates. The Graduate Certificate in Public Finance was initiated in the fall of 2001 and requires completing four graduate-level courses in public finance: public sector economics, state and local government finance, public budgeting, and public financial management. The Graduate Certificate in Economic Development was added in the fall 2003 and requires completion of the following graduate-level courses: planning process, urban land development, urban economics, and state and local economic development. In 2004, the Graduate Certificate in City and County Management was introduced and requires completion of the following courses: public management of human resources, state and local government finance, state and local government administration, and one of the following: planning process, state and local economic development, local government law or public works administration. In 2006-2007 following years of discussion and an assessment by an external consultant, planning with respect to nonprofit management came to fruition. In the fall semester, Dr. Melissa Walker, an expert in nonprofit management and finance, joined the Hugo Wall School faculty. Then the faculty undertook a major review of the Master of Public Administration degree to assess how nonprofit management should be incorporated into the curriculum. This review resulted in revisions of the Schools mission statement and core courses, the addition of three new courses, and submission of a proposal for the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. The new certificate was approved during the Spring Semester 2007. These changes will broaden the instructional offerings of the School for students seeking careers in the nonprofit sector and respond to the growing trend of public service delivery by nonprofit agencies. The design of the Graduate Certificate in Nonp-Profit Management required the creation of the following three new courses:  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Public AdDMministration 870: Fund-raising and Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations, PADMPublic Administration 871: Community Networks, and PADMublic Administration 872: Alternative Service Delivery. Requirements for this new certificate are described in Appendix D, Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. All three of the new courses were approved during the spring semester 2007. The proposed certificate was approved by the university during the fall semester 2007. Graduate certificates are available to MPA students, students completing other graduate degrees at ֱ State University, and non-degree students who have completed their undergraduate degree and seek advanced study in public finance, economic development, city and county management, and nonprofit management. Completion of the graduate certificate is recognized on the students official university transcript. During the 2007-08 academic year students received the following graduate certificates: The Graduate Certificate in Public Finance was completed by Trinh Bui Bethany Dafforn Matt Stiles The Graduate Certificate in Economic Development was completed by Yusi Zheng The Graduate Certificate in City and County Management was completed by James Bohannon Trinh Bui Chris Cordes Angel Fanning Amanda Reinert Matt Stiles These certificates are increasingly popular with students (see Table 4). Since 2002, 26 students have received certificates in public finance, 5 in economic development, and 10 in city and county management. We anticipate graduates receiving the certificate in Nonprofit Management during the academic year 2008-2009. Table 4,:  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Graduate Certificates Awarded, Calendar Years, 2002-2008Calendar YearPublic FinanceEconomic DevelopmentCity and County ManagementTotal20023----320037----7200441--52005521820064138200731610Total2651041Certificates were initiated as follows: Public Finance in 2001; Economic Development in 2003; and City and County Management in 2005. Objective 3: To prepare students for employment with prospective employers by providing resume preparation tutorials, conducting mock interviews, and providing networking opportunities. Assessment involves monitoring the number of students participating in mock interviews. Employers hold interviews to assess candidates for their positions (internships and regular jobs). MPA faculty help students prepare for interviews by conducting mock interviews followed by a feedback session. During the 2007-2008 academic year mock interviews were held on two different days. Each of these events involved the interview itself and a detailed feedback session with each student. This option is available for every MPA student and 4 mock interviews were conducted. Objective 4: To place students in appropriate internships within local, state, and federal governments, and nonprofit organizations. Assessment of this objective focuses on monitoring the number of students placed in internships. During the academic year 2007-2008 the MPA program had 7 interns working with local and state governments including 2 with the City of ֱ, 3 with Sedgwick County, 1 with Butler County, and 1 with the City of Salina. Objective 5: To assist students in finding professional positions in state and local government, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations. Monitor the number of graduates finding jobs within 12 months of graduation, and provide specific examples of student accomplishments in this respect. Twenty SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1-five students were awarded the Master of Public Administration degree in winter and spring graduation ceremonies this past year. These students and their current placements are as follows: MPA Graduates  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Employment Status of 2007-08 Graduates MPA Graduate PositionEmployerStateEugene Anderson ChairmanUnited Builders & Contractors, Inc.KSJames BohannonPolice LieutenantCity of ֱKSTrinh BuiSenior Budget AnalystCity of ֱKSDianna Carter AppraiserMcPherson CountyKSChris CordesStaff AssistantU.S. Army ReserveKSBethany DaffornAdministrative OfficerFederal Aviation AdministrationKSMichael DuhnIn TransitionKSAngee FanningSocial WorkerSRS - ֱKSGarrett GeringerLandscaperLocal Company KSRebecca HillSocial WorkerSRS - ֱKSAndrew HixsonProgram ManagerLeague of Kansas Municipalities KSKathy MattisonRegional SupervisorSRS - HutchinsonKSMichelle MeyerManagement InternCity of ֱKSJason OsterhausManagement Systems AnalystSRS - TopekaKSLaShonda PorterNeighborhood AssistantCity of ֱKSRichard ReedIn TransitionKSAmanda ReinertBoard CoordinatorWorkforce AllianceKSMichael RooseveltDeputy Fire ChiefCity of AndoverKSStephen ShaughnessyNonprofit organizationKETCHֱKSSarah StephensCo-ownerSafe Riders, Inc.KSMatthew StilesManagement InternCity of Bel AireKSMichelle StrootManagement InternCity of ֱKSArtrica ThomasManagement InternSedgwick CountyKSJessica VictorsIn TransitionKSYusi ZhengFundraising InternVisions in ActionDC Faculty Involvement in Program Revision The Master of Public Administration program has a long history of program revision and all faculty members have been engaged in that effort. For instance in 1996 the faculty met several times to revise the curriculum. These changes took effect in the fall of 1997 and involved changing some courses required in the core, replacing a required completion paper with a set of courses that provide analytic and intensive writing experiences, and renumbering courses. In1 1999 we did a needs assessment focusing on city and county managers in south central Kansas. In 2000 we held an off campus retreat and made decisions to develop a training program called the Mini-MPA, a certificate in public finance, a certificate in public management, a track within the program focusing on nonprofit management, and to market the MPA program more actively. The Graduate Certificate in Public Finance was approved in 2001. In the spring of 2001 we surveyed alumni to assess the MPA program. We found that 98.2 percent of alumni were either very satisfied or satisfied with the program. Similarly, 91.9 percent said they would recommend the program to others. In 2004 the faculty met and developed a Graduate Certificate in Economic Development. The motivation for this effort was the fact that there are about 80 professional level positions in the State of Kansas that employee people with these skills. In 2005 the faculty met and developed a Graduate Certificate in City and County Management. The motivation for this effort was the fact that more than half our graduates go to work for cities and counties. This also responds to the nation-wide trend to professionalize county government. Also, in 2005 the faculty met and considered revision of admission standards (discussed above), and the issue of students being admitted to the program and either not enrolling or dropping out after only a semester. Students who did not enroll, or became inactive were contacted to determine why they made these decisions. Results are presented in Appendix B, Summary of Findings for Exit Interviews with Pre-Degree Students. Given experience with student non-performance the faculty met during the Spring and Fall of 2005 and decided to raise admission standards for the program. An analysis of student admissions was done (see Appendix C, Summary of Findings for 2005 New Student Profile) so that we would know how students admitted to the program measured up. This topic was discussed at six different faculty meetings before a decision was made. Changes include: raising the grade point average required for admission from 2.75 to 3.0, requiring all applicants to submit a letter describing there work experience, career interests and how the MPA degree fits into their career plans, 2 letters of recommendation, and a resume. On a case by case basis, the faculty will consider admitting students with GPAs above 2.75, but below the 3.0 requirement. Admission will be based on evidence that the applicant has matured since completing their undergraduate work and that they are ready for graduate education at this point in their life. Particular attention will be paid to their letter, to their letters of recommendation, and to their work experience In making the decision to revise admission standards the faculty examined the performance of applicants over the last 10 years who were Category B admissions when they started the program. That list includes the names of a significant number of distinguished public leaders. In 2006-2007 the number of students admitted to the program declined somewhat (See Table 5). Whether this was due to the higher admission standards or not is unknown. We do know that the percentage of students admitted who actually show up and enroll in classes has increased. We also know that it takes the average student longer to complete the admission process than in the past. This is the result of having to submit a personal letter of interest and letters of recommendation. It appears that for some students, especially those who completed their undergraduate education several years ago, finding faculty who remember them or who have not moved/retired may be problematic. In lieu of letters from former professors we are accepting letters from employers. Albeit, letters from former professors are preferred. Table 5 : Admission to the MPA ProgramYear200320042005200620072008Admitted314772402933Enrolled45192020Percent63%48%69%61% Since 2003 the faculty met several times each year to consider the issue of nonprofit management in the MPA curriculum. The motivation for this effort was the trend on the part of governments to use nonprofit organizations to provide services to the public. GOften governments often contract with nonprofits rather than provide services directly themselves because they lack the personnel and expertise to provide the services themselves. In the spring of 2004, an external consultant was hired to assess our situation and provide advice. With the departure of a key faculty member, Nancy McCarthy Snyder our expert on nonprofit management, to an administrative post, the decision was made to hire a new faculty member with nonprofit expertise. The 2004-2005 hiring effort was not successful, however a. A refocused hiring effort in 2005-2006 was successful. FFollowing the arrival of this Melissa Walker in the fall 2006, the faculty met on a weekly basis to integrate nonprofit management into the core courses, develop a Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management, and develop new courses to support the certificate as well. The certificate was designed and n. New courses were created and approved. to support it. The Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management proposal was approved by the university during the Fall 2007 semester. We anticipate that students will begin receiving the Certificate in Nonprofit Management in 2008-2009. APPENDIX A MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MISSION STATEMENT 2006  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Mission Statement (Copied from the Accreditation Self-Study Document of 2007)  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1B. Mission Statement In 2006 the faculty of the Hugo Wall School revised its mission statement to incorporate the nonprofit sector in the following manner: The Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs enhances the quality of public affairs and administration through: excellence in instruction that prepares individuals for positions of leadership and responsibility in management, finance and policy for public and nonprofit organizations; excellence in scholarship that expands and disseminates knowledge to audiences of academics, professionals and practitioners in government and nonprofit organizations; excellence in service to ֱ State University and the profession of public administration. A comprehensive statement of values preceded formulation of the mission statement, which, in turn, structures the statement of goals, objectives, action plans and assessment. This integrative framework was developed through several months of intensive discussions among faculty, staff, alumni and interested parties. It was adopted by the faculty and staff in December of 2006 and was based on the mission, values and goals adopted in 2001. As each specialized certificate was developed its fit with the mission was considered. In 2006-2007, the mission statement was reviewed and revised by the faculty during the development of the nonprofit specialization. Statement of Values The mission statement is based on a set of values that is periodically reviewed by the faculty, but that has remained quite stable over time. The most recent review took place as part of NASPAA reaccreditation in 2007-2008 and added the nonprofit sector as a core constituency. The values that guide the teaching, research and service mission of the Hugo Wall School are: Enhancing the Quality of Public and Nonprofit Affairs and Administration. A commitment to enhancing the quality of public and nonprofit affairs and administration guides our instruction, research, and service. We honor this commitment by advancing understanding of democratic processes and fostering respect for individual citizens, their elected representatives, and appointed public and nonprofit officials. Engaging Our Urban Community. We embrace engagement with our urban community through instruction, research, and service in public/nonprofit affairs and administration. Community engagement requires responsiveness to community well being and accountability to the public at large. Honoring the Public Trust. We honor the trust placed in our public university and conduct ourselves ethically as stewards of public resources. Aspiring to Excellence. We pursue excellence through individual and collective endeavors including partnerships with the community. Regional, national, and international standards inform our pursuit of excellence. Promoting Equality of Opportunity. We welcome individual differences, value diversity, and promote equality of opportunity in public/nonprofit affairs and administration. Statement of Goals, Objectives, Action Plans and Assessment Goal I: Excellence in instruction that prepares individuals for positions of leadership and responsibility in public and nonprofit service ObjectiveAction PlanAssessmentA. Provide high quality graduate instruction in contemporary theories and practices of public and nonprofit administration. A.1. Continually improve the teaching effectiveness of the instructional faculty.A.1.a Assess faculty teaching quality through in-class student evaluations, alumni surveys of instructional effectiveness and the WSU Graduate School exit survey. A.1.b. Participation in teaching enhancement programs, seminars, workshops and other programs sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Research Effectiveness and/or the Media Resources Center. A.1.c Make use of Blackboard through instruction offered by the Media Resources Center A.1.d Ensure student privacy through faculty participation in training on FERPA requirements.A.2. Continually improve the content and responsiveness of the curriculum.A.2.a. Solicit periodic information from alumni and practitioners on curriculum including periodic discussions with the Advisory Committee of the Hugo Wall School. A.2.b. Measure the number of curriculum revisions submitted and approved by the University; assess the number of graduate certificates offered and awarded; monitor inclusion of nonprofit content in MPA core courses. A.2.c. Successful MPA accreditation.A.3 Attract and retain qualified and diverse students.A.3.a. Track statistics on the students in the graduate program including demographics, academic progress, and Graduate School data. A.3.b. Assess the impact of changes in admission criteria. A.3.c. Solicit feedback through exit interviews, evaluate the effectiveness of recruiting efforts to attract high quality students including those from outside Sedgwick County and Kansas. A.3.d. Annual review of students progressA.4. Expose students to professional practice in public administration.A.4.a. Monitor the extent and type of practitioner participation in classroom instruction and include assignments that bridge theory and practice. A.4.b. Extent and type of student participation in professional meetings and workshops that facilitate interaction with practitioners. A.4.c. Extent of participation by students in mentorships and relevant internship and summer work experiences.A.5. Graduate students knowledgeable of relevant theory and its applicationA.5.a. Students will demonstrate an acceptable level of knowledge and its application as demonstrated through the MPA assessment plan and successful completion of the capstone course.B. Provide high quality instruction to nonprofit executives, board members, appointed and elected government officials through non-degree activity. B.1. Provide leadership, executive management, and professional development training for individuals in public and nonprofit organizations.B.1.a. Total contact hours, by type of program, activity or certification. B.1.b. Participant evaluation of each instructional activity. B.2. Provide certification and continuing education for professional associations.  GOAL II: Excellence in scholarship that expands and disseminates knowledge to audiences of academics, professionals and practitioners in government and the nonprofit sectorObjectiveAction PlanAssessment A. Conduct basic and applied research in public and nonprofit administration and policy. A.1. Encourage faculty to develop and document focused research agendas.A.1.a. Review and assess faculty research agendas during annual evaluation.A.2. Respond to practical research questions through the timely application of relevant research skills. A.2.a. Number and type of annually documented contracts and technical reports. B. Disseminate research to academic and practitioner audiences.B.1. Write and present papers at academic and practitioner seminars, workshop, and conferences.B.1.a. Type and extent of publication and dissemination activities. B.1.b.Annual review of faculty publication and dissemination activities. B.1.c Monitor the number of faculty contacts with practitioners.B.2. Publish research in, and edit, academic journals, books, monographs, and periodicals.B.3. Publish research in practitioner and public mediums.C. Transfer research into the teaching and practice of public and nonprofit policy and administration.C.1. Enrich instruction.C.1.a. Updated courses and curriculumC.2. Provide policy guidance and advice in areas of faculty and staff expertise.C.2.a. Type and extent of annually documented technical assistance and consulting.Goal III: Excellence in service to ֱ State University and the profession of Public AdministrationObjectiveAction PlanAssessmentA. Participate actively in the affairs and leadership of professional associations.A.1. Participate and assume leadership positions in professional associations.A.1.a. Type and extent of annually documented involvement.B. Participate actively in the affairs and leadership of the school, college and university.B.1. Serve in leadership positions within the school, college and university.B. 1.a. Type and extent of annually documented involvement. B.2. Serve on school, college and university committees and task forces. APPENDIX B Summary of Findings for Exit Interviews with Pre-Degree Students Protocol As part of the continued program evaluation in the accreditation process, exit interviews were conducted with inactive pre-degree students of the Master of Public Administration program at the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs at ֱ State University. (Inactive was defined as students enrolled in the program, but not taking classes in the past year). Dr. Mark Glaser, professor, created the survey instrument and Misty Bruckner, an independent contractor, conducted the interviews and summarized the findings. (Exit Interview Attached) There were 26 students in the program determined inactive. Of these students, only six interviews were completed. Contact information for 11 of the students was no longer valid without any means of deriving current information. There were nine students who did not return phone calls. Each student was contacted a minimum of three times during a three-week process. Three of these students had only phone numbers available for their parents. The parents were contacted and asked to pass on the information, but none of these students replied. The interviews were conducted from September 7 thru September 28. Profile of Students The pre-degree students have completed on average 4.7 hours. The range included those with zero hours completed and there were two students that had more than 27 hours completed. The academic profile available from the student files provides some insight when compared to graduates of the program, based on a survey completed in 2001 of recent graduates. Age, race, program grade point average, and under graduate grade point average in last 60 hours are similar to the graduates profile. However, there are two main differences in the profile. Almost two-thirds of the pre-degree inactive students were female, while females only accounted for one-third of the graduates in the previous survey. In addition, 60% of graduates attended full-time, while only 25% of the pre-degree students attended full-time. Table 1: Student ProfilePre-DegreeGraduatesAgeMean 3547% of graduates are 31 to 40Gender65% Female and 35% Male37% Female and 63% MaleRace77% Caucasian; 15% African-American; 4% Hispanic; 4% NA80% Caucasian; 17% African-American; 3% AsianAttendance25% full-time; 38% part-time; and 37% did not start or complete classes60% full-time; 40% part-timeMPA Grade Point AverageMean 3.6190% have 3.51 or higherMPA Core ClassesMean 3.63580% have 3.51 or higherGPA for Undergraduate in last 60 HoursMean 3.4637% below 3.1; 43% 3.1-3.5; 20% above 3.51Elapsed Time from Admission (Graduation for Graduates)Mean 2.8473% within 4 years Interview Findings Of the six students interviewed, there was a high satisfaction with the quality of the program, similar to graduates of the program. Of the students interviewed, 100 percent said the quality of the instruction was good or very good; all stated the knowledge level of the professor was very good; and the 100 percent agreed the quality of the program was very good or exceptional. Regarding the level of difficulty, all agreed that it was about what was expected. Table 2: Program SatisfactionPre-DegreeGraduatesQuality of Instruction100% Good or Very Good100% Good or Very GoodProfessor Level of Knowledge100% Very Knowledgeable93.3% Very KnowledgeableLevel of Quality100% Good or Very Good85.3% Good or Very GoodLevel of Difficulty100% About What Was Expected20% More difficult than expected; 57% About What Was Expected; 23% Easier or Much Easier Than Expected Three of the respondents indicated having some type of financial assistance from employers and two indicated additional financial aid probably would facilitate completion of the program. Of the six interviewed, all were employed full-time. Four of those respondents were in the public sector, one in the private sector, and one in the non-profit sector. Reasons for Delay or Not Completing Each student was read a list of reasons for not completing or delaying the completion of the degree. The interviewee indicated whether that reason was: not important, somewhat important, important or very important. Of the respondents, 50 percent indicated family considerations were very important in their decision not to continue or delay. Similarly, half indicated that I am not sure that the MPA will help me advance professionally, was important or very important. Employment Considerations were important or very important for 33 percent of the respondents and 40 percent indicated a change in career plans was important or very important in their decision. In agreement with program satisfaction, quality of the advising, quality of the instruction, and difficulty of the program were not important or only somewhat important in the decision to delay the degree. Workload of the program was only a factor for one person, stating is was very important, but this was in reference to other responsibilities. Similarly, only one person said that financial consideration was important. All respondent indicated that there was nothing the Hugo Wall School could have done to impact the decision to delay or not complete the degree. Table 3: Reasons for Delay or Not CompletingNot ImportantSomewhat ImportantImportant/Very ImportantEmployment Consideration33%33%33%Family33%17%50%Quality of Advising83%17%0Quality of Instruction83%17%0Workload in MPA67%17%17%Difficulty in MPA83%17%0Not Sure MPA Will Advance Me Professionally33%17%50%Lost Interest80%20%0Change in Career Plans60%040% Pursuing a Different Degree67%17%17%Financial Considerations50%33%17% Conclusion While it is difficult to draw any definite conclusion with such a small sample, there are a few lessons to be learned. First, contacting these pre-degree, inactive students as soon as possible is important. Once a student becomes inactive, locating a student becomes very difficult and the likelihood of the individual continuing diminishes. A protocol should be established for contacting and recording information the first semester a student is inactive. Second, even though there were only a few respondents, there is some indication that there is a need to further explore how the MPA will advance the professional career of the student. Since many students are leaving after only a few class hours, students may not fully grasp the range of the degree, the networking opportunities and the professional benefits of completing the MPA degree. Finally, there are many factors that impact a decision of a student to delay pursuing a degree well beyond the influence of the program. Family and career responsibilities change and students are no longer able to continue. Undergraduate students, unsure of their future, may apply simply to have options available. Some students are still searching for the right program and direction. Factors that can be addressed, such as quality of instruction and quality of the program, indicate an overall satisfaction with the program. APPENDIX C Summary of Findings for 2005 New Student Profile Protocol Files were reviewed for new students for Spring/Summer/Fall 2005 entering the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs at ֱ State University. There are 70 students entering the program during that time period and all are included in this study. Files were reviewed and analyzed from July 11-Aug 12, 2005. Profile of Students Of the 70 students in the study, 44 percent are male and 56 percent female. The average age is 32 years old and more than one-third, or 37 percent, is less than 25 years of age. The racial breakdown is: 63 percent Caucasian; 21 percent African American/African; 9 percent Asian; 3 percent Hispanic; 3 percent Native American; and 1 percent did not have information available. There is a shift in gender, age and racial composite from the profile of graduates from 1995-2004 of the Hugo Wall School program, in a study completed in 2004. The information from the 2004 study included 141 graduates. Of those 141 students, 56 percent were male and 44 percent female, which is a reverse in the current status. The average age was 38 years old. The racial breakdown was: 65 percent Caucasian; 15 percent African American/African; 7 percent Asian; 3 percent Hispanic, and 1 percent Native American. In general, there is a shift to more females, more African Americans/Africans, and younger students entering the program. Of the new students, 83% are citizens from the United States of America; 9% are from African countries; 5% from Asian countries; and 3% from other countries. Nationality was not recorded in the 2004 study. Academic Background Of the students entering the program, the following is a breakdown of undergraduate degrees: 16 percent political science/public administration; 23 percent a sociology/psychology/social work related degree; 13 percent a business related degree; 13 percent criminal justice; 7 percent communications; 7 percent general studies; and 21 percent had very diverse undergraduate degrees. There are fewer students entering the MPA program with political science (24 percent political science in 2004 study) and business degrees (19 percent business in 2004 study) than found in the profiles 1995-2004 graduates. Of the 70 students, only two students were admitted on tentative status for academic concerns. The following provides the academic profile of the students: Cumulative GPANo Available Information2.74 and below2.75 to 2.993.00 to 3.493.50 or higherPercentage of Students13%10%11%40%26% GPA for Last 60 HoursNo Available Information2.74 and below2.75 to 2.993.00 to 3.493.50 or higherPercentage of Students14%3%14%37%32% The GPA for the Last 60 Hours of the undergraduate degree for graduates of the MPA from 1995-2004 indicates that the largest category of students entering the program had a GPA above 3.5, while the largest GPA category is 3.0-3.49 for students now entering the program. The GPA breakdown for the Last 60 Hours of the undergraduate degree for graduates of the MPA from 1995-2004, was: 44 percents had an overall grade point average of 3.51 or higher, 33% had a GPA between 3.00-3.49 and 32% had a GPA below 3.0. There are three students, or 5%, with some credits for a graduate degree and 11 students, or 14%, have a confirmed graduate degree. The graduate degrees include: four medical (all international students), two Masters of Business Administration; one Masters of Economics; one Masters in Political Science; two Law Degrees; and one student with two graduate degrees of Criminal Justices and Family Therapy. With the information available in the files, only eight students requested financial aid. Of the requests, six students received aid. Demographic Academic Analysis The following information provides an academic demographic analysis of students GPA for the last 60 hours. Due to a lack of information for international students and overall small number of students in some demographic categories, final conclusions are difficult. Gender GPA for Last 60 Hours by GenderNo Available Information2.74 and below2.75 to 2.993.00 to 3.493.50 or higherPercentage of Females10% (4)3% (1)10% (4)44% (17)33% (13) Percentage of Males10% (4)3% (1)19% (6)26% (8)32% (10) Race GPA for Last 60 Hours by RaceNo Available Information2.74 and below2.75 to 2.993.00 to 3.493.50 or higherAmerican Indian00011Asian51000Hispanic10001African American/African4 (27%)1 (6%)3 (20%)4 (27%)3 (20%)Caucasian007 (15%)20 (43%)19 (41%) Degree DegreeGPA AveragePolitical Science3.5Psychology/Sociology/Related Degree3.32Business/Related Degree3.37Criminal Justice3.32Communications3.09Field Major3.37Other3.42 Conclusion The students entering the program appear to reflect generally the profile of recent past graduates of the Hugo Wall School, but there is a definite trend of change with more diversity in gender and race, and a younger student. APPENDIX D  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs ֱ State University I. TTitle of the Proposed Certificate ProgramThe title of the proposed certificate is the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. II. P Program ObjectivesThe objective of the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management is to provide advanced study in a sequence of related graduate-level courses relevant to the management of nonprofit organizations. Knowledge and skills in nonprofit management will derive from established theory and practical applications in human resources management, state and local government finance, nonprofit finance, and one of the following topics: community networks, economic insecurity, or program evaluation. III. Demonstration of Need and Exceptional Circumstances that Favor the Development of the Proposed Graduate Certificate Program For most of the past 50 years, the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs has focused on management, finance, and policy with respect to the delivery of public services through state and local governments. In the past 20 years, public service delivery has undergone fundamental change in Kansas and throughout the nation. Increasingly, nonprofit organizations are delivering public services with taxpayer funds. This shift in the environment of public administration has required the Hugo Wall School to address the change. In December of 2004, Dr. David Renz, director of the Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership, Beth K. Smith/Missouri Chair in Nonprofit Leadership, and chair of the Cookingham Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri-Kansas City consulted with Hugo Wall School faculty and reported: Now is a pivotal time for an aspiring program to decide and make its move into the field of nonprofit studies and nonprofit management education. Nonprofit and philanthropic studies is still a young and emerging niche in professional higher education and, each year, more and more institutions create programs to meet the needs of this sectors leaders ands managers. More than ten percent of the U.S. workforce today is employed in the nonprofit sector and, in recent years, we have seen the sector grow at the rate of about 40,000 new organizations each year...In the public administration field, there is a natural overlap and integration with the foci of the typical MPA program, particularly as the work of the public sector increasingly is implemented via interagency alliances and contracts between government and nonprofit agencies. The MPA nonprofit concentrations that reflect this changing public service operating environment are thriving in many parts of the nation... Generally speaking, the student market is rather bifurcated. One key market segment is comprised of the relatively experienced, mid-career employee (often working at some basic supervisory level) who aspires to service in nonprofit executive leadership roles. The second market segment is that of the fresh-out-of-college student who has little experience and seeks to begin a career that will soon lead to nonprofit leadership roles. There will be some attrition across the U.S. as competition intensifies with the maturing of this young high-growth market, but there is little competition for the regionally-oriented WSU (it is my judgment that the two other ֱ institutions that offer certain nonprofit programming are not significant competitors to any program that WSU would offer). This is a pivotal time for an institution to decide where it intends to fit in the market, and WSU is to be commended for taking this under consideration. Twenty students who have earned the Master of Public Administration degree at ֱ State University work in nonprofit agencies, and two to three times that number directly work with nonprofit agencies through positions in state and local governments. Further, as many as 20 percent of the students currently pursuing the degree have expressed an interest in a career in nonprofit management. The Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management is proposed for two reasons: 1) to highlight for prospective students, both regionally and nationally, the current offerings in nonprofit management at ֱ State University; 2) to guide students who aspire to a career in nonprofit management to a recommended sequence of course work for their preparation; and 3) to provide official recognition for those students completing the graduate certificate and aid in their job placement. The proposed Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management should be attractive to two distinct groups: 1) practitioners in nonprofit management who hold undergraduate degrees and wish to enhance their knowledge and skills. This academic sequence creates an effective middle ground between undergraduate and graduate school for practitioners and will introduce them to graduate work in human resources management, state and local government finance, nonprofit finance, and one of the following topics: community networks, economic insecurity, or program evaluation. This middle ground may lead those completing the certificate to undertake a graduate degree in public administration or other fields at the university. 2) students pursuing the Master of Public Administration degree who wish to specialize in nonprofit management and develop more marketable skills for employment in the field. In addition, the certificate would be available to graduate students pursuing other graduate degrees at ֱ State University and seek to specialize in nonprofit management. IV. Curriculum Description and Rationale A. The curriculum rationale is to provoke critical examination and application of nonprofit management theory, concepts, and best practices by practitioners in organizations. B. Specifically, the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management: Provides graduate education in human resources management, state and local government finance, nonprofit finance, and one of the following topics: community networks, economic insecurity, or program evaluation; Teaches students to think critically about the social, economic, and political contexts of nonprofit management; Enhances students career opportunities for advancement in nonprofit management; Provides opportunities for nonprofit organizations to recognize employee efforts toward professional development in nonprofit management; and Introduces students to graduate courses in public administration which may be applied toward the Master of Public Administration degree or another graduate degree at ֱ State University. V. Program Eligibility and Other Requirements A. Eligibility Students admitted to the Master of Public Administration degree or other graduate degree programs will be eligible for the proposed graduate certificate. Students not currently admitted to a graduate degree program may become eligible for the proposed graduate certificate through application to the Graduate School via non-degree A category. Students admitted in this category must have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution and a grade point average of at least 2.75 in the last 60 credit hours of work, including any post-bachelors graduate work. Certificate courses are subject to prerequisites. Applicants who speak English as a second language must have a score of 600 or more on the TOEFL and a score of 50 or more on the TSE (Test of Spoken English) or the SPEAK (Speaking Proficiency English Assessment Kit) Test. B. Maximum amount of time for completionThe certificate must be completed in six years or less. C. No transfer credit will be accepted for the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. Credit earned with a grade of B or better in the certificate curriculum may transfer to the MPA program. All MPA admission and program requirements must be met for completion of the MPA degree. D. Good standingThe School will require participants to maintain a minimum 3.00 grade point average and earn no grade below B in all certificate course work in order to remain in good standing. Graduate school certificates will be awarded upon completion of the program requirements. The certificate will list the course work completed. E. ScheduleCertificate courses are taught by Hugo Wall School faculty as part of the regular curriculum each academic year and are normally offered in the evenings and occasionally on weekends. F. LocationCourses will be offered on the main campus of ֱ State University. G. RecordsThe Hugo Wall School will keep and monitor participant records in order to ensure satisfactory completion of the requirements within the designated time frame. The WSU Office of the Registrar will create and maintain an official university transcript as a permanent record of each participants academic courses, grades, and successful completion of the graduate certificate. H. Course requirementsThe program will require participants to successfully complete 12 credits (four courses) from the MPA program. Required Courses: Public Administration 725: Public Management of Human Resources Public Administration 865: State and Local Government Finance Public Administration 870: Fund-raising and Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations (new course) One of the following: Economics 663: Economic Insecurity Public Administration 845: Public Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation Public Administration 871: Community Networks (new course) Public Administration 872: Alternative Service Delivery (new course) I. Plan of StudyStudents seeking the certificate should file a plan of study with the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs. Early in the final semester of completing requirements for the certificate students should also complete a degree card with the Graduate School indicating their intention to complete the certificate. VI. Organization of the Program A. Faculty in the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, will teach courses in the certificate curriculum, as follows: Mark A. Glaser, Professor. Joined faculty in 1994; specialist in productivity measurement and development, community development, and citizen perceptions of government; Ph.D. in administration and urban studies, University of Texas at Arlington, 1981; MUA, ֱ State University, 1974; B.B.A., 1970. W. Bartley Hildreth, Regents Distinguished Professor of Public Finance. Joined faculty in 1994; nationally known expert on municipal securities; public budgeting; and state and local finance; D.P.A., The University of Georgia, 1979; M.P.A., Auburn University at Montgomery, 1975; B.A., The University of Alabama, 1971. Nancy McCarthy Snyder, Associate Professor. Joined faculty in 1977; specialist in state and local government budgeting, school finance, income distribution, and social welfare policy; Ph.D. in economics, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1977; M.S. 1973; A.B., Clarke College, 1970. Melissa A. Walker, Associate Professor. Joined faculty in 2006; specialist in nonprofit management and finance; Ph.D. in social policy and public management, University of Chicago, 2005; M.P.A., Harvard University, 1992; B.A. in sociology, Northwestern University, 1976. John D. Wong, Professor. Joined faculty in 1990; specialist in urban and regional economics, health policy, and state and local government revenue forecasting; Ph.D. in law, policy, and society, Northeastern University, 1990; J.D., Washburn University, 1986; M.A., ֱ State University, 1984; B.B.A., 1982. B. Graduate faculty identified with the certificate programThe Hugo Wall School graduate faculty will oversee activities and issues related to the certificate program. The faculty will develop a program self-assessment instrument, as well as deal with recruitment and retention issues. C. Responsibilities for advising students and managing the certificate programThe MPA graduate coordinator will advise students; the Hugo Wall School will administer the program.     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