ࡱ> mol 3bjbj 7++8O$shrtttttt7Ztt^rrb=X^03633@tt3 : WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2008-2009 GRADUATE ASSESSMENT PLAN MASTER OF FINE ARTS IN CREATIVE WRITING Summary Table PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: MFA FACULTYDATA SOURCEREPORTACTIONThe Graduate Studies Committee (including the Creative Writing Program Director) will conduct a yearly review of staffing needs in Creative Writing.1. Data Sheet of Course Offerings 2. Departmental discussions 3. Analysis of current faculty graduate competencies 4. Written statement of needsThe English Dept. reviewed staffing needs for Creative Writing and recommended seeking authorization for a junior fiction writer position.  The English Departments Graduate Studies Committee, on which the Director of Creative Writing sits, continued to review course offerings and faculty staffing during AY 08-09. It determined that an additional fiction writer needs to be added.Each year a merit review is conducted by the Dept. Chair and an advisory committee; the scholarship of each faculty member is evaluated.Faculty Activity RecordsThe Committee met, reviewed the Faculty Activity Records, and gave advice to the Chair.The Chair met with each faculty member to discuss the review. Continue monitoringEach year the Graduate Studies Committee will review the facultys graduate standing.Graduate School Data Base6 Full Graduate standing 1 Associate Graduate standing as of 9/1/08 Continue monitoring General Program Objectives: MFA Students Each year the program director monitors the previous college-level English courses of new applicantsApplicants transcriptsThe Graduate Coordinator reviewed previous college-level English courses of new applicants.Applicants with deficiencies were required to take additional undergraduate English courses.Each year the Graduate Studies Committee (includes MFA director) will review English 800 (a required course: Intro to Grad Study) and enrollment Department dataEnglish 800 enrolled 15 English MA and MFA students in F 07 and 15 in Sp 08.The course will be reviewed by the Graduate Studies Committee during 09-10.Each year the Graduate Studies Committee (includes MFA director) will review the graduate literature offerings of previous semesters.Department dataThe Graduate Studies Committee examined the departmental data of graduate literature offerings since SU 05.The Graduate Studies Committee discussed and recommended establishing a pattern of offerings to enable better planning for graduate students and faculty. Each semester the MFA director reviews each students progress toward the degree and plan of study to monitor requirements, electives, and grades.Department data, student filesThe MFA director reviews each students progress at the time of advising for the next semesters enrollment. The director has access to the students file and records, and discusses with each student requirements, electives, and grades along with other academic advising.Continue monitoring.Each year the Graduate Studies Committee conducts a student survey of advisor accessibility and reviews the exceptions filed with the Graduate School Graduate School exit survey; Graduate School Exceptions data baseThe Graduate Studies Committee was given copies of the Graduate School exit survey. School.The Graduate Studies Committee will discuss the Graduate School exit survey during AY 07-08, and will continue monitoring the data.Each semester the MFA director reviews the Graduate Teaching Assistants course load to insure that GTAs are taking courses required of GTAs.Department data, student filesThe Graduate Coordinator reviewed the compliance of each GTA with GTA required coursesContinue monitoring.Each semester the MFA director reviews the grades of students in English 800, Intro to Grad Studies.Department data, student filesThe Graduate Coordinator reviewed the grades of students in English 800Continue monitoring.Each semester the MFA director reviews GTA files for completion of English 681.Department data, student filesThe MFA director reviewed GTA files for completion of the requirement.Continue monitoring..GTAs taking English 581: Composition Practicum must meet attendance and class participation standards.Department data, and professors recordsThe Director of the Writing Program monitors compliance with this requirement.Continue monitoring.All GTAs will receive a satisfactory rating for at least one classroom evaluation by a faculty member each semester.Department dataThe Director of the Writing Program monitors compliance with this requirement.Continue monitoring.Each year the MFA director and the Graduate Studies Committee will review the results of the annual assessment to accomplish the following: 1. Assess the effectiveness of prior program changes. 2. Determine whether the program needs to be improved. 3. Reassess program objectives.Annual Assessment ReportThe AY 07-08 Assessment report will be given to the Chair and distributed to the English Dept. faculty for discussions and suggestions. Changes particular to Creative Writing will be reviewed by the Creative Writing faculty and director.Appropriate departmental committees will consider the need for changes and make recommendations during AY 09-10 to the Chair and to the Department.Specific Program Objectives: MFA ProgramData SourceReport ActionThe Director of Creative Writing and the Creative Writing Committee will conduct a yearly review of staffing needs in Creative Writing.1. Data Sheet of Course Offerings 2. Departmental discussions 3. Analysis of current faculty graduate competencies 4. Written statement of needsThe MFA program is unable to meet the demands of students for courses without hiring adjunct faculty members. The English Dept. will continue to seek authorization to search for an outstanding junior fiction writer. In order to continue the quality of the MFA program and its final creative projects, the program will implement recruitment strategies designed to reach and maintain enrollment at no more than 50 outstanding students.Graduate School Data Base For AY 09-10, 32 students were enrolled and pursuing the MFA in Creative Writing. 1. The Creative Writing Program began an intensive recruitment effort under a previous director which are being continued and paying rich dividends. 2. Improve recruitment tech-niques and continue monitoring.The program will provide sufficient financial resources for basic program components (readings, community outreach, fellowships) to attract the highest quality applicants.English Dept. Budget & Creative Writing BudgetThe new Creative Writing Program Director will work to find funding for implementing this assessment. Implement in AY 09-10.The program will maintain an adequate number of teaching assistantships and seek to improve stipends and teaching loads for teaching assistantships in order to bring these in line with other graduate writing programs in the U.S.English Dept. Budget & surveys conducted by the Associated Writing Programs (AWP) organization.The program was unable to increase stipends or decrease teaching loads for AY 06-07.Continue efforts.The program will seek additional creative writing fellowships and other funding to compete with programs nationally for the best creative writing students.English Dept. Budget & surveys conducted by Associated Writing Programs (AWP) organization.The creative writing program filled its creative writing fellowships by awarding two in poetry and one in fiction for Fall 08 and Spring 09.Continue to fill fellowships and seek endowments for additional fellowships.The program will retain a qualified and publishing faculty as teachers and writers of fiction and poetry, and ensure that said faculty has the support to produce creative work of high quality.The Director of Creative Writing will continue this process.The Director and the Creative Writing Committee will monitor this area and report to the Chair.Continue to monitorThe program will provide adequate support for such in-house activities as the visiting writers reading series, the literary magazine (national web-based journal, possibly), the visiting distinguished writer-in-residence tutorials, readings by students and community outreach programs.English Dept. and College budgets.The creative writing program currently has a one semester position each for a visiting poet and for a visiting fiction writer. Funding does not include housing, making it difficult to recruit high-quality writers. It also has funds for the literary magazine (to which wed like to add a CD, making the need for more money acute), and for visiting writers; but it needs additional funding to keep pace with other programs.Continue to monitor funding and to propose increases in internal and external funding.The program will maintain the month-long individual student tutorials with writers-in-residence at their present high standardsCV of Visiting Writers and informal assessment from MFA students.The tutorials offered by Visiting Writers will be monitored for the prestige of the visitors and the effectiveness of their instruction.Continue to monitor.Students will demonstrate the ability to write publishable quality fiction and/or poetry.The Creative Writing Program tracks student submissions and acceptances, publishing this news in the English Dept newsletter. MFA students are encouraged to send materials to magazines, journals, and publishing companies. The Director tracks those who are successful.Continue to monitor.Students will demonstrate competency in the critical and analytical skills necessary for research, teaching, and writing. Department data, student filesThe Director monitors MFA student performance in literature and composition courses.Continue to monitorThe Director reviews each students final creative project and comprehensive examination plans and emphasizes the importance of the plan of study and Graduate regulations.Department data, student filesThe Director reviewed each students final creative project and comprehensive examination plans and emphasized the importance of the plan of study during advising.Continue to monitorEach Creative Writing faculty member creates a comprehensive examination for his/her final creative project student. A second reader supplies a check on the grade of the professor.Professors filesThis process has been in use for some time.The Creative Writing Committee will consider the need for examining this method of assessment.Each year the Director of Creative Writing will review the results of the annual assessment to accomplish the following: 1. Assess the effectiveness of prior program changes. 2. Determine whether the program needs to be improved. 3. Reassess program objectivesAnnual Assessment ReportThe AY 08-09 Assessment report will be distributed to the English Dept. faculty for discussion and suggestions.Appropriate departmental committees will consider the need for changes and make recommendations during AY 08-09 to the Chair and the Department. Wineke / September 14, 2009      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 6 /045 5 o w   ! 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