ࡱ>  Qbjbj 4[I+>>8C--CCCCCCCCCCEDHzCCCCC|CCCCnU=q@C Sa=0]> CC0C}>H0H@q@Hq@CCCH> G: WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY 2008-09 GRADUATE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT PLAN Master of Arts in English Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences I. Mission Statement The Master of Arts in English equips graduate students with the knowledge and skills necessary both to the outstanding teacher and to the well-prepared candidate for further graduate study. Candidates follow a course of advanced study leading to a comprehensive knowledge of English and American literature. Report: The mission statement has recently been revised to conform more closely to the current Graduate Catalog program description. It has guided recent discussions on program revision. II. Constituents Students in Plan A (all course work) and Plan B (thesis option) Students in Non-degree Plan A and Non-degree Plan B III. Program Objectives Hire and maintain a highly qualified and productive faculty Report: Combined with recent retirements, changes in the service responsibilities for several literature faculty has meant a reduction in available faculty for teaching. Because of the national economic downturn, the English department has been denied the Deans permission to conduct faculty search(es). We have had to make substantial changes in the way we determine teaching assignments, but have to this point been able to successfully offer the needed classes. Admit a minimum of 20 qualified students each year Report: For calendar year terms Spring and Fall 2009 35 students applied for admission to the MA program including 3 non-degree applicants. 23 admissions were granted, including 2 non-degree. Provide a structured, interconnected curriculum which builds writing and research skills and enhances knowledge of language and literature Report: The Graduate Committee has revised the curriculum requirements and course offerings to better reflect the departments educational mission. The revisions appeared in the Fall 2009 course catalog. D. Offer required courses on a regular basis so that students can meet degree requirements within two years Report: The department has had difficulty offering the recommended rotation of courses on a regular basis due to faculty shortages. We have, however, successfully avoided delaying any students graduation due to inadequate course offerings. We have been tracking spread sheets to develop a desirable rotation of courses. We have requested and continue to request faculty positions to enhance our ability to offer appropriate courses. E. Provide students with information necessary to degree completion and fulfillment of Graduate School requirements Report: Students have been meeting with the graduate coordinator to develop official Plans of Study, and these appear to be successful. We are developing as far as possible a regular course rotation to facilitate accurate projection on these documents. IV. Educational Student Outcomes A. Demonstrate basic knowledge of grammar, punctuation and syntax B. Demonstrate a general knowledge of literature, language and written rhetoric, and a substantial knowledge of three chosen areas (Plan A: period, genre, rhetoric/composition; Plan B: period, genre, author) C. Demonstrate critical and analytical skills necessary to undertake doctoral work in literature, language or rhetoric/composition D. Demonstrate ability to write essays which are suitable to be read as conference papers or submitted for publication Demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary for teaching literature and composition Report: All classes in the program require assignments such as papers, presentations, and examinations which enable faculty to assess these skills in students individually. All students who have achieved sufficient satisfactory performance to advance to degree candidacy have taken a comprehensive examination which further evaluates skills and knowledge. Students awarded degrees have performed at a satisfactory level on this examination. V. Assessment of Program Objectives Hire and maintain a highly qualified and productive faculty REQUIREMENTS: 1. The program requires that faculty provide graduate-level teaching and engage in direct research in all major sub-disciplines. 2. All faculty will be active scholars in their disciplines. 3. As a minimum, all faculty should have associate graduate faculty standing, and at least 50% should have full membership. ASSESSMENT: 1. The Graduate Studies Committee will conduct a yearly review of staffing needs in the following areas: English literature: Contemporary Modern Victorian Romantic Restoration/Eighteenth-Century Renaissance/Seventeenth Medieval American literature: Contemporary Modern Nineteenth-Century 17th and 18th Century Other Literatures: Folklore and Myth World Literature Linguistics Composition & Rhetoric Creative Writing: Fiction Poetry Report: The English Department is now reviewing staffing needs in an attempt to prioritize requests for permission to conduct searches. Needs have been for some time been perceived in Contemporary British Literature and Early British Literature because of current or anticipated retirements and program revisions that will increase the need for faculty to teach in these areas. In addition, sudden resignation of a faculty member over the summer has resulted in a critical need in 17th- and 18th-Century American Literature. The Graduate Committee had begun a discussion of succession planning because a number of professors in the department are nearing retirement or phased retirement, but current critical needs have superseded that discussion. 2. Each year, a merit review is conducted by the department chair and an appointed committee, and the scholarship of each faculty member is evaluated. Data Source: Faculty Activity Records. Report: All English Department faculty were reviewed and their scholarship evaluated. The average graduate faculty rating for 2007 was 2.735, with 3.0 being the highest possible rating. 3. Every year, the Graduate Studies Committee will review the facultys graduate standing. Report: 14 Full, 2 Associate, 0 ad hoc. Admit a minimum of 20 qualified students each year. See III.A. REQUIREMENTS: 1. 15 hours of undergraduate training in foreign language or 6 hours of linguistics. 2. 24 hours of undergraduate English courses with minimum gpa of 3.0 in those courses. 3. Significant academic achievement in disciplines closely related to English. ASSESSMENT: Graduate coordinator monitors foreign language and linguistics qualifications of each candidate. Data Source: Applicants Transcripts. Report: The Graduate Advisor continues to monitor the language requirement and to require additional courses if needed. 2. Graduate coordinator monitors previous college-level English courses. Data Source: Applicants Transcripts. Report: The Graduate Advisor continues to monitor previous college-level English Courses and to require additional courses if needed. C. Provide a structured, interconnected curriculum which builds writing and research skills and enhances knowledge of language and literature REQUIREMENTS: 1. English 700 (analytical, critical and bibliographical skills) 2. Depth and breadth courses as required 3. Masters essay (Plan B) or one course in composition theory and pedagogy (Plan A) ASSESSMENT: 1. Annual review of English 700, and enrollments in that course by Graduate Studies Committee. Data Sources: Student Plans of Study, Course Syllabi. Report: Program revisions have meant that English 800, Introduction to Graduate Studies, has been changed in numbering to English 700, effective Fall 09. Two sections of English 700 were offered during Fall 09. One section of English 800 was offered during Spring 09. The course has recently been reviewed by the Graduate Studies Committee (Sp 08) and some structural changes were made. Those changes are now under evaluation. 2. Annual review of depth and breadth courses by Graduate Studies Committee. Report: Graduate English requirements were reviewed during 07-08 and changed effective Fall 09. The effectiveness of these changes is now under evaluation. Annual review of masters essays and courses in composition theory and pedagogy by Graduate Studies Committee. Data Sources: Student Plans of Study, Course syllabi, Course Bulletins. Report: All Graduate Teaching Assistants and all Plan A MA students take coursework in composition theory and pedagogy. Essays are normally required as part of the assignment rubric in these courses. No MA theses were completed in the area of composition theory and pedagogy. D. Offer required courses on a regular basis so that students can meet degree requirements within two years REQUIREMENTS: 1. Course rotation and enrollment guidelines must allow each required course to be taught at least once each year. 2. Courses offered must allow students to graduate within two years. ASSESSMENT: Each semester, Graduate Coordinator reviews course rotation. Data Sources: Excel Spreadsheet. Report: The Graduate Coordinator has reviewed course rotation and course requirements. New requirement guidelines, while stricter in requiring a broad-based program of study, offer far more flexibility in how the requirements can be met. A trial course rotation is under development, and the department has been successful in designing course offerings that allow students to meet their requirements in a timely way. 2. Each semester Graduate Coordinator reviews each students progress toward degree. Data Sources: Department exit survey; Student Plans of Study. Report: Graduate Advisor reviews each students progress at the time of advising for the next semesters enrollment. Each graduate student must meet with the Graduate Advisor who has access to the students file for records, etc. Students are given copies of the MA Plan A & B requirement sheet and the advisor as well as the student sign the advising sheet. Exit survey results reveal that students were generally satisfied with their advising. E. Provide students with information necessary to degree completion and fulfillment of Graduate School requirements REQUIREMENTS: 1. Each semester Graduate Coordinator will provide enrollment advising to assure that students are fulfilling requirements necessary for degree. 2. Thesis and Comprehensive Examination Plans will be filed with Graduate Coordinator in accordance with Graduate School deadlines. ASSESSMENT: Each year, Graduate Studies Committee conducts a student survey of advisor accessibility and reviews the exceptions filed with the Graduate School. Report: Of respondents in 2008-9, all students reported that they were somewhat to very satisfied with the advising they received. Report: Graduate Coordinator provided enrollment advising. Reading Lists and Questions for MA Comprehensive Examinations from previous semesters are made available to Graduate Students. 2. Each semester, Graduate Coordinator reviews each students thesis and comprehensive examination plans. Data Source: Student Plans of Study. Report: the Graduate Coordinator reviewed each students thesis and comprehensive examination plans and emphasized the importance of the plan of study and the need to file the plan after 12 hours. VI. Assessment of Educational Student Outcomes A. Demonstrate basic knowledge of grammar, punctuation and syntax ASSESSMENT: 1. Graduate Teaching Assistants are required to take English 681, Editing American English, and earn a grade of B or better. All graduate students are assessed on grammar, punctuation, and syntax in multiple assignments in every course. Report: The Director of the Writing Program monitors GTA enrollment and performance in English 681. The Graduate Coordinator monitors course assignments to ensure that graduate students in good standing consistently demonstrate basic knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and syntax in every course. B. Demonstrate a general knowledge of literature, language and written rhetoric, and a substantial knowledge of period literature. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Students must take four (Plan B) or five (Plan A) genre, period, or major author courses, and receive course grades of B or better. 2. Plan A students must take a course in the theory and practice of composition, and receive courses grades of B or better. 3. Students must pass comprehensive examinations over a ten-item reading list. ASSESSMENT: 1. Each semester Graduate Coordinator reviews students plans of study to monitor period, genre and major author courses taken, and students grades of B or better in each course. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Graduate Coordinator reviews the study plans of all graduate students at the time of advising for registration. At that time the Graduate Coordinator reviews the plan of study and the progress toward the degree, including the completion of all requirements. 2. Each semester Graduate Coordinator reviews students plans of study to monitor courses in theory and practice of composition, and students grades of B or better in each course. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Graduate Coordinator reviews the study plans of all graduate students and the transcripts (available through WSU Self Service) and monitors student GPAs. 3. Each semester Graduate Coordinator reviews comprehensive exams taken. Each exam is graded by two specialists within the department. Grade conflicts are resolved by a separate third reader. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Graduate Coordinator continues to review the comprehensive exams taken by students. Grade conflicts are resolved by a third reader. C. Students will develop critical and analytical skills necessary to undertake doctoral work in literature, language or composition. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Students must pass English 700 (critical methodology, theoretical analysis, research skills), with a grade of B or better. 2. In all 800-level courses, students write seminar papers (10 to 20 pages) that are closely argued and fully documented with a variety of sources, receiving a grade of B or better. ASSESSMENT: 1. Each semester, Graduate Coordinator will assess grades of students in English 700. Date Sources: English Dept. graduate student files; English 700 data files. Report: The Graduate Coordinator reviews the English 700 grades of all graduate students after the completion of English 700 (available through WSU Self Service) and monitors student GPAs. 2. Each year, Graduate Studies Committee will assess grades of students on the seminar papers written in all 800-level courses. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Graduate Studies Committee has not implemented this level of assessment at the present time. Discussion of such an assessment will be considered during AY 09-10. D. Demonstrate ability to write essays which are suitable to be read as conference papers or submitted for publication REQUIREMENTS: 1. Students in English 700 are required to learn the principles of composing abstracts and to compose an abstract that would be suitable to submit to a conference. ASSESSMENT: 1. The Graduate Coordinator reviews English 700 assignments to ensure that instruction in composing abstracts is provided and that students demonstrate that skill in an assignment. Data Sources: English 800 course syllabi and records. Report: In 08-09 students in both sections of English 700 composed abstracts and submitted them to conferences. E. Demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary for teaching literature and composition REQUIREMENTS: 1. Composition-related requirements for teaching assistants: a. Complete (with grade of B or better) English 681: Editing American English b. Demonstrate successful teaching techniques in English 780: Advanced Theory and Practice of Composition. c. Complete English 581: Composition Practicum (a one-credit discussion section which focuses on the particular composition courses that T.A.s are teaching) 2. Plan A students who are not teaching assistants must demonstrate successful teaching techniques in English 680: Theory and Practice of Composition. 3. All teaching assistants will receive at least one classroom evaluation by a faculty member each semester. ASSESSMENT: 1a. Each semester Graduate Coordinator reviews teaching assistants files for completion of English 681: Editing American English. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Graduate Coordinator continues to review GTA files for completion of this requirement at the time of advising for registration. 1b. Plan A teaching assistants taking English 780 must receive grades of B or better on three peer teaching demonstrations. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Director of the Writing Program, who teaches English 780, monitors compliance with this requirement. 1c. Teaching assistants taking English 581: Composition Practicum must meet attendance and class participation standards. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Director of the Writing Program monitors compliance with this requirement. 2. Plan A students who are not T.A.s taking English 680: Theory and Practice of Composition must receive grades of B or better on three peer teaching demonstrations. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The English Dept. has not implemented this assessment. 3. All teaching assistants will receive a satisfactory rating for at least one classroom evaluation by a faculty member each semester. Data Source: English Dept. graduate student files. Report: The Director of the Writing Program, who schedules these classroom evaluations, monitors compliance with this requirement. VII. Feedback into the Program A. Annual reports, prepared by the graduate coordinator, will contain results of the annual assessment, as well as any program changes to be made based on those results. The reports will be distributed to the Graduate School, and to the English graduate faculty. B. Each year, the English Graduate Studies Committee will review the results of the annual assessment to accomplish the following: 1. Assess effectiveness of prior program changes. 2. Determine needed improvements in the program. Reassess program objectives. Report: Reports on assessment will be distributed to the English Dept. faculty for discussion and suggestions. The appropriate departmental committees will consider the need for changes and improvements.      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