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Building on a strong tradition in the arts and sciences, the University offers programs in business, education, engineering, fine arts, and health professions, as well as in the liberal arts and sciences. Degree programs range from the associate to the doctoral level and encompass 75 fields of study; non-degree programs are designed to meet the specialized educational and training needs of individuals and organizations in south central Kansas. Scholarship, including research, creative activity, and artistic performance, is designed to advance the Universitys goals of providing high quality instruction, making original contributions to knowledge and human understanding, and serving as an agent of community service. This activity is a basic expectation of all faculty members at ֱ State University. Public and community service activities seek to foster the cultural, economic, and social development of a diverse metropolitan community and of the state of Kansas. The Universitys service constituency includes artistic and cultural agencies, business and industry, and community educational, governmental, health, and labor organizations. ֱ State University pursues its mission utilizing the human diversity of ֱ, the states largest metropolitan community, and its many cultural, economic, and social resources. The University faculty and professional staff are committed to the highest ideals of teaching, scholarship, and public service, as the University strives to be a comprehensive, metropolitan university of national stature. PROGRAM MISSION The Department of Biological Sciences contributes to the university mission by providing high-quality teaching for both undergraduate and graduate students and a scholarship source for the university and the community. This contribution is strongly enhanced by the ongoing presence of scientific research conducted by our faculty. PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL # 1: STUDENTS WILL DEVELOP A BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONCEPTS OF BIOLOGY. OBJECTIVE # 1: Students will demonstrate their breadth of knowledge of biological processes at various levels of biological organization. GOAL # 2: STUDENTS WILL PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP ACTIVITY THROUGH INTERACTIONS AMONG STUDENTS, FACULTY AND PROFESSIONAL BIOLOGISTS IN THE COMMUNITY. OBJECTIVE # 1: During one semester of their senior year, students will attend research seminars given by resident and visiting biologists or participate in a laboratory or field research project under the supervision of resident biologists or professional biologists in the community. GOAL # 3: STUDENT ASSESSMENT WILL BE INCLUDED AS A PART OF THE DEPARTMENTS REVIEW OF THE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM. OBJECTIVE # 1: Students will anonymously provide their perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of the undergraduate major utilizing a written survey instrument. LEARNER OUTCOMES Assessment of Program Goals Assessment of Goal #1: Students will be required to take the ETS Major Field Achievement Test in Biology before they are certified for graduation. Assessment of Goal #2: If students opt to meet this objective by seminar attendance, the student will submit a written term paper on one of the topics which was presented during the semester. If students opt to meet this objective by participation in a research project, the student will submit a written research report on the project to the supervising faculty member. Copies of the term papers or research reports will be forwarded to the Director of Undergraduate Program Assessment. Assessment of Goal # 4: During the last semester of their undergraduate program, students will complete a written survey instrument of their perceptions of their undergraduate program. The survey will be administered at the same time as the ETS Major Field Achievement Test in Biology (see Goal # 1). The results will be collected by the Director of Undergraduate Program Assessment. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNER OUTCOMES Results Data will be collected on the assessment instruments each semester. Feedback Loop Feedback Loop of assessment of goal #1 The ETS test scores for all majors will be collected by the Director of Undergraduate Program Assessment and evaluated by the Departmental Affairs Committee (DAC). A summary of the evaluation will be presented to the faculty at a special meeting near the end of the semester and discussion will center on the need for corrective action and what, if any, action is needed. Feedback Loop of assessment of goal #2 The DAC will review all papers. The authors will be identified only by their student numbers. The review will determine whether or not the objectives have been achieved. The results of review will be communicated in writing to faculty. Feedback Loop of assessment of goal # 3 The Director of Undergraduate Program Assessment will collect completed surveys and summarize the survey data. An overview of the results will be presented to the departmental faculty once per year at a faculty meeting. The faculty will discuss issues arising from that overview and decide if programmatic changes are warranted. GRADUATING SENIOR QUESTIONAIRE Biological Sciences Overall, do you think you got a good education in Biology and, if you had it to do over, would you major in Biology at WSU? Strongly agree => ( Somewhat agree => ( Somewhat disagree => ( Strongly disagree => ( Comments: Were you able to take the courses you wanted (or needed)? If not, what were they and were appropriate substitutions offered? Strongly agree => ( Somewhat agree => ( Somewhat disagree => ( Strongly disagree => ( Comments: Is the overall atmosphere of the department (faculty, teaching assistants, secretaries, etc.) one that is helpful and conducive to learning and scholarship? Strongly agree => ( Somewhat agree => ( Somewhat disagree => ( Strongly disagree => ( Comments: Are there particular faculty members you would like to single out as influencing you favorably in some way or as unusually good teachers? Can you suggest areas for improvement? How would you rate the facilities in the department? How would you rate the undergraduate research opportunities in the department? 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