ࡱ> ~ \bjbj .hhTtg=(.'''''''$k) ,';;;'';R';'V$@% (On6% ' (0=(B%x-L-%%Z-&:''g"=(;;;;- : Undergraduate Program Assessment Plan ֱ State University Department of Anthropology Campus Box 52 Peer H. Moore-Jansen, Department Chair Revised Fall 2008 University Mission: ֱ State University is committed to providing comprehensive educational opportunities in an urban setting. Through teaching, scholarship, and public service, the University seeks to equip both students and the larger community with the educational and cultural tools they need to thrive in a complex world, and to achieve both individual responsibility in their own lives and effective citizenship in the local, national, and global community. High quality teaching and learning are fundamental goals in all undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs. Building on a strong tradition in the arts and sciences, the University offers programs in business, education, engineering, fine arts, and health professions, as well as in the liberal arts and sciences. Degree programs range from the associate to the doctoral level and encompass 75 fields of study; non-degree programs are designed to meet the specialized educational and training needs of individuals and organizations in south central Kansas. Scholarship, including research, creative activity, and artistic performance, is designed to advance the Universitys goals of providing high quality instruction, making original contributions to knowledge and human understanding, and serving as an agent of community service. This activity is a basic expectation of all faculty members at ֱ State University. Public and community service activities seek to foster the cultural, economic, and social development of a diverse metropolitan community and of the state of Kansas. The Universitys service constituency includes artistic and cultural agencies, business and industry, and community educational, governmental, health, and labor organizations. ֱ State University pursues its mission utilizing the human diversity of ֱ, the states largest metropolitan community, and its many cultural, economic, and social resources. The University faculty and professional staff are committed to the highest ideals of teaching, scholarship, and public service, as the University strives to be a comprehensive, metropolitan university of national stature. Program Mission The department of anthropology undergraduate program offers programs and facilities at a nationally competitive level consistent with the needs of the local communities in the region of South Central Kansas while 1) providing a comprehensive curriculum for undergraduate students and an opportunity for non-majors to learn about the history and diversity of the human experience; 2) continuing to hire and maintain a highly qualified faculty to teach and guide undergraduate students; 3) contributing to a liberal education in the arts and sciences of all students by providing exposure to diverse cultural experiences, developing critical thinking skills and teaching an understanding of the complexity of human diversity; 3) promoting scholarly and applied research by the faculty and students; 4) providing assistance and public service to law-enforcement, medical, education, cultural resource management, and multicultural organizations in the local and regional communities. In addition to satisfying its role in the university mission statement particular to the metropolitan area, the program directly addresses the stated mission of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that is to cultivate intellectual curiosity and foster contemplation of the human experience and the natural world. As it administers its curriculum to students locally and state-wide, the program has become an essential part of the intra- and inter-state educational and research linkage between programs and governmental agencies at the local, state and federal level. It works with agencies including: local museums and organizations, the Kansas State Historical Society, the Kansas Department of Transportation, Medical Examiners Offices of Sedgwick and Shawnee Counties, The ֱ Police Department, The ֱ City Planning Commission, and the various local and federal agencies within Kansas or the surrounding states, the program addresses the University mission preparing students for and facilitating their placement in comprehensive and unique course work opportunities and providing them with an understanding of cultural diversity needed to appreciate and succeed in an increasingly complex world of the local, national and global community. Thus, the anthropology program seeks to develop a diversity of anthropology professionals who are well rounded in both theoretical foundations and practical skills and who can offer independent initiative and keen critical thinking, and who can serve in both leadership and in team capacities, making them highly attractive to employers locally, regionally, or nationally, or preparing them for acceptance into M.A. or PhD programs both locally, nationally or internationally. Program Objectives A. To employ and maintain a high quality faculty to teach, advise students in teaching and research. B. To maintain appropriate facilities for research and instruction. C. To teach students to command basic concepts, theories and subject matter in the three major anthropological subfields of cultural anthropology, biological anthropology and archaeology. D. To developing student appreciation of a variety of human social systems, E. To prepare students for employment and/or graduate work. Educational outcomes 1. Students will become conversant with the history, major figures, theories, methods, and classic works in general anthropology. a. Students will be able to identify the four subfields that make up general anthropology and discuss the interrelationships of these subfields. b. Students will be have a working familiarity with the concepts, terms, and findings in archaeological, biological, linguistic, and sociocultural anthropology. 2. Students will become conversant with the history, major researchers, theories, methods, terms, and physical evidence for biological anthropology. a. Students will be able to apply the use of the scientific method to address and investigate problems in biological anthropological inquiry. b. Students will be able to handle and interpret biological thought and evolutionary theory and understand the mechanisms of evolution and genetics. c. Students will have a working familiarity with the concepts, terms, and findings in human variability, human evolution, and primatology. 3. Students will be conversant with the history, major researchers, theories, methods, terms, equipment, and artifactual evidence for archaeological anthropology. a. Students will be able to handle and interpret archaeological data and understand methods and techniques. b. Students will have a working familiarity with the concepts, terms, and findings in prehistoric and historic archaeology. 4. Students will be conversant with the history, major researchers, theories, methods, and terms for linguistic anthropology. a. Students will be able to handle and interpret the place of linguistics in anthropological fieldwork, anthropological theory, relationship of anthropological linguistics to general linguistics. b. Students will have a working familiarity with the concepts, terms, and findings in language acquisition, language description, and language evolution. 5. Students will be conversant with the history, major figures, theories, methods, terms, and classic ethnographies for sociocultural anthropology. a. Students will be able to handle and interpret basic concepts such as society and culture, role and status, ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, norms, and the relationships between culture and the individual. b. Students will have a working familiarity with the concepts, terms, and findings in expressive culture, research designs, social systems, sociocultural change, subsistence patterns, and supernatural systems. Assessment of Program Goals A. The department will administer annual evaluations of faculty research, publication, presentations, teaching and serve. Evaluations will include student perceptions of instruction and educational achievements. B. Data will be collected annually on the number of students accepted, currently enrolled, and graduated. C. All graduating seniors are asked to submit a senior tracking form asking them to assess the anthropology undergraduate program in terms of the coursework, curriculum, advising, and its contribution to their professional growth (Appendix A). Assessment of Educational Outcomes Educational outcomes are is assessed by a sequence of three knowledge-based assessment instruments (1a,b,2,3) measuring the students coursework and research activities in cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and archaeological anthropology, throughout their stay in the program. 1a) Anthropological Essay: The undergraduate coordinator will work with individual instructors as a committee of two in the administration of a direct knowledge- based multi-component assessment of all majors in the program capstone class (ANTHR 647) each fall semester. Committee ratings will be averaged for each student and needing a 60% rating to meet expectations of demonstrated mastery of the program content. 1b) Pre-test and/or Post-test: The undergraduate coordinator will work with individual an instructor as a committee of two in the administration of a direct knowledge- based multi-component assessment of all majors in a select topical class in one of the sub-disciplines of anthropology each spring semester. Ratings of select questions administered throughout the semester. Committee ratings will be averaged for each student and needing a 60% rating to meet expectations of demonstrated mastery of the program content. Alternatively, students are evaluated based on a set of question administered in the first week of the semester and again later throughout the semester. Ratings will each be averaged for each student. Pre- and Post-test ratings will be contrasted needing a 60% rating on the post test to meet expectations of demonstrated mastery of the program content. 2) Transcript Analysis: A cumulative assessment of student progress in the capstone course is maintained for all majors requiring a passing score of 70% or higher. All undergraduate students must complete a required sequence of courses culminating in introductory core coursesAnthropology 101 - Biological Anthropology, 102 - Cultural Anthropology, and 103 - Introduction to Archaeology. Students are then required to select among further study subject, area courses, and history and theory capstone course (Anth 647). 3) Senior Assessment Survey: A senior survey (Appendix A. is administered to all graduating majors to assess their experience in the program relative to their goals in future academic work or employment. Our undergraduates generally go on to graduate school. So, in addition to training undergraduates for a very broad employment market, the department is training students for graduate school where they will need a foundation in anthropological theories and methods. Questions on the undergraduate surveys address the issues of the students success in gaining acceptance for further graduate study, the adequacy of their preparation for further study, and the relationship of their anthropological training to their employment success, personal and professional growth. Feedback Loop The department chairperson, in consultation with the undergraduate coordinator and faculty will the data annually. Current data will be considered during the final faculty meeting of each spring semester, following final exams and completion of final exams and class work. The anthropology faculty will meet during the fall semester of each year to consider both the most recent and any compiled assessment data. Program changes, if necessary will be made based on faculty consensus. Changes will be monitored in the course of the annual review of compiled and current assessment data. Meetings of the faculty to consider current and compiled assessment data will be called by the chair in consultation with the undergraduate coordinator. The data will be compiled every semester and a report will be generated annually by the undergraduate coordinator in consultation with department chair Appendix A DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY SENIOR ASSESSMENT FORM 1. Name: _______________ ___________________ ____________ Last First Middle Initial 2. Current mailing address: 3. Permanent mailing address: Current phone # (home): (___) ___ - ____ E-mail:____________________________ 4. How many semesters have you attended WSU? Starting: ____________ Expected graduation: ___________ 5. Please identify your anthropology degree (check one): Bachelor of Arts (Major) _____ Bachelor of Arts (Field Major) _____ Bachelor of General Studies _____ Please specify any other majors, minors, areas of study: Major(s): ________________________________________ Field major(s): ________________________________________ Minor(s): ________________________________________ 7. Do you have a specific study/research interest within anthropology? Please specify: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. While at WSU have you been primarily (Check one) Full-time (12 credit hours or more a semester) _____ Part-time (<12 credit hours a semester) _____ 9. Have you completed any degree(s) previously? (Check one) No _____ Yes _____ If yes, please complete the following information for each degree awarded. ___________________________________________________________________ Degree Area of Study Year Awarded Name of Institution ___________________________________________________________________ Degree Area of Study Year Awarded Name of Institution 10. Upon graduation from WSU do you intend to (check one)? Continue your education _____ Seek employment _____ Continue education and seek employment _____ Other Please specify _____ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 11. Do you plan to begin work on an advanced degree or a different major within the next academic year? (Check one) No _____ Yes _____ 12. Following your graduation, are you planning to obtain a (n) (check all that apply): M.A. _____ Ph.D. _____ Professional degree (e.g., J.D., M.D.) _____ Please specify area of study: __________________________________________________________________ 13. How many schools have you applied to for admittance? _____ 14. At what school(s) have you been accepted? 1._______________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________ 4._______________________________________________________________ 5._______________________________________________________________ ... 15. What school are you planning to attend? _________________________________________________________________ 16. What was/were your reason(s) for choosing this school? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 17. Will you be required to fulfill course deficiencies when entering the graduate program? (Check One) No _____ Yes _____ (If yes, please list the areas of deficiency): _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 18. Will you receive financial assistance from the school? (E.g.: scholarships, teaching or research assistantships, tuition waiver)? (Check as one): No _____ Yes _____ If yes, please specify what type(s) of assistance: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 19. Are you currently employed? (Check one): No _____ Yes _____ 20. After graduation from WSU will you (Check one)? Continue working with your current employer _____ Seek different employment position _____ 21. What type of position do you intend to seek? Please be specific! _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 22. Will the attainment of your degree in Anthropology improve your employment (e.g. promotion, salary increase)? (Check one) No _____ Yes _____ Please explain: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 23. To what extent do you believe the skills you have acquired in your anthropological education will enhance your job performance? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 24. Did you receive funding while attending WSU? (e.g., teaching assistantship, research assistantships, student assistantship, fellowship, etc.) No _____ Yes _____ Please explain: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 25. Which of the following facilities/groups/activities did you participate in while in the anthropology program? (Check as appropriate) Laboratory work _____ Museum work _____ Field work _____ Research _____ Anthropology Club _____ Lambda Alpha _____ Symposia/workshops _____ Community Activity _____ Colloquia _____ International trips _____ Exchange programs _____ Instruction _____ Attending Professional local meetings _____ Attending Professional regional meetings _____ Attending Professional national meetings _____ Attending Professional international meetings _____ Presenting papers/posters at professional meetings _____ Co-authoring publications/reports with other students _____ Co-authoring publications/reports with a professor _____ 26. Did you seek advising in curriculum planning? (Check one): No _____ Yes _____ Please explain: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 28. In the anthropology program, did you (check either yes or no for each question)? Find freedom to select courses within the anthropology program of special interest to me. No _____ Yes _____ Those courses complemented one another to complete your area of study? No _____ Yes _____ That courses contributed to your personal/professional growth? No _____ Yes _____ That overall faculty mentoring was satisfactory? No _____ Yes _____ That overall curriculum advising was satisfactory? No _____ Yes _____ Please explain whether you sought curriculum advising from a departmental advisor _____ a college advisor (advising center) _____ You did not seek advising): _____ Demographic Information Female_________ Less than 25 years___ Male___________ 25 29 years___ 45 49 years___ 30 34 years___ 50 54 years___ 35 39 years___ 55 59 years___ 40 44 years___ 60 + years___ Country / State of origin: ________________________________________________ City /Town / Place of origin: ________________________________________________ Native tongue: ________________________________________________ %&?@]  ) * 45ûاwhwhwYwYwYwhL!h2-B*mH ph@@@sH hL!h+B*mH ph@@@sH hL!hB*mH ph@@@sH hL!h+mH sH hL!hmH sH hL!hemH sH hL!he5\hL!hK5\hL!h0\ h~^~\hL!hyAm\hL!h\hL!h.d5\hL!hk5\hL!hC_5\hL!h5\&?@]lm ))*gd2-gd2-gd2-gde$a$gd.d$a$gdC_)*I_de 13zENOֺȬ֥֥֬Ȟ֖֞ψψψ hL!hie hL!h hL!h&hL!hie5 hL!h E hL!h, hL!h< hL!h hL!hVn hL!hu9 hL!hKC hL!hk hL!h0hH ~hL!hB*mH ph@@@sH hL!hQ`B*mH ph@@@sH 0OYZ&' 0d*$gdI 00d*$^`0gdyAm 0d*$gdyAmgd&gd2-7:VWXZ[\]^bk OPQR'2;C|} hL!hVn hL!hy%hL!hie5hL!hK5 hL!hr^} hL!h2- hL!h^ hL!h hL!hI hL!h0 hL!h, hL!hyAm hL!hie hL!h+=  ^ b p q !! ! !!!!! !(!\!]!!!!!!!!!!!?"@"A"B"D"M"R"""""""""##?#A#e#p#y#}#########;$>$o$y$$$$$%%=%F%G%H%Q%V%%% hL!he hL!h% hL!hk hL!hy% hL!hI hL!hyAmTp q ! !!!?"@"""d#e###n$o$<%=%% 00d*$^`0gdyAm 0d*$gdyAm 00d*$^`0gdI 0d*$gd% 0d*$gdI%%%%%%%%%-&0&{&&&&&&''Z'c'l'p'''''5(6(Q(R(S(T(V(v(|(((((/)})~))))))))8*9*O*V********ͽ͸͸Ͱ hL!hw>hL!h^5hL!h05hL!hw>5 hL!5hL!hoz5hL!hB5hL!h;5hL!htf5 hL!htf hL!h0 hL!h& hL!he hL!hyAm<%%z&{&Y'Z'4(5(6(R(S(+),)))****++--0gdTtgdgd2-gd2- 00d*$^`0gdyAm 0d*$gdyAm****+++$+_+++++++++/,0,R,s,t,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,----!-"-B-C-`-h-i-o-p----------,.-.h.p.u.½׽׽׵ϭ߽ʽhL!h5hL!h5hL!h]J5 h5hL!hN15 hL!5hL!h5hL!h5hL!hs/i5hL!hVq5hL!h05hL!hTt5Au...............//d/e/////0000+050:0?0T0U0\0p0q00000000001O1P11111111111򱩱򙡑hL!hs/i5hL!hN=5hL!h05hL!h5hL!h 5hL!h]J5hL!h5 hL!hTthL!h5 h5hL!h5hL!hTt5 h~^~5 hL!5hL!hJ:5900 3 3666-6.699999999999999999gd2-gdW;&`gd2-gd)ngds/igdTt12 2 2#2$2&2=2?2B2E2F2G2\2]2b2e2h2222222222223 3 3 333(3^3_3z33333333444P4Q4444444@5A55555555ʭʵ祽hL!h)n5hL!h 5hL!h|k5 h5hL!h^5hL!h]J5hL!h5 hL!5hL!hs/i5hL!h05hL!hZ1#5hL!hN=5A55666,6-6.6666"8+8889:9@9G999999999999ƾƾݟ}rdVh+hkY5CJ\aJh+h05CJ\aJhH ~5CJ\aJhL!hH ~5\ hH ~5\ h&5\hL!h&5\ hL!h^hL!hK5hL!hw5hL!h^5hL!hkY5hL!h}5hL!hW;&5 hL!hW;& hL!h0 hL!hH ~h0hL!h05hL!h 599999999999999999999999999999$a$gd&gd2-999::::::;;F;I;Q;T;_;`;s;v;;;;;;;;;;;<<<#<*<e<f<o<<<<<<< = ==d=>>>>>?? ?!?H?O?T???????????????,@/@<@=@@@@@hp8chu h+h@ h&hm5h& h&h^h&OJQJh05CJ\aJP999::S:::::::::::::;;G;H;;;;;;<gd&gd^$a$gd^<+<,<e<f<<<<< = =T=d=e===/>r>>>>> ? gdp8c^gd^ h^h`gdp8c^gd^ & F0`0gd^gd^gd& ?P?Q???????<@v@w@@@@@9A:A\AwAAAAB gd^ h^hgd^ `^``gdp8c `^``gdp8c@@@@@)A-A7A8ASA[AmAvAAAAAA[B\B]B^BBBBBBBBBBBB#C&CBCCCGCSCTCUCZCeCfCgChCiCCCCCCCCCCC5D;DD?D@DADmDDDEEEEEE1F3F4F5F6FoFFFG h&hYN`h^hp8chYN` h&hm5h@ h+ h&h^RBZB[B\BBBBBACSCgCCCCCCCD?DmDDD6EyEgd^ h^hgd^ 0^`0gd^ gd^yEEEEE2F3F4FoFFF9G|GGG(H)H?H@HqHrHHH^Eh%w h&hm5h>^EhH ~hp8ch+ h&h^ h&h+RIII]J^JtJvJJJJ1K2K_KaKwKKKK LLULVLLL M gd>^E gdH ~ gd^ 0^`0gd^ McMMMM,N-NCNFNWNXNNN"OeOOO.P/PrPPP^EQRR+R.R?R@RRR SSSSSTBTnTTTT+U`UUUV ^gd^ gd^ 0^`0gd>^E gd>^E*R?RSbScS|S}SSSSSSSSSSSTTT'T)T;TATBTTTmTnTTTTTTT_U`UUUUU VVVVVVUVWVYVaVdVjVVWWX X)X*X+X,X0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYY h&h%& h&hp8chp8c h&h$_"h^h$_"h%whH ~ h&h^h>^E h&h>^ENVVVSVUVkVnVVVVWJWWWW+X,XXX ^gd>^E & F gd^ gd>^E 0^`0gdp8c gdp8c gd^ ^gd^XXXXXYY@YCY[Y\YYYYYYYYY2Z3ZSZTZZZZ gd^ & F gd^ ^gd^YYBYEYIYQYTYZY[Y\Y`YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,Z0Z1Z7Z@ZZZZZZZZZZ[[[ \\\\\@\C\D\\\ h&hm5 h&hH ~ h&h{Ch{C h&h>^Eh^h>^EhH ~ h&h^ h&h%&4ZZZZZZZZZ"[)[Q[R[z[{[[[[[[D\E\\\gd^ 0^`0gd^$ 0^`0a$gd^ h^hgd^,1h/ =!"#$% ^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH :@:  Heading 1$@&5\DA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List RCR Body Text Indent$`a$CJaJB^@B  Normal (Web)dd[$\$HH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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