WSU Today: March 11, 2020


Assessment Symposia March 12, 2020

Interested in learning more about how to assess your academic program?

Looking for new methods of assessment that both informs instruction and leads to better outcomes for students? Join the University Assessment Committee and Dr. Marlo Schommer-Aikins for a workshop on “Basic Knowledge Needed to Develop an Assessment Plan” from 2-3:30 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, March 12) in 256 RSC.

The University Assessment Committee is in place to communicate university assessment methods and best practices, evaluate assessment data, make recommendations based on assessment data for improvement and accountability purposes, and to keep the dialogue of assessment alive across campus. Representatives come from every college, University Libraries, and the Divisions of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

Assessment Symposia

Wilson Baldridge March 12, 2020

Language and Linguistics Colloquium Series features Wilson Baldridge

You’re invited to the second talk in the spring 2020 Language and Linguistics Colloquium Series. Dr. Wilson Baldridge, professor and chair, Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, will give a talk at 3 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, March 12) in 227 Hubbard Hall. The talk is titled "The Language of Difference in Derrida's ‘How to Name.’" This event is free and open to the public.

Abstract: The percept of difference is fundamental, conceived as such in semiotics and linguistics. This talk approaches differencing and deferral as the renowned proponent of deconstruction, reading poet Michel Deguy, unravels the far-reaching question of how to name.

Ulrich event March 12, 2020

A.P. Vague, artist with WSU ties, to deliver lecture at Ulrich Museum on Thursday

An artist talk by A.P. Vague will be presented at 6 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, March 12), at the Ulrich Museum. The talk is titled "A Pixel is a Pixel is a Pixel: On Manipulation and Faith in Images." A reception will precede the talk at 5:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Vague, who earned a BA degree at ֱ State (2007) and taught here briefly (2015-18), is a multimedia artist and educator currently based in Chicago. His exhibition, "A.P. Vague: Digital Palimpsests" is currently on display at the Ulrich Museum of Art at ֱ State until Sunday, March 29.

Vague's work focuses on long-distance communication and working with alternative spaces. In addition to web-based and digital work, he has worked in experimental formats such as programming and live electronics at art spaces in Romania, France, the Netherlands, and elsewhere. Along with the degree he earned at ֱ State University, Vague also earned an MFA at Rutgers University, and has taught at Hussian College, ֱ State University, and Butler Community College. He currently teaches at DePaul University in Chicago.

Image above: A.P. Vague, Untitled (Palimpsest #2), 2017. Digital image manipulated using Photoshop and processing.

Ulrich Museum of Art

Rudd Scholars 2020

Rudd Foundation awards $1.1 million to winners of the 2020 Rudd Scholarship

The Rudd Foundation is proud to announce its third class of Rudd Scholars who will each receive a four-year college scholarship to attend either Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University or ֱ State University. The Rudd Scholarship covers all remaining tuition, fees, book, supplies and on-campus room and board after all other aid, grants and scholarships.

This year, 15 students will be going to ֱ State, nine will attend Fort Hays State, and six will take their scholarship to Emporia State. The Rudd Scholarship is earned through a competitive selection process that requires grades, test scores, essays, letters of recommendation and a personal interview. Only 30 students were chosen from the more than 1,300 students who applied.

Rudd Scholars coming to ֱ State

Danielle Bittner, Rossville High School

Tyrell Burns, ֱ South High School

Ricardo Castanon, ֱ East High School

Christine Cleary, Clearwater High School

Jillian Coleman, Salina South High School

Sarah Foster, Rose Hill High School

Bethany Hollingsworth, Elkhart High School

Alia Michaelis, Andover High School

Ebony Moore, Salina Central High School

Jordy Mosqueda, ֱ South High School

Amanda Phanivong, Campus High School

Mayra Ramirez, Great Bend High School

Jenna Rodehorst, Rossville High School

Janet Rodriguez-Morales, ֱ North High School

Bayle Sandy, Great Bend High School

History Department lecture March 12, 2020

History Department's spring lecture tomorrow explores LGBTQ+ activism in Cold War Germany

The Department of History will feature Dr. Erik Huneke, assistant professor of history, University of Central Oklahoma, presenting “What Difference Did a Wall Make?: LGBTQ+ Activism on Both Sides of the German Cold War Divide.” The talk will be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, March 12) in 218 Hubbard Hall.


WSU Dance Matrilineage Movement event this week

Matrilineage is a movement event sharing the stories of our memories of our mothers' and grandmothers' homes. This project is a collaboration between the ֱ State University Dance Program, The Lux in downtown ֱ, and Chandler Dances. WSU Dance undergraduate students researched and created movement sequences based on memories of home, and also interviewed their mothers and grandmothers to capture their stories of home. Recorded audio interviews will be part of the event soundscape.

At the beginning of each Matrilineage event, audience members will be invited to fill out a brief survey to answer questions about their own mother’s and grandmother’s homes. These answers (anonymous) will also be part of the soundscape throughout each event. Matrilineage will conclude with a Q&A about process, importance of recording memories, and identity tied to home. This is a perfect event to consider attending with your mother or grandmother.

Please join us at Matrilineage to see the impact and possibilities of collaborative, community dance tied to important past experiences. Performances take place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, March 12-14, at 7:30 p.m. at The Lux, 120 E. 1st Street in ֱ. To purchase tickets, go online to . If you have questions, email

ISME Colloquium on High Heat Flux Cooling Systems by Dr. Gisuk Hwang

Gisuk Hwang

Gisuk Hwang

Dr. Gisuk Hwang will present “3D Wicks for High Heat Flux Two-Phase Cooling Systems” at the ISME Colloquium from 11 a.m.-noon Friday, March 13, in 211 Engineering Building.

High heat flux cooling systems are crucial to desired performance and reliability of electronic devices, automobile, aircraft, spacecraft, energy and environmental systems. Capillary-assisted, two-phase cooling systems offer high heat flux heat removal capability with excellent mechanical reliability without active power consumption. However, a Critical Heat Flux and large thermal resistance limit the cooling efficiency, which is primarily caused by the liquid chocking to wick structures. To this end, we will discuss the recent advancements on enhanced Critical Heat Flux with reduced thermal resistance, using 3D wick structures in two-phase cooling systems, such as pool boiling, heat pipes, and vapor chambers.

Bio: Dr. Hwang currently works at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ֱ State University as an Associate Professor. Previously, he worked in Environmental Energy Technologies Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a post-doctoral fellow after he earned his MS and PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, in the field of thermal energy management systems and polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.

Service-Learning Showcase submit today

Service-Learning Showcase submission open - Submit today!

The Service-Learning Showcase is a unique opportunity for students who participate in academic service-learning to showcase their experience through a research or reflective poster about the application of their course work to current community issues. The showcase is an open forum for students to interact with faculty / staff, community partners and other students to engage in conversation about ֱ State University's commitment to the public good.

All students are invited to register for the Spring 2020 Showcase from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, in the third floor Shirley Beggs Ballroom, Rhatigan Student Center. More information including poster details, award categories and the registration form can be found at .

Questions can be directed to the Dr. Rhonda K. Lewis at or Dr. Chelsea Redger-Marquardt at

Signatures due March 14

Managers of USS and non-teaching UP employees – Your signature is needed!

Managers of USS and non-teaching UP employees should log in to myPerformance (through myWSU) to submit electronic signatures for 2019-20 evaluations by Saturday, March 14.

Helpful Hint: The Manager Signature (Step 5) will not be available if the Employee Signature (Step 4 due March 7) was not completed. Once the employee signs and submits their evaluation, you should have access to the Manager Signature (Step 5).

Note: myPerformance evaluations are available for 2020-21 competency and goal planning. Managers should add expectations, competencies, and goals for the 2020-21 review period, then meet with their employees to review and provide them hard copies of their evaluation for reference throughout the year. Competency and goal planning should be completed by Tuesday, March 31.

For more information (including quick reference guides and other assistance) go to .

Teaching Today March 2020

New Teaching Today addresses emergency preparedness for instruction

Instructional Design and Access is happy to announce this month's issue of Teaching Today is now available online. In an effort to bring everyone timely information, the issue centers on emergency preparedness for instructors. Have a look for practical advice and information. Have an idea for a future Teaching Today article? Please send us your ideas at

National Collegiate Health Assessment

Help WSU by taking the National Collegiate Health Assessment

Win a red parking spot for an entire semester or other prizes such as free massages and gift cards to the Shocker Store by entering a drawing through the National College Health Assessment and the Prevention Services Advisory Board. Simply fill out the survey sent to your ֱ State University email address and be automatically entered. For information, go to .

National Collegiate Health Assessment

Sustainability at WSU Research Group - Research interests survey and meeting

The Sustainability at WSU Research Group invites you to join together for a quick networking event to facilitate discussion on opportunities for collaboration between faculty interested in sustainability research across disciplines and colleges. Researchers from all departments are welcome to attend.

Please fill out a short survey (which should take less than five minutes) about your .  Everyone who responds will receive a copy of the file containing the information from all responses. You will be able to see who else is interested in collaborating and what their focus is.

Bring your lunch and meet colleagues from 12:30-1:30 p.m. today (Wednesday, March 11) in 200 Ahlberg Hall, or 12:30-1:30 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, March 12) in 201 Ahlberg Hall.

Life Insurance

Additional benefits included with life insurance

Basic Life insurance is provided by ֱ State University at no cost to all benefits-eligible employees, with the exclusion of KP&F retirement plan participants. The Basic Life insurance coverage is 150% of the employee’s annual base salary. (Example: An employee with a base annual salary of $30,000 has life insurance coverage of $45,000.) KP&F retirement plan participants can elect supplemental life insurance benefits.

You may be surprised to learn that Basic Life Insurance includes additional benefits at no cost. These benefits are also included with supplemental life insurance for KP&F retirement plan participants. A few highlights are highlighted below.

Life insurance benefits
  • Accidental death benefit of $50,000 for work-related accidents
  • Repatriation benefit of $5,000 or 10% of life insurance benefit, whichever is less. If you die more than 200 miles from your primary residence, this benefit would pay for expenses to transport your body to a mortuary near your primary residence.
  • Travel assistance program that provides a full range of 24-hour medical, legal, and travel assistance services to you and your dependents when you travel more than 100 miles from home or in a foreign country

You can find more information on both the Basic Life insurance and Supplemental Life insurance as well as beneficiary forms if you need to make any updates here.

These benefits are available for both personal and business travel. You can find more information on the Travel Assistance benefit here.

Questions? Contact

Undergraduate Research Forum 2020

Call for Abstracts: Undergraduate Research Creative Activity Forum 2020

The annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Forum (URCAF) will be held on Friday, April 10, in the Rhatigan Student Center. The forum provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students at ֱ State to present their scholarly and creative activity to a faculty, student and community audience, while competing for cash awards. Abstract submissions are due by Friday, March 27.

HealthQuest points at Heskett Spring 2020

HealthQuest points now available at WSU

There are more reasons to take part in Campus Recreation programs. Campus Recreation has partnered with HealthQuest to offer you 4 points for attending 40 group fitness classes between Jan. 1-June 30. We offer over 30 classes a week, so come support our student instructors, get fit and get credit for it!

We also offer 1 point for attending our nutrition discussions, future sessions scheduled from noon-1 p.m. Friday, March 13, and Friday, April 10. If you have been attending classes already, don't worry, we will backtrack from Jan. 1.

For more information or if you have any questions, contact Andy Sykes at

International Student Career Workshop March 2020

International Student Career Workshop tomorrow

This International Student Career Workshop, cohosted by the Career Development Center and the Office of International Education, will take place from 5:30-7 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, March 12) in 301 RSC.

International students are invited to grab a slice of pizza and learn about job hunting American style. At this workshop you will learn about CPT, OPT and Visa processes; cultural differences in the professional world; and American job search techniques and practices. You don’t want to miss this informative workshop.

Call for Poster - ֱ State University Analytics Showcase

WSU students are invited to submit a poster for presentation at the first ֱ State University Analytics Showcase on April 17, at the WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex.

This event is a great opportunity for students to present their data analytics research or applied project to the WSU community, industry and other stakeholders. The ֱ State Analytics Showcase will deepen your understanding of accomplishments in the field of analytics in terms of research advances, curricular programs, analytics software, hardware, and skill-building; and it is a great opportunity to interact with other Data Analytics researchers and practitioners.

Please submit your abstract to .

Note that you may use the same abstract that you are using for GRASP. The submission deadline is Friday, March 13.

Audiology doctoral students need participants for their research projects

WSU graduate students in the Doctor of Audiology program need participants for their research projects. They are studying clinical techniques in audiology for evaluating function of the ear.

Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 35, have normal hearing, have not had an ear infection in the past three months, nor had symptoms of cold, flu, or nasal allergy in the past two weeks.

Participants will receive a free comprehensive hearing evaluation and ear examination prior to testing. The testing will take about one hour. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Brigid Derby at or 816-405-4969, or Professor Xiao-Ming Sun at

Participants wanted for a study on dialectical thinking and creative problem solving

We hope to learn whether different age ranges (18-24) and (50+) experience different levels of correlation between diverse thinking and the ability to creatively problem solve.

You can complete the questionnaire called the Social Paradigm Beliefs Inventory (SPBI) which will score your dialectical thinking skills from Absolute, Relativistic, or Dialectical and should take about 30 minutes to complete. You can also choose to complete four problem-based scenarios, which we will use to determine creative problem-solving, and that portion of the survey should take no longer than 5 minutes.

To be eligible to participate:

  • You must be between the ages of 18-24 or 50+
  • Must have a fluent understanding of English
  • Must be an undergraduate at WSU

Contact: If you are interested in participating in this study, contact Mercedes Lubbers at or  to access the questionnaire.

Teen study participants needed

Are you a parent of a teenager?

The INSPYRE research lab is exploring what makes relationships healthy or unhealthy in adolescence

Purpose of this study: To explore perceptions of healthy and unhealthy relationships in teens

Procedures: After parental consent and teen assent has been obtained, teens will be asked to participate in a survey that gathers information on demographics and perceptions of dating relationships.

Time: This survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

Eligibility Criteria: Participants must be 13-19 years old, and must be fluent in English.

We provide flexible locations for study participation. Study participation can be done:

     *in person at Jabara Hall room 417 @ WSU

     *in person at an outdoor public meeting place (Eg: ICT Pop-Up Urban Park, Bradley Fair) *through email

     *through mail

Compensation: A small prize will be offered.

Interested? Contact the Inspyre Research Lab at 316-978-6180

Passage 2 Success March 2020

Passage 2 Success student leader applications open until noon March 16

Passage Leaders are an integral part of Passage 2 Success, a four-day retreat for incoming freshmen from diverse backgrounds to help in their transition to ֱ State University. If you or a student you know are interested in applying, go to . #WSUDIVERSITY

Applications are open until noon Monday, March 16.

Remember your home away from home is the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Preventing suicide training Spring 2020

You can help prevent suicide

Learn how to support your community with the #WSUWeSupportU Preventing Suicide training. Each training lasts an hour and a half and gives you the tools you need to assist someone in need through the Share, Ask, Support method. Upcoming trainings are available Wednesday, April 15; Friday, May 15; and Monday, June 8.

Preventing Suicide Training

Dream Run April 11, 2020

Support the 2020 Dream Run

Date: Saturday, April 11

Dream Run 2 Miles is a fundraising 2-mile run for a scholarship that is provided by Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc. and Student Government Association for undocumented students who are not eligible to receive federal student aid. Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc. and the Student Organization of Social Work will be hosting this event on Saturday, April 11.

For more information, call 316-347-6158

Registration is $20 for students / faculty / staff (which includes T-shirts)

Registration is $25 for community members (which includes T-shirts)

NOTE: People participating will have to fill a waiver form, so please bring it to the event. We will have extra waiver forms in case you forget to bring one.

Registration deadline for a guaranteed T-shirt will be Friday, March 20, in order to get your shirt on the day of the race. Any registration after that time will not be guaranteed a T-shirt the day of the race, but participants will have an opportunity to pick one up from 1-5 p.m. between April 9-11, in 208 RSC. Final day for registration will be Wednesday, April 8.