WSU Today: March 10, 2020


Teaching Today March 2020

New Teaching Today addresses emergency preparedness for instruction

Instructional Design and Access is happy to announce this month's issue of Teaching Today is now available online. In an effort to bring everyone timely information, the issue centers on emergency preparedness for instructors. Have a look for practical advice and information. Have an idea for a future Teaching Today article? Please send us your ideas at

Research workshops March 10, 2020

Plan to attend Research Workshop on Writing Proposals today

The Office of Research is offering a Research Workshop on Writing Proposals from noon-1:30 p.m. today (Tuesday, March 10) in 405 Jardine Hall. WSU faculty and staff are invited to attend to gain tips and resources for writing clear, consistent and successful proposals for external funding.

For more information or to sign up, email or call 978-3285.

Research Workshops

Search is underway for new College of Health Professions dean

The search is underway for a new Dean of the College of Health Professions. For a copy of the job description and a list of the committee members, please go to .

Joint Senate meeting March 10, 2020

Joint senate meeting today

Join the USS and UP Senates at 3 p.m. today (Tuesday, March 10) in 264 John Bardo Center, for their joint meeting. All meetings are open to the campus community.

Interdisciplinary Program Award announced

Interdisciplinary Program Award recipients announced

In order to advance WSU’s Strategic Plan and SEM plan, the Office of Academic Affairs held a competition to propose new interdisciplinary certificates, minors, undergraduate, or Masters programs that will be in high demand and that are focused on addressing the future needs of our students and the community.

There were 12 submissions, with four semifinalists giving presentations on Feb. 14. The winning submission, selected by the committee, was for a Minor in Sustainability Management. Congratulations to Raina Rutti, Kara McCluskey, Gery Markova, Gary Brooking, and Madison Laughlin!

KMUW Engage ICT March 10, 2020

Get your coronavirus questions answered by experts at KMUW's next Democracy on Tap

Everyone is talking about COVID-19, so KMUW is joining the conversation at the next Engage ICT: Democracy on Tap at 5:30 p.m. today (Tuesday, March 10) at Roxy’s Downtown, 412 ½ E. Douglas. The event is free and open to the public. Appetizers are provided by Roxy's Downtown, and drinks are available for purchase.

We'll discuss the coronavirus, including how to protect yourself and your family, and the potential impact it could have on our economy. Get your questions answered by doctors, nurses, and other professionals on our expert panel, including Camille Childers with ֱ State University Student Health Services, and Dr. Margaret Hagan, MD, with Infectious Disease Consultants.

The conversation will be streamed live starting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at

Design Thinking workshops April 2020

Add 'Design Thinking' to your list of skills

Learn the process and exercises for Design Thinking at Groover Labs in downtown ֱ at our workshop Thursday and Friday, April 16-17. The workshop enables participants to learn how to effectively manage change, incorporate a consistent process that allows teams to quickly assemble, contribute, and move from one project to the next successfully. It also empowers teams and builds trust within the organization, while curating strategic innovation that encourages ideas and reduces risk.

The early bird discount has been extended to Friday, March 20.

Sustainability at WSU Research Group - Research interests survey and meeting

The Sustainability at WSU Research Group invites you to join together for a quick networking event to facilitate discussion on opportunities for collaboration between faculty interested in sustainability research across disciplines and colleges. Researchers from all departments are welcome to attend.

Please fill out a short survey (which should take less than five minutes) about your .  Everyone who responds will receive a copy of the file containing the information from all responses. You will be able to see who else is interested in collaborating and what their focus is.

Bring your lunch and meet colleagues from 12:30-1:30 p.m. tomorrow (Wednesday, March 11) in 200 Ahlberg Hall, or 12:30-1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in 201 Ahlberg Hall.

Signatures due March 14

Managers of USS and non-teaching UP employees – Your signature is needed!

Managers of USS and non-teaching UP employees should log in to myPerformance (through myWSU) to submit electronic signatures for 2019-20 evaluations by Saturday, March 14.

Helpful Hint: The Manager Signature (Step 5) will not be available if the Employee Signature (Step 4 due March 7) was not completed. Once the employee signs and submits their evaluation, you should have access to the Manager Signature (Step 5).

Note: myPerformance evaluations are available for 2020-21 competency and goal planning. Managers should add expectations, competencies, and goals for the 2020-21 review period, then meet with their employees to review and provide them hard copies of their evaluation for reference throughout the year. Competency and goal planning should be completed by Tuesday, March 31.

For more information (including quick reference guides and other assistance) go to .

History Department lecture March 12, 2020

History Department's spring lecture explores LGBTQ+ activism in Cold War Germany

The Department of History will feature Dr. Erik Huneke, assistant professor of history, University of Central Oklahoma, presenting “What Difference Did a Wall Make?: LGBTQ+ Activism on Both Sides of the German Cold War Divide.” The talk will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in 218 Hubbard Hall.

Assessment Symposia March 12, 2020

Interested in learning more about how to assess your academic program?

Looking for new methods of assessment that both informs instruction and leads to better outcomes for students? Join the University Assessment Committee and Dr. Marlo Schommer-Aikins for a workshop on “Basic Knowledge Needed to Develop an Assessment Plan” from 2-3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in 256 RSC.

The University Assessment Committee is in place to communicate university assessment methods and best practices, evaluate assessment data, make recommendations based on assessment data for improvement and accountability purposes, and to keep the dialogue of assessment alive across campus. Representatives come from every college, University Libraries, and the Divisions of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

Assessment Symposia

Orientation Faculty Fellows 2020-21

Student Success: First-Year Programs is seeking Orientation Faculty Fellows for 2020-21

Student Success: First-Year Programs invites faculty to apply to become an Orientation Faculty Fellow. If you are interested in officially welcoming the newest members to Shocker Nation, we are interested in considering you for a Faculty Fellow position. Faculty should have a student-centered educational philosophy, demonstrated success in teaching new students and support out-of-class educational experiences. Letters of interest are due to by Friday, April 3.

Click here to see position overview.

Orientation Faculty Fellows will work closely with the undergraduate Transition Mentors (TMs) and the Orientation staff to provide a welcoming atmosphere while communicating expectations within the college classroom.

The time commitment for Faculty Fellows includes one 45-minute session during each Freshman Orientation program for students and their guests (Faculty Fellows and TMs with Success Coaches if desired), and one 40-minute session during each Transfer Orientation and Transfer/Returning Adult Orientation program for students and their guests (with the advising center from your college). We will schedule a meeting in advance of the programs to go over content and address questions. Orientation dates are listed on the Orientation website here.

You are also encouraged to attend lunch during freshman programs and asked to attend the college receptions during the transfer/returning adult programs.

Please note, we will have two Orientation programs scheduled in January 2021 for new students starting at WSU in the spring semester. We do expect participation from the Faculty Fellows during those programs as well. January dates will be shared when available.

Faculty Fellows may also be asked by International Education to assist with the International Orientation program annually scheduled the week prior to the fall and spring semesters. Look for communication from International Education when it becomes available.

Those interested in being considered for an Orientation Faculty Fellow position should possess the following characteristics:

  • Student-centered educational philosophy
  • Experience and demonstrated excellence in teaching first-year students
  • Genuine interest in mentoring new students
  • Support of the out-of-class educational experience

We will select two Faculty Fellows from each academic college. Each Fellow will receive a $1750 stipend for serving in this role, as well as lunches at programs throughout the summer. If interested, please submit a letter of interest indicating why you would like to serve as an Orientation Faculty Fellow and how you meet the characteristics above to Kim Sandlin at, by 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 3.


SNVC applications spring 2020

Shocker New Venture Competition applications open soon!

The Shocker New Venture Competition gives students the opportunity to win venture money as well as receive valuable feedback on their idea from industry experts. Each year this event connects students from all academic disciplines to take key steps in developing world solutions. Applications open Monday, March 16 though Wednesday, April 1. For more information about the Shocker New Venture Competition, go to .

Opera Theatre March 2020

WSU Opera Theatre presents Mozart's ‘Cosi fan tutte’

WSU's Opera Theatre is pleased to present Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte," a comedic tale of romance and the awkward situations that arise when you put love to the test. Performances are scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, March 19-21, and 2 p.m. Sunday, March 22, in Miller Concert Hall.

Sung in Italian with the English translation projected above the stage, the opera is free to all WSU students with your student ID. Please see the School of Music website, stop by the Box Office in Duerksen Fine Arts Center, or call 978-3233 to reserve your ticket.


Terrarium March 17, 2020

Make-and-Take a DIY Terrarium on March 17

Join the Women of ֱ State University for a make-and-take, featuring DIY desktop terrariums, no care needed! The event will be held from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 17, but you must RSVP by Wednesday, March 11, at  to reserve your spot.

The cost will be $12 for an hors d'oeuvres lunch and everything to build one miniature terrarium with easy-to-care for (artificial) succulents.

Face and eye study

Volunteers needed for a research study

Research Topic / Purpose of the study: Biometric-based Person Identification using Face and Eye identifiers. The purpose of this research is to reduce the error rates of the existing biometric systems based on scanning face and eye regions.

Procedures: Participants will be asked to provide their face and eye region data for research study in the field of biometrics for person identification.

Time: Participation is expected to last about 1 hour. The data will be collected in two visits 2-4 weeks apart.

Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:

  • Participants must be age 18 - 65

Location: ֱ State University 325 lab in Wallace Hall

Contact: If you are interested in participating in this study, contact PI Dr. Ajita Rattani at

Volunteers needed for research study 

Study name: Effects of Lower Extremity Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on Strength Generation and Interleukin 6 Levels in the Elderly

Research Topic/Purpose of the study: To determine whether Blood Flow Restriction therapy during moderate exercise by people 55 years of age or older results in improved functional activity and health outcomes. Such findings may provide a new approach to promoting health through moderate exercise.

Procedures: Participants will pedal an exercise bike with or without Blood Flow Restriction therapy for approximately 30-minutes, three times per week over a 12-week period. At the beginning of the study and every two weeks, blood samples will be collected and tested for proteins related to exercise and a 30-second sit-to-stand activity will be performed to assess exercise functional outcomes.

More information on research study

Time: Participation is expected to last about 45 minutes. Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:

  • Participants must be age 55 or older
  • No known muscular disorders
  • No known neurological disorders
  • No known cardiopulmonary disorders
  • No use of nicotine products
  • Not have diabetes
  • Not be in an active exercise program

Location: ֱ State University Heskett Center Cycling Studio

Contact: If you are interested in participating in this study, contact: Dr. Nils Hakansson at or call 316-978-5909, Chris Deck, PT, at, or Dr. Heidi Bell at

Career Closet Donations

Donations needed

The Career Development Center is in desperate need of professional clothing for our Career Closet event! Donate your professional dress items now through March 17 to Brennan III, M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Tuesday mornings).

Professional dress items include suits, dress pants, professional shirts or blouses, professional skirts, belts, neckties, briefcases, cuff links, tie clips, and more. We particularly lack women’s petite and men’s small. For questions, contact Kim Kufahl at 978-6981 or

Career Closet

Entrepreneurship Research Series

Entrepreneurship Research Series is here to grow and protect your business

Free registration for the Entrepreneurship Research Series can be found at .

These and other workshops hosted by ֱ State University Libraries take place throughout the spring semester!

Savvy Scholar Workshop March 13 and 18, 2020

Savvy Scholar Workshops help with all research needs

Free sign-up for Savvy Scholar Workshops is available at.

These and other workshops hosted by ֱ State University Libraries take place throughout the spring semester!

Shocker Store in Texas March 2020

Visit the Shocker Store in Texas

Going to the AAC tournament in Texas? The Shocker Store will have a shop set up with some never-before-seen Shocker gear! Visit them at the Springhill Suites Fort Worth University (3250 Lovell Avenue). They will open shop starting Wednesday evening March 11. Check the Facebook page each day for specific hours (depends on seeding / game time). Go Shockers!

Passage 2 Success March 2020

Passage 2 Success student leader applications open until noon March 16

Passage Leaders are an integral part of Passage 2 Success, a four-day retreat for incoming freshmen from diverse backgrounds to help in their transition to ֱ State University. If you or a student you know are interested in applying, go to . #WSUDIVERSITY

Applications are open until noon Monday, March 16.

Remember your home away from home is the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Family Movie March 13, 2020

Family Movie: ‘Inside Out’

After touring the Ulrich Museum of Art at Family Fun Day from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, March 14, join SAC in the CAC Theater to watch Pixar’s “Inside Out!” The movie will be shown at 3 p.m. in the CAC Theater.

Free crafts and snacks will be provided. For more information about SAC-sponsored events, go to or contact us at

Student Life Activities

Freddy's fundraiser March 11, 2020

Freddy's fundraiser for refugees

Mu Delta Alpha, hosted by Mu Delta Alpha in Partnership with International Rescue Committee (IRC), is hosting a fundraising event at Freddy’s tomorrow (Wednesday, March 11) at Central and Rock Road, to support the work of the IRC. We wanted to share in case anyone wished to support a ֱ-based restaurant (Freddy’s), and refugees and immigrants at the same time. Be sure to mention you want to support the International Rescue Committee or your payment won’t count toward the fundraiser.