WSU Today: Dec. 3, 2019

Fairmount College to induct three into Hall of Fame

A professional golfer/business owner, an ambassador and a physician, all of whom exemplify the merits and advantages of a liberal arts and sciences education, will be inducted at the inaugural Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame ceremony from 1-2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, in Wiedemann Hall. Induction into the Fairmount College Hall of Fame is the highest recognition of outstanding alumni who have had a significant impact on the region, nation and world. The event is open to the public.

Information on the inaugural inductees
  • Judy Bell, major in psychology; minor in sociology, 1961 - Bell was the first woman to head the U.S. Golf Association, and began her golf career at the 1950 U.S. Women’s Open at the age of 14. She is also a successful entrepreneur, operating seven businesses during her career. 
  • Robert D. Blackwill, majors in English and history, 1962 - Blackwill is the former ambassador to Brussels and Vienna and was the head of S.-Russia conventional arms negotiation in Europe.  He has also served as ambassador to India, presidential envoy to Iraq, deputy national security advisor, Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and is an accomplished author.
  • Donna Sweet, major in biological sciences; minor in chemistry, 1970 - Sweet is one of Kansas’s top HIV-positive and AIDS specialists and a noted national and international speaker on the subject.

Fall General Meeting Dec. 5, 2019

Attend the UP and USS Fall General Meeting this Thursday

Attend the UP and USS fall general meeting from 3-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, in the CAC Theater. Interim President Andy Tompkins will share the past six months in review, the transition to our new president, and what lies ahead for ֱ State.

Human Resources Director Judy Espinoza will provide an update on the transition to Market-Based Compensation, and you'll have an opportunity to meet the HR team.

UP and USS Senate Presidents Julie Scott and Matt Houston will share fall semester highlights and what’s next for the staff senates. Refreshments will be provided.

Unclassified Professional Senate

WSU-RIA Colloquium and faculty networking event

The WSU Regional Institute on Aging (RIA) is hosting a colloquium and networking event in conjunction with its recently released rfp. This opportunity is aimed at facilitating the formation of interdisciplinary teams of researchers interested in similar issues.

The event will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, in the RSC Lancelot Room.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Joseph Schlesinger, Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University presenting "The alarmscape in the OR and ICU - Considerations for the aging clinician and patient.”

Holiday reception Dec. 6, 2019

RSVP for the University Holiday Reception by tomorrow (Wednesday, Dec. 4)

Join the President's Executive Team during the University Holiday Reception to thank Interim President Andy Tompkins, and celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of 2019 on Friday, Dec. 6.

The University Holiday Reception will be held from 3-5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, in Shirley Beggs Ballroom, third floor, Rhatigan Student Center. Remarks are at 3:15 p.m. Enjoy refreshments and engage with colleagues in various games and activities.

Confirm attendance by Wednesday, Dec. 4, at .

Everyone is invited to bring a hygiene or baby product donation for the Shocker Support Locker. A list of suggested items is included below.

Suggested items for donation

Hygiene products

Shampoo / conditioner

Soap / body wash

Face wash

Hand soap

Toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss

Deodorant (men’s and women’s)

Razors, shaving cream

Tampons, pads, menstrual cups


Toilet paper

Combs / hairbrushes

Make-up / moist wipes

Hand sanitizer


Basic over-the counter medication (i.e. ibuprofen, Tylenol, Tums, Midol, Excedrin, Imodium, etc.)

Eyeglass cleaner / contact solution



Baby Products

Diapers of all sizes

Baby food (vegetable and fruit)

Pouches of squeezable baby food

Baby wipes

Burp cloths

Baby clothes

Picture books

Shampoo / baby wash

Baby lotion

Diaper cream

Baby formula

Baby bottles / sippy cups


Holiday Card Scholarship Dec. 3, 2019

Support the WSU Faculty / Staff Holiday Card Scholarship on Giving Tuesday!

Please consider making a gift to the WSU Faculty / Staff Holiday Card Scholarship this Giving Tuesday!

For over 50 years now, WSU faculty and staff have supported students by giving to this important scholarship fund. This year, three WSU students received scholarships totaling $4,670. The three students are a sophomore, junior and senior majoring in Applied Computing, Management and English-Language Arts 6-12.

This longstanding ֱ State tradition was established in the early 1960s by the late Nicholas Pronko, professor emeritus of psychology. Dr. Pronko realized that if members of the university community contributed a portion of the money they normally spend on sending one another holiday cards, deserving students could receive scholarships.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about ways you can support the WSU Faculty / Staff Holiday Card Scholarship, contact Aaron Winter at the WSU Foundation by emailing or call 978-3803.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope we can count on your support. Happy Holidays!

SBIR / STTR Innovation Summit Dec. 11, 2019

SBIR/STTR Innovation Summit coming Dec. 11

This is a livestream event from NMSU’s Arrowhead Center featuring powerhouse speakers addressing the Navy SBIR / STTR program’s $350 million in non-dillutive funds available to small businesses. On site one-on-one sessions with a Navy SBIR representative will be available by appointment.

SBIR / STTR Innovation Summit

Help celebrate Kirsten Johnson's retirement

Kirsten Johnson

Kirsten Johnson

After 35 years of teaching graphic design students at ֱ State, Associate Professor Kirsten Johnson will retire from the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries in the College of Fine Arts. The school will celebrate Kirsten’s years of service at a reception from 4–6 p.m. today (Tuesday, Dec. 3) at the Ulrich Museum of Art.

Please stop by to congratulate Kirsten and enjoy celebratory cake and punch. Well-wishers will also have the opportunity to see Kirsten’s work in the exhibition “Teachable Moments: The XXII Faculty Biennial.”

Banner 9 Scheduling Building Training – Dec. 11-12

New and experienced Banner Schedule Builders and Department Chairs are invited to attend the upcoming summer and fall 2020-21 Schedule Building Training sessions presented by the University Registrar’s Office and Applications Training on Wednesday, Dec. 11, and Thursday, Dec. 12.

Both Sections 1 and 2 are required for new schedule builders. Attendees will learn to enter the course schedule and view information using Banner 9, Self Service and WSU Reporting. Registration is required, sessions are posted on myWSU > myTraining.

Please contact Applications Training if you have questions at 978-5800 or

**Please note: Current Schedule Builders are encouraged to attend the Banner 9 Schedule Building Overview Session posted in myTraining.

Women of WSU Holiday Luncheon coming Dec. 12

Let's celebrate the holidays with a luncheon at Olive Tree Banquet Hall, 29th & Rock Road beginning at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 12. We are having a turkey lunch with chantilly cake for dessert. The cost is $16.

We will also have a gift exchange game. If want to participate, purchase and wrap a nice gift with a value of $15 to $20.

RSVP by Thursday, Dec. 5

WSU News page Nov. 2019

WSU News page has the latest campus news and highlights

Did you know Strategic Communications has a web page dedicated to WSU news, student success stories, campus life and research highlights? And nearly all of the content is produced by our amazing student interns. Check out our latest stories at .

New OU Campus Webpage and Document Accessibility open labs

Jeremy Webster, website manager in the Media Resources Center, will hold several first-come, first-served, no reservations Webpage and Document Accessibility open labs from 1-3 p.m. Thursdays in 124 Jabara Hall. Bring your accessibility questions and issues related to documents and webpages in OU Campus.

Accessibility Tip of the Week Dec. 3, 2019Update your syllabus using the accessible syllabus template

WSU provides an accessible version of the syllabus template. The most recent version can always be found at WSU’s Faculty Development’s “Teaching Support” page.  Remember that even the most accessible template can be made inaccessible. If you need to refresh your skills at digital document construction, have a look at this free accessibility training in accessible digital documents provided by the .

GoCreate Black Friday membership Dec. 2019

GoCreate Black Friday membership special

Get half off one-month memberships when you join GoCreate now through Friday, Dec. 6. Stop by or call 978-CRE8 (2738) today for more information!

Teen study participants needed

Are you a parent of a teenager?

The Inspyre research lab is exploring what makes relationships healthy or unhealthy in adolescence. The purpose of the study is to explore perceptions of healthy and unhealthy relationships in teens.

After parental consent and teen assent has been obtained, teens will be asked to participate in a survey that gathers information on demographics and perceptions of dating relationships.

The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. Participants must be 13-19 years old, and participants must be fluent in English.

Flexible locations are provided for study participation. Study participation can be done:

*in person in 417 Jabara Hall

*in person at an outdoor public meeting place (Eg: ICT Pop-Up Urban Park, Bradley Fair)

*through email

*through mail

Compensation: A small prize will be offered.

Interested? Contact the Inspyre Research Lab at or call 316-978-6180.


Santa letters Nov. 2019Santa letters available at WSU Post Office

WSU Postal Services is selling letters to Santa now to Friday, Dec. 13. The letters will be sent to Santa Claus, Indiana, and will receive a pictorial cancellation when sent to the recipient. The cost per letter / envelope is $1.50, and covers all postage.

Christmas sale Dec. 3, 2019

12 Days of Christmas sale continues today (Tuesday, Dec. 3)

Looking to find your favorite Shocker a holiday gift? Stop by the Shocker Store’s Rhatigan Student Center location for its annual 12 Days of Christmas Sale now to Saturday, Dec. 14. Or shop the sale online at .

New sale items are added daily and will stay on sale the remainder of the promotion, or while supplies last. Visit the Shocker Store each day to find out the new sale item(s). The sale item for today (Tuesday, Dec. 3) is $18 on select sweatpants and $10 on select hats.

Holiday parties at SSGL Dec. 2019

Holiday parties at the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes

The Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes offers reasonable group rates and is the perfect spot for groups looking to celebrate the holidays! We are available for groups from both on and off campus. You can see our rates here. You may also call 978-3479 or email for more details or to check availability.

Lunchtime Bingo Dec. 3, 2019Lunchtime Bingo

Come to the RSC Starbucks from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. today (Tuesday, Dec. 3) for some hunger-fueled competition. This is our last Bingo of the semester, and the prize topic is munchies. There is nothing better to help you get through finals than snacks, snacks and more snacks.

student dance

Watch Choreography I students perform dance inspired by the Faculty Biennial Exhibition

Professor Nick Johnson’s Choreography I students are performing at the Ulrich Museum’s exhibition at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4, at the Ulrich Museum of Art. The choreography I students are responding to “Teachable Moments: the XXII Faculty Biennial.”

Grad School mixer

Grad School mixer this Friday at the Ulrich Museum of Art

The Ulrich Museum of Art is excited to welcome WSU graduate students to explore galleries and mingle with fellow grads and faculty from across campus. The event takes place from 3-5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, at the Ulrich Museum. The event offers door prizes, giveaways food and more. It is free and open to all WSU grad students.