Meet a Shocker: Matthew Ferguson


Matthew Ferguson, a native ֱn, chose to attend ֱ State to be close to his family and discover his passions.

Matthew is one of more than 3,500 students eligible for spring 2021 graduation. Learn more about his time at ֱ State and what the future has in store for the grad.

What is your degree in?

My bachelor’s degree includes a major in marketing and a minor in management. 

Where are you from?

I’m from ֱ, Kansas. 

What led you to ֱ State?

I wanted to attend a local university to be close to family, save money and discover my passions. I also heard good things about the W. Frank Barton School of Business. 

How are you feeling leading up to graduation?

After four years of college, I’ve felt every single emotion possible. Currently I’m sad that a great chapter of my life is coming to a close, but excited to experience the next one.

What has been your most helpful learning experience while a student at ֱ State?

Every class I had with Dr. Brian Rawson, management instructor for the Barton Business School, was a helpful learning experience. I’m truly grateful for the wisdom he imparted to me and for his genuine desire to help students succeed in life. In addition, I learned a lot while working as a marketing intern for Strategic Communications at ֱ State. 

What has been your biggest challenge as a student, and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge was finding community. I entered college knowing only a few people. I am a sociable person and can make friends easily; however, entering a new environment was intimidating for a small, private school graduate. I overcame this by embracing my mission — “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12). I made the decision to make friends with everyone in my path and let God orchestrate my community. I acted on that decision by getting involved in campus activities and organizations I was passionate about. Spoiler: God didn’t disappoint.

What organizations were you involved in during your time at ֱ State?

At ֱ State, I was involved in Shocker Navigators, a campus ministry, Professional Edge, intramural sports and Strategic Communications.

What are your plans after graduation?

I hope to stay in ֱ temporarily and find a job in either video production or in content marketing. My short-term goal is to use my passions to help whatever organization I am apart of achieve its goals. My long-term goal is to become a film director and screenwriter, using the knowledge gained from previous jobs as stepping stones.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your time at ֱ State or your post-graduation plans? 

In some ways, COVID-19 has negatively affected my time at ֱ State. For example, my internship went online after only a week of being in-person. It certainly wasn’t what I signed up for. COVID-19 has also affected me in positive ways. It has taught me to be grateful for blessings and to optimize the things in my life.

What advice would you give other ֱ State students?

A person’s existence is not a random accident. It is a beautiful and purposeful creation. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you.” This means we all have an identity. I challenge every ֱ State student to seek out their identity, because it will change the way you think, talk and act for your good. It would be inconsiderate for me if I didn’t tell you what I am convinced is your identity. Your identity is rooted in what is true of you. God says you are loved (John 3:16) and called for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10). It’s my hope that you believe this truth and enjoy the results. 

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