3.56 / Rehire Eligibility

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for rehire eligibility at ֱ State University.

  2. Policy

    ֱ State University (“University”) may consider former Employees for rehire opportunities under the guidelines outlined in this policy. Any Employee who has worked for the University should be approved for rehire before an offer of employment is extended.

  3. Definitions

    1. Employee: An individual who, when hired, provides services on a regular basis in exchange for compensation, receives a W-2, and who does not provide these services as a part of an independent business. This includes temporary and part-time Employees.
    2. Leadership: Leadership includes individuals at the University who have Employees reporting to them, or Department Chairs/Directors.
  4. Procedure

    1. Rehire eligibility is determined when an Employee separates employment from the University, and is considered when an Employee later wants to return to employment with the University.
    2. Leadership is responsible for recommending an Employee’s rehire eligibility upon separation from the University.
    3. Leadership must consult with Human Resources before determining a “Not Recommended for Rehire” decision.
      1. If such decision is made, the Leader shares the decision with the Employee prior to separation, when possible.
      2. The documentation of such decision is added to the Employee’s personnel file in Human Resources.
      3. Employees deemed “Not Recommended for Rehire” will remain in such status for no less than one (1) year from separation date.
      4. After one (1) year, the former Employee may request for a review of their rehire eligibility status by Human Resources.
      5. If a determination is made to change the status to “Recommend for Rehire”, the documentation is added to the former Employee’s personnel file and the electronic record is updated.
    4. Employees who are determined to be “Recommended for Rehire” are eligible for consideration for rehire.
  5. Responsibilities

    1. Leadership

      1. Be knowledgeable of the policy and procedures.
      2. Communicate recommendation for rehire eligibility with Employees when they separate employment.
      3. Provide necessary documentation to Human Resources regarding Employee rehire eligibility.
    2. Employee

      1. Adhere to University policies and procedures.
      2. Discuss concerns with Leadership.