2.17 / Student Academic Integrity

  1. Initiating Authority

    1. The Provost or their designee is the initiating authority for this policy. The Provost is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the administration of the Student Academic Integrity policy. The Provost is responsible for notifying the University community of substantial changes to this policy.
    2. Additionally, the Assistant Vice President of Student Belonging or their designee serves as the primary Conduct Administrator, unless otherwise designated by the Vice President of Student Affairs. The Conduct Administrator is responsible for Student Conduct & Community Standards to oversee and administrate the policies and procedures for the Student Academic Integrity policy.
  2. Policy Review

    1. This policy shall be reviewed a minimum of every three years under the direction of the Provost.
    2. Other parties that may be included in the review of the Student Code of Conduct include:
      1. Student Conduct ∓ Community Standards office staff;
      2. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
      3. Assistant Vice President of Student Belonging;
      4. Vice President for Student Affairs;
      5. Faculty Senate; and
      6. Office of General Counsel.
  3. Purpose

    1. This policy sets forth the expectations for the responsible acquisition, discovery, and application of knowledge by Students at the University, including the ethical use of information resources, and to ensure the integrity of academic credit and degrees conferred by the University.
    2. The University is committed to the ethical pursuit of knowledge. To ensure the integrity of faculty evaluation of Students, all members of the University community share responsibility for ensuring that Students have demonstrated successful mastery of the learning objectives for each Academic Activity. By conferring a degree, the University is assuring the general public that the Student has successfully met all requirements for graduation, including meeting the learning objectives for each Academic Activity. Indifference to academic misconduct is not a neutral act-failure to confront and or deter such behaviors will reinforce, perpetuate, and increase the prevalence of academic misconduct in the University community.
    3. Students are expected to complete independent, original work for each Academic Activity unless otherwise specified by the Faculty Member. Students should seek clarification when in doubt. Faculty Members are required to communicate their expectations regarding Academic Integrity; including, but not limited to, collaboration, information sharing, and conducting ethical research. All syllabi must include information (or refer the Student to accessible information) on the Student Academic Integrity policy. Faculty Members are expected to adhere to the policy pertaining to the reporting and resolution of alleged violations of Student Academic Integrity.
    4. Discretion is expected by those involved in the Academic Integrity process, especially as related to investigations of academic misconduct allegations. Details should only be shared with those that are on a need-to-know basis, and in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  4. Policy

    1. Policy Compliance Expectation. As members of the University community, all Students, Student Groups, and Student Organizations are expected to display respect for the rights of themselves and others and to be accountable for their behavior. Lack of familiarity with University Policy is not a defense to a violation of this policy. Unless specifically noted in the policy definition, intent is not a required element to establish a policy violation.
    2. Academic Misconduct Prohibited. Students are prohibited from engaging in conduct that compromises the integrity of any academic credit or degree conferred by the University. Such prohibited academic conduct includes a broad range of infractions. The following list, while not comprehensive, provides examples of actions that violate the expectations for the responsible acquisition, discovery, and application of knowledge by Students at the University:
      1. Plagiarism - Representing the words, ideas, graphics, or any portion of another's work, whether published or unpublished, as one's own and/or without appropriate and/or accurate citation/attribution.
      2. Unauthorized Use or Possession of Materials or Resources - Using or possessing any materials or resources during an Academic Activity without the express permission of, or in a manner inconsistent with the express permission of, the Faculty Member. Unauthorized use of materials or resources includes, but is not limited to, any electronic device; course textbooks, articles, cheat sheets, other print sources; and/or looking at another individual's current or previous academic work. This includes submission of materials purchased or otherwise obtained by an outside or commercial source (e.g. ghostwriting or pay-for-paper services).
      3. Unauthorized Collaboration or Consultation - Collaborating or consulting with another individual or group during an Academic Activity without the express permission of, or in a manner inconsistent with the express permission of, the Faculty Member.
      4. Fabrication, Falsification, or Misrepresentation of Information in an Academic Activity - Providing fabricated or falsified information or misrepresenting information in an Academic Activity.
      5. Academic Interference - Engaging in any behavior or taking any material(s) for the purpose of interfering with an Academic Activity. Academic Interference includes, but is not limited to: removing, concealing, damaging, destroying, or stealing materials or resources that are necessary to complete or perform an Academic Activity; tampering with another person or group's work; and/or interfering with another Student's academic performance.
      6. Unauthorized Resubmission - Submitting an Academic Activity which has been previously submitted for credit, publication, or presentation without authorization from the Faculty Member to which the submission is made. This provision also applies when repeating a course, regardless of whether or not a grade was awarded for the previous enrollment period.
      7. Facilitation of Academic Misconduct - Engaging in behavior that facilitates another person or group's ability to engage in or causes another person or group to engage in academic misconduct, including but not limited to providing another Student with a copy of the Student's work and/or access to unauthorized materials or resources, or forcing or coercing another Student to complete academic work on behalf of another.
      8. Bribery - Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting any funds, goods, services, or anything else of value in exchange for an academic advantage for any Student.
      9. Unauthorized Sale, Distribution, or Receipt of Academic Materials - Buying, selling, receiving, or distributing academic materials without the express permission of the Faculty Member including, but not limited to previous assessments, study guides, solutions manuals, lecture slides, or any other form of intellectual property. This includes, but is not limited to, providing academic materials to crowdsourced digital databases and web platforms.
    3. Other Student Misconduct. This policy is intended to address misconduct that directly impacts the academic integrity of a course assignment, grade, or degree. Research misconduct, as defined in and prohibited under Policy 9.13 / Misconduct in Research, shall be addressed by that policy. Student conduct violations, as defined and prohibited under Policy 8.05 / Student Code of Conduct and the Student Code of Conduct Handbook, shall be addressed by that policy. Notwithstanding, academic sanctions may be made when the research misconduct or code of conduct violation impacts or is any way tied to the Student's academic work. Any dispute as to the applicability of Policy 2.17 and Policy 8.05 as it relates to any instance of misconduct, shall be resolved by mutual agreement of the applicable Dean or Vice Provost of Research (as applicable), and the Vice President of Student Affairs, or their designees.
  5. Definitions

    1. For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:
      1. Academic Activity - Any assignment; assessment; examination; project; applied learning (e.g. internships, co-ops, practicums, field experiences or trips, clinical experiences, or Student teaching) activity, document, or report; research; publication; presentation; or any other activity that is completed, submitted, and/or required to fulfill course or degree requirements or obtain a specific distinction, or is conducted in conjunction with an academic program or course.
      2. Conduct Administrator - the Assistant Vice President of Student Belonging, or their designee, authorized to address a Student, Student Group, or Student Organization's concerns.
      3. Faculty Member - Any member of the University community who has responsibility for classroom or other teaching activities, mentoring, or academic evaluation of a Student. This includes, but is not limited to, instructors, researchers, applied learning/practicum supervisors, teaching assistants, research assistants, graduate assistants, lab assistants, and course and program directors.
      4. Student - Any individual who has been notified of admission to the University; is enrolled in, auditing, or participating in any University course or program; is assigned a space in a University owned or managed housing facility; or has a continuing relationship with the University. This includes, but is not limited to, Orientation, Intensive English, National Student Exchange, and Study Abroad. An individual is considered a Student until they notify the University they are no longer a Student, or the University informs them that they are no longer a Student for reasons including, but not limited to, withdrawal, transfer, graduation, academic disqualification, or expulsion. An individual who has been suspended is still considered a Student during the suspension period. Students who leave the University before an academic integrity complaint is resolved may be prohibited from future enrollment and/or accessing University records until the matter is resolved.
      5. Student Group - Any number of Students who are associated with the University and each other, but who have not registered, or are not required to register, as a Student Organization that conducts business or participates in University-related activities. Student Groups include, but are not limited to, Student Government Association, Student Activities Council, musical or theatrical ensembles, sport clubs, or intercollegiate or independent varsity athletic teams.
      6. Student Organization - Any Student-led organization that has been approved and recognized by the University Student Government Association.
      7. University - ֱ State University (WSU) and its affiliates.
      8. University Policy - Any written guidelines of the University or the Kansas Board of Regents as found in, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct, Housing and Residence Life Handbook, Graduate/Undergraduate Catalogs, Student Organization ∓ Advisor Handbook, WSU Policies and Procedures Manual, Library Facilities Policy, Board of Regents Board Policy Manual, Traffic Regulations, and/or Intramural Sports Handbook.
  6. Administrative Procedures

    A full listing of the Student Academic Integrity administrative procedures can be found in the Student Academic Integrity Handbook. Faculty senate approval is required for all changes to the Student Academic Integrity Handbook.

  7. Applicable Laws And Additional Resources

    1. Student Academic Integrity Handbook
    2. Student Code of Conduct Handbook
    3. WSU Policy 8.05 / Student Code of Conduct
    4. WSU Policy 9.13 / Misconduct in Research
    5. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g
  8. Revision Dates

    1. January 24, 2023
    2. December 5, 2023 (maintenance updates only)